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Short Definition : slow; sluggish; N: one who lags; straggler

(noun) someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind Definition
(adj) wasting time
Synonyms : dilatory pokey poky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for laggard


wounded LAG makes you slow m sluggish

lag....legs.....+gard(guard)...so your security guard move very slowly and doesn't use his legs to move fast.....sluggish at his work

concentrate on lag, one who always lag behind the others means slow and sluggish.

laggard (lag+gaurd) so gaurd should not be slow or sluggish

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Laggard(Nigger+lags) :niggar means a black person,h always lags behind...i am aganist racism,just to remember the word

1) interpret LAGG as LIKE A SLUG thus laggard means slow like a slug 2) laggard means slow and a laggard person always lags behind in the work

reminds me of Matthew Hoggard- English fast bowler who was very slow on the field...


Short Definition : shallow body of water or lake near a sea; lake separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs

(noun) a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral
Synonyms : laguna lagune
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lagoon

lagoon sounds similar to monsoon ... when it rains a lot the pits nearby the coastal area is flooded with water , and form a lagoon !

samudrala lagoon


Short Definition : laypersons; laymen; persons not connected with the clergy

(noun) in Christianity, members of a religious community that do not have the priestly responsibilities of ordained clergy
Synonyms : temporalty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for laity

LAck of pieTY (piety refers to church or religion; clergy) hence person not connected with clergy

laity sounds like late..he...to church so lack of divine towards prayer


Short Definition : grieve; express sorrow; N. lamentation

(noun) a cry of sorrow and grief
Synonyms : lamentation plaint wail
Example Sentence
  • their pitiful laments could be heard throughout the ward
(noun) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person Definition
(noun) a mournful poem; a lament for the dead
Synonyms : elegy
(verb) express grief verbally
Synonyms : keen
Example Sentence
  • we lamented the death of the child
(verb) regret strongly
Synonyms : bemoan bewail deplore
Example Sentence
  • I deplore this hostile action
  • we lamented the loss of benefits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lament

lament = l[amen]t => we lament the death by saying 'amen'

lament ... We express sorrow if a great movie has a lame(lam) end(ent) ...

lame + end... sad that his life ended so lame. maybe we should sing a song to commemorate him

We feel sad when we see lame person


Short Definition : ridicule; N: written attack ridiculing or satirizing a person, group, or institution

(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way Definition
(verb) ridicule with satire
Synonyms : satirise satirize
Example Sentence
  • The writer satirized the politician's proposal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lampoon

LAMPOON- if you pour oil for a LAMP with a SPOON ppl will ridicule cos for a lamp you should pour a lot of oil!!!

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---kuch langoor jaisa lgta hai. aisa art jis se kisiki achi bhali shakal ko langooron jaisi bna dena lampoon---A composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way

if a man behaves like BABOON, then he will be subjected to LAMPOON

Lampoon rhymes with Harpoon which is a spear used for hunting....so when somebody lampoons you they hunt you with harsh satire.

Instead of using a harpoon to impale the whale, the clown used a LAMP = he used a LAMPOON.

associate it wid lambu..which is used while makin satires...

Lamp=copy, oon=paste "copy-paste"

lamp O on - replica kept on original


Short Definition : pierce with a lance; cut into; N: spearlike weapon

(noun) a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon
Synonyms : shaft spear
(noun) an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish
Synonyms : fishgig fizgig gig spear
(noun) a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions
Synonyms : lancet
(verb) move quickly, as if by cutting one's way
Example Sentence
  • Planes lanced towards the shore
(verb) pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight Definition
(verb) open by piercing with a lancet
Example Sentence
  • lance a boil
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lance

Lance Klusener, who pierces the field with his shots .

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lance is similar to DANCE. And we know few ladies wear hi-hills while dancing, it is sharply pointed. They use it as their weapon sometimes :) I don't have any experience though :) Just easy to remember this word.

LANCEr the car cuts throught the air

i broke my telescope lense and the sharp edge looks like a lance

Lance Corporal --- Weapon of armed forces


if u know lance armstrong, he had cancer. Lance was used on this lance to remove tumours.


Short Definition : small surgical tool for making incisions

(noun) an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance
Synonyms : lancet arch
(noun) a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions
Synonyms : lance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lancet

LANCET-LANCER is a car used by a dentist... LANCET is a TOOL used by a DENTIST

lance = spear; lancet = knife (for medical)

a picture aid.. remember munna bhai holding a 'lancet' in movie munnabhai mbbs.. the scene where he is abt 2 disect a dead body and faints!


Short Definition : lacking energy or vitality; weary; sluggish; listless

(adj) lacking spirit or liveliness
Example Sentence
  • a lackadaisical attempt
  • a languid mood
  • a languid wave of the hand
  • a hot languorous afternoon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for languid

i will always be studying a book called "LAN guide" with less spirit... because i am least interested in lan..

languid sounds similar to language..language classes are generally boring..

(lan+quit)your lann quits from chut when you have no energy left or u are tired (pardon my language pls)

languid sounds like rapid ; but it means just the opposite !

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languid = lazy kid; lazy kids are slow!

sounds like LANGDI....langde log are slow and they lack vigour

landaa ~ feeble

lag(lang)—who lags behind is slow, lazy and weak

similar to languish


Short Definition : lose animation or strength

(verb) lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief
Synonyms : pine away waste
Example Sentence
  • After her husband died, she just pined away
(verb) have a desire for something or someone who is not present
Synonyms : ache pine yearn yen
Example Sentence
  • She ached for a cigarette
  • I am pining for my lover
(verb) become feeble
Synonyms : fade
Example Sentence
  • The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for languish

lang(LAckiNG)a uish(wish)..think of a person who is lacking a wish to do something, and such kind of a person automatically loses his strength.

sounds like EXTINGUISH-wen a person losing strength aur virality or become exhausted then we say that he is extinghuishing

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The word has the same root as "lax" which means negligent and careless. A person is negligent ang careless only when he is weak and lacks the strength to do the work energetically which is the meaning of languish.

you languish when you are in anguish.

Languish when Anguish(severe/ acute pain)...

you languish when you are in anguish.


Short Definition : lack of physical or mental energy; lassitude; depression

(noun) a relaxed comfortable feeling
Synonyms : dreaminess
(noun) a feeling of lack of interest or energy
Synonyms : lassitude listlessness
(noun) inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy
Example Sentence
  • the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for languor

sounds kind of like 'Lack of Anger' = Languor meaning emotional softness or tenderness, lack of energy and spirit

Languor -> Langor is a indian monkey who is very lethargic.

remember Justin Langer in Australian Cricket team...... he used to play vey slow

can be taken as lack of vigor..lan-guor

sounds like lumber, which means sluggish, heavy, difficult to move, as of lumbering giants.

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sounds lyk "langoor" who has a lot of energy...so "languor" is opposite to it ...i.e.lack of energy

languish languid languor all mean the same

languor(liquor)=liquors are depressants

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