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Short Definition : wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. lurid details of the murder

(adj) horrible in fierceness or savagery
Example Sentence
  • lurid crimes
  • a lurid life
(adj) glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
Synonyms : shocking
Example Sentence
  • lurid details of the accident
(adj) shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke
Example Sentence
  • a lurid sunset
  • lurid flames
(adj) ghastly pale
Example Sentence
  • moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lurid

lurid..concentrate on de last 4 letters-ur+id.so if someone hacks UR mail ID,he has gotta be a SENSATIONAL hacker and in response to this u would become WILD

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lurid.....luri..similar to lure...lure means ..attract. charming...so something that lures you , and you are strongly attracted by it..you cant control your feelings, and at any cost you want to get it...and to get it you can do anything...so you are

lurid ~ horrid ; horrid , horrifying .. somewhat same .. horrible , wild , sensational ...

correlate "lurid" oppositely to "lucid". Lucid means clear then lurid will be unclear due to ghastly pale color.

LURID (Looreed): Sounds like the combination of two words. "Look" and "Red". Thus, LURID Sounds like Look Red and something that looks red is attractive, shocking and ghastly and bad.

Lure+Id(identify)....if someone lures you and you indulge in sex but you are identified and you are shown on news channel...that experience will be ghastly or horrifying for u i.e lurid

so you are wild..crazy...very much sensational....and in this state you can murder also .so..you are lurid.

so you are wild..crazy...very much sensational....and in this state you can murder also .so..you are lurid.

When fishing, I use a RED LURE or LURE RED which is shocking, gruesome, and sensational to the fish that bites into it.

On the cover of some magazines u can see pretty LURID pictures put there to LURE u to buy them

LURID related to LEERY meaning detestable or horrifying

conc. on rid....so when u you want to get rid from someone u turned wild, guesome and horrible

Sounds like LURE IT, sensational/graphical(lurid) cover stories LURe(attract) people...


Short Definition : stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived

(verb) lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner
Synonyms : skulk
(verb) be about
Example Sentence
  • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
  • Who is this man that is hanging around the department?
(verb) wait in hiding to attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lurk

lurk.... when pronounced rhymes like LOOK...so you must look to see if someone is waiting to attack you.?..you should look carefully at your surroundings....(basically it is taken from German lūren which means to lie in wait)

luka hua hai , attack karne ke liye

lurk=clerck....clerks in police station often lurk near the office of senior inspectors so that they can over hear some important newz and then leak them outside to the press and gain money.........:)

Lurk, skulk, sneak, prowl suggest avoiding observation, often because of a sinister purpose. To lurk is to lie in wait for someone or to hide about a place, often without motion, for periods of time..

behave like "sherelock holmes" or "james bond" :)

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lurk sounds like bark..........so the dogs bark only at those moving stealthily(which thieves do)

lurk for the larki to say I Love U


Short Definition : pleasing to taste or smell; delicious

(adj) having strong sexual appeal
Example Sentence
  • juicy barmaids
  • a red-hot mama
  • a voluptuous woman
  • a toothsome blonde in a tight dress
(adj) extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for luscious

rhymes with delicious. and it means delicous. (in fact it is derived from delicious)

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laziz khana hai


Short Definition : (of a plant or grass) growing very well

(noun) a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually Definition
(adj) produced or growing in extreme abundance
Example Sentence
  • their riotous blooming
(adj) characterized by extravagance and profusion
Example Sentence
  • a lavish buffet
  • a lucullan feast
(adj) full of juice
Synonyms : succulent
Example Sentence
  • lush fruits
  • succulent roast beef
  • succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves


Short Definition : intense sexual desire; intense eagerness; V.

(noun) a strong sexual desire Definition
(noun) self-indulgent sexual desire (personified as one of the deadly sins)
Synonyms : luxuria
(verb) have a craving, appetite, or great desire for
Synonyms : crave hunger starve thirst


Short Definition : shine; gloss (of a polished surface)

(noun) a quality that outshines the usual Definition
(noun) the visual property of something that shines with reflected light
Synonyms : lustre sheen shininess
(noun) a surface coating for ceramics or porcelain
Synonyms : lustre


Short Definition : shining; brilliant; Ex. lustrous hair

(adj) made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow
Example Sentence
  • bright silver candlesticks
  • a burnished brass knocker
  • she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves
  • rows of shining glasses
  • shiny black patents
(adj) brilliant
Example Sentence
  • set a lustrous example for others to follow
  • lustrous actors of the time
(adj) reflecting light
Example Sentence
  • glistening bodies of swimmers
  • the horse's glossy coat
  • lustrous auburn hair
  • saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet
  • shining white enamel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lustrous

illustrate -> lustrous : hair illustration after using shampoo


Short Definition : abundant; growing healthily and in large amounts; excessively ornate; rich and splendid; fertile; Ex. luxuriant forests/prose; CF. luxurious, luxuriate

(adj) marked by complexity and richness of detail
Synonyms : elaborate
Example Sentence
  • an elaborate lace pattern
(adj) displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
Example Sentence
  • an epicurean banquet
  • enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs
  • Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
  • a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness
(adj) produced or growing in extreme abundance
Example Sentence
  • their riotous blooming
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for luxuriant

LuxuriANT : AbundANT (to distinguish it from luxurious)

LUX soaps are abundant in the market


Short Definition : take pleasure in great comfort

(verb) become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously
Synonyms : wanton
(verb) enjoy to excess
Synonyms : indulge
Example Sentence
  • She indulges in ice cream
(verb) thrive profusely or flourish extensively
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