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Short Definition : metal-bearing vein(long deposit of an ore)

(noun) a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
Synonyms : load
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lode

Lode(Hindi)becomes as hard as metal & has Veins,which r visible

remember the game: lode runner, in which the piece runs to collect gold(metal)

Lode(hindi)is as hard as metal & carries Veins which r visible

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The North Star is also called the Lodestar. Like a compass, the Lodestar guides you north. Compasses function using a magnet or lodestone made of ORE.

Lode = Line (vein) + ore (metal). Therefore, Lode = Line bearing ore.


Short Definition : room or space under the roof; attic

(noun) floor consisting of a large unpartitioned space over a factory or warehouse or other commercial space Definition
(noun) floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage
Synonyms : attic garret
(noun) (golf) the backward slant on the head of some golf clubs that is designed to drive the ball high in the air Definition
(noun) a raised shelter in which pigeons are kept
Synonyms : pigeon loft
(verb) store in a loft Definition
(verb) propel through the air
Example Sentence
  • The rocket lofted the space shuttle into the air
(verb) kick or strike high in the air
Example Sentence
  • loft a ball
(verb) lay out a full-scale working drawing of the lines of a vessel's hull


Short Definition : very high

(adj) of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
Example Sentence
  • an exalted ideal
  • argue in terms of high-flown ideals
  • a noble and lofty concept
  • a grand purpose
(adj) of imposing height; especially standing out above others
Synonyms : eminent soaring towering
Example Sentence
  • an eminent peak
  • lofty mountains
  • the soaring spires of the cathedral
  • towering icebergs
(adj) having or displaying great dignity or nobility
Synonyms : gallant majestic proud
Example Sentence
  • a gallant pageant
  • lofty ships
  • majestic cities
  • proud alpine peaks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lofty

he played a lofted shot in the air

Sounds like 'SOFTY' Imagine a very big SOFTY(ICECREAM) in your hand. So big that you have to twist your neck back to see its topping cream.

"lofty" sounds like "nifty" == whose share point is always high

don't know if anyone has heard about it or not but in bob the builder cartoons there was a crane named lofty


Short Definition : record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities; section of a trunk; V.

(noun) a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches Definition
(noun) the exponent required to produce a given number
Synonyms : logarithm
(noun) a written record of messages sent or received
Example Sentence
  • they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station
  • an email log
(noun) a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane) Definition
(noun) measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water Definition
(verb) enter into a log, as on ships and planes Definition
(verb) cut lumber, as in woods and forests
Synonyms : lumber
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for log

every mobile has a LOG FILE, in which all your call RECORDS are stored...


Short Definition : hang about/around; stand idly about; linger

(verb) be about
Example Sentence
  • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
  • Who is this man that is hanging around the department?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for loiter

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remembers lighter(cigar) if u dint have it u will hand around others asking for it......

loiter..lottery..when you win a lottery.. people HANG around you like anything..

Sounds like ligher [airy], that means can hang out easily.


Short Definition : lounge about

(verb) hang loosely or laxly
Synonyms : droop
Example Sentence
  • His tongue lolled
(verb) be lazy or idle
Example Sentence
  • Her son is just bumming around all day
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for loll

Think of person singing loll la lolla la la la la .. So he has nothing to do ,so he is lounging about, lazily

loll = lol+l = LAUGHING OUT LOUD [its the sms slang..so we "lol" when we have no other work

this is easy - Lol. we say Lol ONLY when we are chatting. When we chat we waste time lazily by laying around. So Loll is wasting time lazily

lal-wall-loll lall(red)- imagine urself lounging against a lal(red) wall- u r lolling .

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LOL=Laugh Out Loud and LOLL= Laugh Out Loud in a Lounge ;)

a person having LOLLy pop feels lazy, or he have LOLLy pop when he is idle


Short Definition : long life; long duration

(noun) duration of service
Synonyms : length of service
Example Sentence
  • her longevity as a star
  • had unusual longevity in the company
(noun) the property of being long-lived
Synonyms : seniority
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for longevity

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VIT- taking vitamins gives you longevity.

longe(long)+vity(vive, vit..means..life)...so some one bless you with saying LIVE LONG.

long + "live"ty...living long...


Short Definition : act of keeping watch; high place commanding a wide view; person who keeps watch

(noun) a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event Definition
(noun) an elevated post affording a wide view
Synonyms : observation post
(noun) a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings Definition
(noun) the act of looking out
Synonyms : outlook


Short Definition : appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged, indistinct, or distorted form); Ex. The shadow of the gallows loomed threateningly. N: apparatus for making thread into cloth

(noun) a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile Definition
(verb) come into view indistinctly, often threateningly
Example Sentence
  • Another air plane loomed into the sky
(verb) appear very large or occupy a commanding position
Synonyms : hulk predominate tower
Example Sentence
  • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
  • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall
(verb) hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
Synonyms : brood bulk large hover
Example Sentence
  • The terrible vision brooded over her all day long
(verb) weave on a loom
Example Sentence
  • materials loomed in Egypt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for loom

it sounds like 'zoom', so even when you zoom a picture or photo it enlarges & if you zoom it more it gets a bit distorted

danger "loomed" large.. a common phrase

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Look- remember it by word 'looking' which is rather near in meaning.

we have looming factories where clothes are weaved.. it has large large machines...

"Handloom" cloths are brought to shape with hands


Short Definition : gallop slowly

(noun) a slow pace of running
Synonyms : jog trot
(noun) a smooth three-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop
Synonyms : canter
(verb) run easily
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lope

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elope = lope with an e factor(electronically fast) but lope doesnt hav it so it is a slow affair

lope:- slope ...move slowly

missing text !!!LOL

lope = gallop

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