• word of the day


    panache - Dictionary definition and meaning for word panache

    (noun) distinctive and stylish elegance
    Synonyms : dash , elan , flair , style
    Example Sentence
    • he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
    (noun) a feathered plume on a helmet
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ir reminds of the movie FASHION.all de top models wer frm panache..therefore u cn relate it to stylish way of dressin

panache.. sounds like moustache... ppl grow differnts kinds of moustaches to appear stylish

if u have seen the movie "FASHION"... priyanka chopra models for the company PANACHE,,, which shows pryinaka chopra is stylish , energetic, and famboyant

people eat PAN to showoff, but they don't know that it will cause ACHE

sounds like headache so they can do things with out head ache

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