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Short Definition : chain or strap used with a bit to restrain a horse; something that checks; V: check; restrain

(noun) an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)
Synonyms : curbing kerb
(noun) a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
Synonyms : curb bit
(noun) a stock exchange in New York Definition
(noun) the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
Synonyms : bridle check
Example Sentence
  • his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper
(verb) lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
Example Sentence
  • moderate your alcohol intake
  • hold your tongue
  • hold your temper
  • control your anger
(verb) to put down by force or authority
Example Sentence
  • suppress a nascent uprising
  • stamp down on littering
  • conquer one's desires
(verb) keep to the curb
Example Sentence
  • curb your dogs
(verb) place restrictions on
Example Sentence
  • curtail drinking in school
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curb

It was very difficult to CURB(control/restrain) myself after seeing those luscious CURVEs in her body. ;)


Short Definition : regulation requiring all people to leave the streets at stated times; signal (as a bell) announcing the hour of a curfew

(noun) the time that the curfew signal is sounded Definition
(noun) a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions Definition
(noun) an order that after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curfew

CUR cover few fuel = cover fire fuel at night to prevent the disaster of out of control burning


Short Definition : churlish, miserly individual; bad-tempered old person

(noun) a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curmudgeon

Cur-mud-geon Car mud main gone... to driver went bad tempered... i.e. curmudgeon..

(sir+mut+jiyo) means sir u have already become OLD so now ab mat jiyo.....

like karamjali(old cantankerous lady)

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think of a thick layer of mud on car... nothing affect it..stubborn

like Harbhajan, a bad tempered person

In telugu this guy is chadastapu musalodu. His wife will always say na kharma em jeevitham ra nayna

cur + mud + geon = kar + mud + g-one. recall g one from movie ra-one. he is a bad guy and we are asking him to kar mud (gandagi failao)


Short Definition : (of writing) flowing; running; having the successive letters joined

(noun) rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper Definition
(adj) having successive letter joined together
Example Sentence
  • cursive script
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cursive

recursive=re running(running again and again)

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Remember Cursive writing we practised in junior school. Writing in a flow

remember it as all words are given CURSE to be together forever to form words, so CURSIVE means joined handwriting


Short Definition : casual; hastily done with little attention to detail

(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
Example Sentence
  • a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
  • a passing glance
  • perfunctory courtesy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cursory

relate it to the cursor on your computer screen..the mouse is used to move the cursor hastily without going into minor details

curs(CURSE)..SO you always CURSE a person who does his work hastily with little attention to details that you provide, results in failure of your plan.

kasahi..(cursory). hastily done

Sounds like Kar Sorry. When you do things hastily you end up in "Kar Sorry ab"

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cursory..sounds like nursey.imagine u were asked to prepare for nursery rhymes for interview...what will u do....u'll go hastily through it assuming u already know it

You know the meaning of cursive.Now,just remember this way.When do a teacher scolds a child to write in cursive wrting? When the child is causal in his writing or when he is hastily writing with little attention to detail.

i am so SORY i did not pay attention to the details. now I am CURSing myself.


Short Definition : shorten; reduce

(verb) place restrictions on
Synonyms : curb cut back restrict
Example Sentence
  • curtail drinking in school
(verb) terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent
Synonyms : clip cut short
Example Sentence
  • My speech was cut short
  • Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curtail

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curTAIL. Can be read as cur + TAIL or cutting the tail of an animal, ie reducing it. So curTAIL is to shorten or to reduce.

if you put CURTains to yur door or windows it will REDUCE the width of the door or window

we use curtains to RESTRICT others seeing us (say while changing our clothes :D)...!!!


Short Definition : skeptical or distrustful of human motives; N. cynicism; CF. cynic: person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness

(adj) believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cynical

cynical is one who is skeptic of others because he thinks they have done SINs

Sainik(cynic) .. never BELIEVE pakistani sainiks. they ll hit u from back.

SOUNDS VERY CLOSE TO PSYCHIC...AND a psychic person is always skeptical in nature.

souns like clinical. i dont know but out of some arcne reason every dentist in his clinic is skeptical(cynical) about the patient and that is why he shows no mercy in removing the patient's tooth

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Misanthrope means one who hates man kind

cynical ryhmes with SIGN ..we sign documents because of distrust of human motives


Short Definition : object of general attention; person or thing that is a center of attention; CF. Ursa Minor

(noun) something that provides guidance (as Polaris guides mariners)
Example Sentence
  • let faith be your cynosure to walk by
(noun) something that strongly attracts attention and admiration
Example Sentence
  • if he was the cynosure of all eyes he didn't notice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cynosure

relate it with dinosaur......which is always a center of attraction.

relate it with Exposure...Malika Sherawat became the object of attraction with exposure of her body [:)].

CYNOSURE -> SIGN + ASSURE. The road SIGN was a cynosure that ASSURED me I was going the right direction.

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a typical wife saying to her husband: suno zaraa...chintu to nilha do...means husband is the center of attention for all work

cynosure = look that it is placed infront of your nose.

replace c by e , y by x , n by p, and you get exposure. so its like "sign of exposure" . An exposed person is a centre of attention so much as a sign of guidance


Short Definition : work at in a nonserious fashion; splash around; move noisily in a liquid

(verb) dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid Definition
(verb) play in or as if in water, as of small children
Synonyms : paddle splash around
(verb) work with in an amateurish manner
Synonyms : play around smatter
Example Sentence
  • She dabbles in astronomy
  • He plays around with investments but he never makes any money
(verb) bob forward and under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water
Example Sentence
  • dabbling ducks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dabble

dabble...sounds like table...and if you see someone putting up their legs on the TABLE in the office, YOU GET the feeling that the person is not serious about his image at work.

sounds like "double", a person who always has double thoughts is not serious

It sound like Dabba, Dabba people doesn't do any work, they just hang around.

dabble sounds like babble..so one who babbles in office is dabbles

DABBLE also means immerse (one's hands or feet ) partially in water and move them around gently.....how will it sound???? DABBLE DABBLE....

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dabba on table

dabble->playing in the tap water and making noise

dabble _____means to fuck someone

On double bed you dabble in studies, you are not serious about it

it sounds like double, we you have double work than single work, you won't work in serious fashion

Dabble-drink+paddle means any liquid(drink) we paddle that is splash...hope it helps


Short Definition : delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious; not easy to please; Ex. dainty movement/dress

(noun) something considered choice to eat Definition
(adj) affectedly dainty or refined Definition
(adj) delicately beautiful
Synonyms : exquisite
Example Sentence
  • a dainty teacup
  • an exquisite cameo
(adj) especially pleasing to the taste
Example Sentence
  • a dainty dish to set before a kind
(adj) excessively fastidious and easily disgusted
Example Sentence
  • too nice about his food to take to camp cooking
  • so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dainty

d + ainty.(aunty). Think of your aunty..who even though she is delicate IS NOT EASY TO PLEASE, EVEN IF you gift her beautiful jewellery.

~deity:God......God is not easy to please ..... and their idol are delicately beautiful

da in panty delicately small and pretty,something good to eat

as in an aunty, per say your GF's/BF's mother... nomatter how delicately you handle them. they are hard to please..

DELICATE aunty is FINICKY but once you win her heart, she is TASTY and DELICIOUS ;)

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"Dain Tea" Tea is Gods Dain (Blessing) .. iys plant is so delicate yet it so good to eat.

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