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Short Definition : loiter; hang around; waste time doing nothing

(verb) take one's time; proceed slowly
Synonyms : linger
(verb) waste time
Synonyms : dally
Example Sentence
  • Get busy--don't dally!
(verb) hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dawdle

somewhat similar to idle

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do dull ladke dawdle kar rahe hain.

In yahoo msngr,theres an environment called doodle which is meant for wasting time in yahoo and doodle is also a synonym of dawdle.

PAIDAL(walk on foot)..some guys are walking PAIDAL in order to DAWDLE.

dawdle - similar to "Doodle" .. we can recollect "yankee doodle went to town riding on a ..." i.e loitering around, hand around .."stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni .." wasting time around .. doing silly stuff

if u know what DOODLE is: it means drawing lines or something irrelevant while talking on phone or while sitting idle...so DODDLE which sounds like DAWDLE id wasting time

slowly dawdle(daw -> sighting in tamil) girls. Loiter, wasting time.


Short Definition : stun as with a blow or shock; bemuse; benumb; N.

(noun) the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally
Synonyms : shock stupor
Example Sentence
  • his mother's death left him in a daze
  • he was numb with shock
(noun) confusion characterized by lack of clarity
Synonyms : fog haze
(verb) to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light
Synonyms : bedazzle dazzle
Example Sentence
  • She was dazzled by the bright headlights
(verb) overcome as with astonishment or disbelief
Synonyms : bedaze stun
Example Sentence
  • The news stunned her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for daze

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daze ==> gaze => look at with fixed eyes -- stunned

daze- this word resembles the word daisy, forest daisies(flowers). people get stuned or shocked wen they smell the sweet fragrance of that flower.

Danial Ocean gets stunned to see his wife Daze with Benedict,in movie Ocean 11.

~amaze:To bewilder; perplex.... means be in shock,bemused

daze-> door maze stun as with a blow or shock, confused lack of clarity to find the way out


Short Definition : make blind with a sudden intense light; amaze; fill with wonder

(noun) brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily Definition
(verb) to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light
Synonyms : bedazzle daze
Example Sentence
  • She was dazzled by the bright headlights
(verb) amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill
Example Sentence
  • Her arguments dazzled everyone
  • The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dazzle

remember honda dazzler..it may help

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honda dazzler make you blind with the sudden intense of light from the head lamp


Short Definition : standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces; stalemate

(noun) a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible
Example Sentence
  • reached an impasse on the negotiations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deadlock

"dead+lock". The dead can't move(are still) and lock (firmly kept in one place).

Think of "LOCK" without KEY. Just like someone without girlfriend(Here KEY is gf of LOCK). So ultimately lock is DEAD. Means nothing can be done after that :( No Progress.

standstill computer screen resulting from the many task opened is deadlock situation.


Short Definition : wooden; impassive; with no show of feeling; with an expressionless face

(adj) deliberately impassive in manner
Example Sentence
  • deadpan humor
  • his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read
(adv) without betraying any feeling
Example Sentence
  • she told the joke deadpan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deadpan

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sounds like deadman... a deadman shows no feelings, is wooden..

if u have seen FANNA a bollywood movie--in that Amir Khan was calles deadman by the kid-> He was impassive towards kajol ie behaving as an impassive man, wid a blank, expressionless face = wooden.So,DEAD-MAN-PAN

keeping the face like deadman or dry deadpan

On watching the dead pan means brittle pan in kitchen the bride was expression less so her face becomes dry.


Short Definition : scarcity

(noun) an acute insufficiency
Synonyms : famine shortage
(noun) an insufficient quantity or number
Synonyms : paucity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dearth

earth is big. de-earth.....(read as dearth) means small...small in quantity..or scarcity

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dearth sounds like death. high death rate can result in scarcity of man-power

Dearth - deers + earth. Deers in earth are getting insufficient in number

earth is full of things, dearth means lacking of things

dearth = death + r (reason) reason for death is scarcity(of food, shelter,health) thus dearth is scarcity

De-Earth means to dig...because of scarcity of water we started digging.....

earth is full of things, dearth means lacking of things

due to shortage of resources man started de-earthing(digging and looking under earth) for them...

For want of food, they were starving and tried eating DIRT.

death is a result of dearth (scarcity of food)

dead+earth food,water all are scarcity.

DEARTH = dead + earth; dead earth is always insufficient in quantity.

dearth leads to death!

dear+th ->dear ones are there far away scarcity to find such one


Short Definition : sudden disastrous downfall or defeat; complete disaster

(noun) a sudden and violent collapse
Synonyms : fiasco
(noun) flooding caused by a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river during the spring or summer Definition
(noun) a sound defeat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for debacle

belt..having bacle ..if we (de)remove bucle from belt,the pant will fall.. then comes the complete disaster

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De-BUCKLE (BELT) ... As in Belt's buckle got removed on stage.. which was a complete disaster.

debacle sounds like the battle..any battle brings the sudden and violent collapses of people and wealth.


'Debacle' is very close to 'Buckle'. Columns of a building collapse due to buckling.

debacle- split it as de + bac + le --> to take step backward in career==>downfall .. hope its clear :)

de+bacle= the battle in the movie 300 was a violent breakdown for xersis

Dibbe (train ke) accident me ghir gaye. That means disaster.

debacle sounds like OBSTACLE..which can cause complete disaster

DEBACLE= deb + ac + le; when deb comes he always takes the ac room it is digester for us in summer.

Buckle "fell down".


Short Definition : bar; forbid; exclude; Ex. debarred from jury services

(verb) bar temporarily; from school, office, etc.
Synonyms : suspend
(verb) prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
Example Sentence
  • Let's avoid a confrontation
  • head off a confrontation
  • avert a strike
(verb) prevent from entering; keep out
Synonyms : bar exclude
Example Sentence
  • He was barred from membership in the club
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for debar

debar -- de + bar...just imagine the Mumbai bar girls who have been debarred or forbidden from dancing in the bars..

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debar= Dewar in hindi ie wall or bar

debar from exam for mall practicing

he destroying bar culture prevent him from entering, keep out


Short Definition : degrade; reduce in quality or value; degenerate; lower in esteem; disgrace; N. debasement

(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Example Sentence
  • debauch the young people with wine and women
  • Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
  • Do school counselors subvert young children?
  • corrupt the morals
(verb) lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
Synonyms : alloy
(verb) corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones
Example Sentence
  • adulterate liquor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for debase

de(means without)+base..so think of someone /something without having any base or value. the boss has called for a wild party.(highly unlikely...would have to be an awsome boss)....

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imagine a building having no base will be lower in quality

very similar to abase

debase=In this base if the person not having basics he is always in lower position in class soo ....debase=to lower

Debase - sounds like "Thebase" remember the non-existent process of "The basing" which is process to take objects to a lower value.


Short Definition : corrupt morally; seduce from virtue; N. debauchery: wild behavior (with sex and alcohol)

(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Definition
(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Example Sentence
  • debauch the young people with wine and women
  • Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
  • Do school counselors subvert young children?
  • corrupt the morals
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for debauch

de + bauch (when pronounced sounds like boss)...so you think that your BOSS IS morally corrupt.

DE[IS WITHOUT]+bauch[watch...so if children r not watched properly they become corrupt n loose values

bacchanalia means drunken. spilt debauch as de + baucchanalia (bauch). bauch and bacca nalia sounds same

Sounds like D-Boss.So the boss of the D Company(The criminal movie in bollywood) is morally corrupt and parties with drinking.

the word also means CORRUPT...invert p...it will become depouch...DE(give in marathi)+POUCH(pouchfull of money)....a politician is asking you to give him a pouch full of money....hence he is CORRUPT

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debauch= de(the)+ bauch (pauch) if someone is seeing others pauch then corrupt

debar the urchin(a mischievous child)...since he is corrupt n has no moral values

de + bauch sounds like de + boss(like pointed above) ...so to get her work done the girl had to sensually lure her boss ie - debauch

de-demote, bauch-boss, in order to demote your boss you must corrupt him or seduce him from virtue

De means the and bauch sounds like bacch(stay far). So we should stay far from someone who will currupt us

She was raped by DE BOSS.


telugu: DABBULU (money) ICHI (give) hehe...so simple

D company ke movie dekhana

debauch=deep unch on girls->corrupt morally, seduce from virtue

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