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Short Definition : pick out from others (to kill the weakest members); reject; select; collect (information); N.

(noun) the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
Synonyms : reject
(verb) remove something that has been rejected
Example Sentence
  • cull the sick members of the herd
(verb) look for and gather
Synonyms : pick pluck
Example Sentence
  • pick mushrooms
  • pick flowers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cull

If you CALL you take it; if you cull you reject it.

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cull....sounds like KAL (Hindi)...hence...reject kal and select present to bright ur tomorrow..!!!!

If an Interviewer keeps saying you, "Kal aana, Cull aana".. he is likely to reject you..

for VERB - sounds like "KILL" - (verb) remove something that has been rejected

Cullu(Kallu) in kannada means stone we take out stones from the rice.

cull sounds lyk kal which means past....so my sincere request is to reject bad n pick gud n cull also means the same....

cull sounds lyk kal which means past....so my sincere request is to reject bad n pick gud n cull also means the same....

Kalti in hindi means get out.

Heard of "Cull birds". they have no feathers bcos of starvation

cull is like collect and select some , and kill reject others not needed


Short Definition : highest point; climax; V. culminate in: reach the highest point in; end in; Ex. a series of minor clashes culminating in war

(noun) a final climactic stage
Synonyms : apogee
Example Sentence
  • their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development
(noun) (astronomy) a heavenly body's highest celestial point above an observer's horizon Definition
(noun) the decisive moment in a novel or play
Synonyms : climax
Example Sentence
  • the deathbed scene is the climax of the play
(noun) a concluding action
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for culmination

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asume guru films last scene 'kal mein nation ke top pe rahunga"

sounds like termination which means the ending position (of play)or the climax (of attaining something).

culture in my nation is always at highest point in this world.

same as conclusion,termination

culmination == kal my mission to grasp the taliban which is my culmination.

we always say 'culminate a habit'... tht means when we culminate a habit, its ultimate or final stage will be a good thing..


Short Definition : deserving blame; blameworthy

(adj) deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious
Example Sentence
  • blameworthy if not criminal behavior
  • censurable misconduct
  • culpable negligence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for culpable

culp( culprit)...so a culprit is always DESERVING OF BLAME FROM EVERYONE.

cal-p(e)-able, one who is "able" to postpone the work "kal-pe" or tomorrow , he "deserves blame" for the delay..!!

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culp-able [kalpna ki wajha] means who deserves the blame :: "Deserving Blame"

Culpable homicide = Punishable Offence


Short Definition : one guilty of a crime

(noun) someone who perpetrates wrongdoing
Synonyms : perpetrator
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for culprit

kill-preet(lover)..someone who kills preet is culprit..


Short Definition : artificial channel for water; drain crossing under a road

(noun) a transverse and totally enclosed drain under a road or railway
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for culvert

for CULtivation, farmers diVERT water into their farms using a CULVERT

a culprit alwayz hides under a road or bridge...hence u can compare it with culvert

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cul-vert: sounds like divert, to diver water you need a channel.

culvert sounds like covert......enclosed...


Short Definition : heavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome; Ex. cumbersome parcel/uniform

(adj) difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
Synonyms : cumbrous
Example Sentence
  • a cumbersome piece of machinery
  • cumbrous protective clothing
(adj) not elegant or graceful in expression
Example Sentence
  • an awkward prose style
  • a clumsy apology
  • his cumbersome writing style
  • if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cumbersome

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(Come-bear-some) come bear some heavy things that are hard to manage

cumber;relate it to cumer[waist] nythn thats heavy makes our cumer pain..

Shoving a cucumber to a virgin's pussy is difficult.


Short Definition : growing by addition; accumulative

(adj) increasing by successive addition
Synonyms : accumulative
Example Sentence
  • the benefits are cumulative
  • the eventual accumulative effect of these substances
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cumulative

remember cumulative frequency in statistics...in dat we add all frequencies..hence cumulative is increasing by adding up

come u native ones i will help you to (grow)be better in addition


Short Definition : clever in deceiving; sly; N: cleverness in deceiving; deceit

(noun) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception Definition
(noun) crafty artfulness (especially in deception) Definition
(adj) attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness
Synonyms : cute
Example Sentence
  • a cute kid with pigtails
  • a cute little apartment
  • cunning kittens
  • a cunning baby
(adj) marked by skill in deception
Example Sentence
  • cunning men often pass for wise
  • deep political machinations
  • a foxy scheme
  • a slick evasive answer
  • sly as a fox
  • tricky Dick
  • a wily old attorney
(adj) showing inventiveness and skill
Synonyms : clever ingenious
Example Sentence
  • a clever gadget
  • the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
  • an ingenious solution to the problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cunning


cunning = cu(copper) + n(and) + ni (nickel) + n(and) + gas has trickery property for building up several agents.

cunning = cu(copper) + n(and) + ni (nickel) + n(and) + gas has trickery property for building up several agents.

cloven:-In cooker left(cl means cooker left) in oven the eggs are broken.


Short Definition : greed (for wealth); CF. cupid; CF. Cupid

(noun) extreme greed for material wealth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cupidity

cupidity:look for CUPID HERE..cupid is the god of love. so cupidity means having an desire or greed for wealth. cupid-wealth-cupidity...greed for wealth.

CUP+IDLI+TEA....a person who wants cup full of wine,IDLI to eat and TEA is too GREEDY.............................

imagine a Cupid who makes up the matches earning a lot of money by doing so...

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Cupidity is stupidity...

cupidity = cup + hidi hidi means catch.. so greed

Salman Khan Movie Partner or Will Smith starrer Hitch They both, were "Cupid" earning money of it..


My cup runneth over with desire for wealth.

cupidity = cup + i + dity; have to give him more cups of sugar i.e he is greedy for wealth.

so what we thought about cupid as god or angel of Love, it turns out he was just a hoax fraud, he is really just greedy about money and wealth, his eyes are on money and no love


Short Definition : superintendent; manager (in charge of a museum or a library)

(noun) the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)
Synonyms : conservator
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curator

Curator ==> Rhymes like Care Taker. Some one who takes care of a collection.

cura(cure..here it means handling and solving several issues and problems of a organization , which the managers and suprintendent can do.like a doctor cure or solve the problem of a patient.

In cricket, we often hear about Pitch Curator, i.e. a person who manages or looks for cricket pitches.

cuRATER, Mangers is a person who rates the subordinates,so cuRATER is the Manager

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curator,cure for art,someone who cure for art and collection is a curator.

the middle three letters can be slightly modified to spell "art" and the rest of the whole word rhymes with "care taker". So care taker of art

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