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(noun) malicious satisfaction
Synonyms : glee gloating
(verb) dwell on with satisfaction
Synonyms : crow triumph
(verb) gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gloat

g+loat....LOOT...so think of dacoits who express their evil satisfaction after looting houses of people.

Ignorant people kill goat and gloat at it.

g(gay=happy)+loat(when sm1 looted) evil satisfied

Gloat->Is like a fat goat(gluttonous goat) and the butcher is gazing at it with immense satisfaction which can be called as Malicious.

gloat : is malicious satisfaction now consider u r going in boat and 1 aadmine aap ko upser pani me dhake diya and he laughed with gloat

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gloat,has has kar lot lagana dusro ki unsucess par.which is very unpleasent.

gloat sounds like loath which is unwilling to do smthng.. "when u loath u gloat"


(noun) an angry stare
Synonyms : glare
(verb) look at with a fixed gaze
Synonyms : glare
Example Sentence
  • The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her
(verb) look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval
Synonyms : frown lour lower
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glower

Gulshan Grover- stared angrily at the hero.

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when someone LOWER u ten u stare anGrily at them

girl glowers, give flowers

When your Girlfried bends somewhat lower to pick something from ground and someone is staring at her, what will be your reaction ???

GLOWER :: Girl LOVER. Your Girl Lover. Always angry.


Daddy glowered when he got lower marks.

flower =happy, glower=angry/unhappy


(noun) a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
Synonyms : prod
(noun) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
Example Sentence
  • the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
(verb) give heart or courage to
Synonyms : spur
(verb) urge with or as if with a goad Definition
(verb) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
Synonyms : prick
(verb) goad or provoke,as by constant criticism
Synonyms : needle
Example Sentence
  • He needled her with his sarcastic remarks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for goad

goad tells you to "GO And Do [it]"

goad…sounds like god…..everyday when we pray…we always URGE to god ,to give us courage to face all the hurdles and obstacles in life.

GOAd...Just think of GOA...This itself is enough to URGE or STIMULATE you to go there

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GOAD Looks like (Go+AND+Do) Urge on ---2nd meaning.

i am not able to tolerate your GODU(goad).... urging


Goad sounds like GOD who give courage to face everything in life.

goat ... bali ka bakra i.e you encourage someone to do but you have a hidden motive

goad = 1. stick 2. drive A stick which drives a GOAT (goad) can be used to drive u also

GOAD means SWEET in marathi. You urge ur guests to take some more sweets.

GOAD -> GOAT + TOAD. Imagine little boys prodding a GOAT and a TOAD, the way little boys do with animals.

GAADna(inter, push into ground)- for GAADna you have to GOAD.

small child urge for "goad"

GOD goading GOAT on ROAD.

go:going ; ad:advertisement; if an advertisement is going on and on ,it urges you to buy the product

remember it as go(Go)+ ahead(AD)....SO WE MOTIVATE

Ravana was goading god, till he appeared.

goad = girls are in road, thats why we are stimulate to follow them.


(noun) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gourmand

souds like government..and in india..anything of government is free for people..so if government plans to provide free food people will eat excessively...beyond their capicity..because we take pleasure in anything which is free to us.

sounds like GOVERNMENT- govt in India eats up all the people's funds by food & drink.

look slike gor maharaj.. who eats first on any occasion as they are bhramins..so they can judge how is the food made

gourmand:ghorum ga mandu thage vadu!

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GUR + de(MAND) -> a person who eat lot of gur must be indulged into exccesive eating and drinking...

it sounds like gol+gand(slang) which direct that one who has gol or big, gand(ass) is always enjoying eating'

We all GORGE when offered GOURMET food.

if GOVERNMENT plans to provide free good quality food to poor people..THEY WOULD EAT IT WITH EXCESSIVE PLEASURE..as they are unable to have a good meal……

Government-govt in India eats up all the people's funds.

gourmand = a person who demands more gour is also will be a connoisseur of food & drink.


(adj) lofty in style
Synonyms : magniloquent tall
Example Sentence
  • he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying
(adj) puffed up with vanity
Example Sentence
  • a grandiloquent and boastful manner
  • overblown oratory
  • a pompous speech
  • pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grandiloquent

Grandiloquent…GRAND+ELOQUENT only an ELOQUENT speaker can deliver a POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front a HUGE/GRAND crowd……

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Split GRANDILOQUENT as grand and eloquent (expressing yourself readily) which is the grand or mega way of expressing something i.e. pompous

GRANDiloquent sounds like grand open. Grand open need to be grandiloquent.

anything that is grand is used to impress

grandiloquent-grand means large or long and eloquent means to impress people using words


(noun) the mother of your father or mother Definition
(noun) an old woman Definition
(noun) a reef knot crossed the wrong way and therefore insecure
Synonyms : granny knot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for granny

granny--sounds like Nani.

Look for the word gran--relate it to grand ma or grand mother.


(noun) a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope Definition
(noun) a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam
Synonyms : clamshell
(noun) the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat
Example Sentence
  • they had a fierce wrestle
  • we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully
(verb) come to terms with
Example Sentence
  • We got by on just a gallon of gas
  • They made do on half a loaf of bread every day
(verb) to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match
Synonyms : grip
Example Sentence
  • the two men grappled with each other for several minutes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grapple

this when pronounced together..sounds like grapes and apples...so a fox STRUGGLING TO eat grapes and apple....

gRAPplE...concentrate on de capped letters.when someone tries to rape a girl,she grapples with the rapist

grapple->if you follow wwe..ders a guy called carlito who eats apple generally and spits it on d opponent..

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grapple ~ grab + apple : the two men grappled with each other for several minutes to GRAB the APPLE

Grumpy apple fan always WRESTLE with others over superiority.


(adj) without cause
Example Sentence
  • a gratuitous insult
(adj) costing nothing
Example Sentence
  • complimentary tickets
  • free admission
(adj) unnecessary and unwarranted
Synonyms : needless uncalled-for
Example Sentence
  • a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gratuitous

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GRE tution is not necessary.It's about common sense :P

remember gratuity which is given freely to employee if they complete 5 yrs. or so in the company.

'Gratitude' is can not be measured. It is costless.

if someone tells you your graduate tuition is free, it would be uncalled for

gratitude means the quality of being thankful, graceful, .. to be gratitude is expressed free of charge, so GRATUITOUS means given or free of charge

if we have gratitude towards someone, then we do anything for them free or without great reason..

GRE tuition from mnemonic dictionary is free

Great Ass....If an ass is available for free its great


(adj) (of animals) tending to form a group with others of the same species
Example Sentence
  • gregarious bird species
(adj) instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
Example Sentence
  • he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude
(adj) (of plants) growing in groups that are close together
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gregarious

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remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together... similarily AGGREGATION -> GREGATION ->GREGARIOUS

for gre we attend classes in groups

GRE-garious. GRE is needed to be "SOCIABLE" in USA.

Picture GREG, GARY, and RUSS all being GREGARIOUS

Being Gregar-ious is like being hilar-ious with a group-of-friends...

Gregory Peck , the hollywood actor was a very sociable outgoing person !

gregarious ~ gregarius ~ greg. The sound "greg, greg" seems like a bird's tone; on the other hand, bird lives in flock, herd => socialble

gre+garious~various various student tending to form group for GRE preparation

Gregrarious...sounds like name of a king...kings have to be sociable

gregar >> sounds huge in number... means formed from number of people or animals or elements...

GREgarious: remember GRE, when we make mnemonics for GRE words, we like a GROUP of friends of same sort.


(noun) a contorted facial expression
Synonyms : face
Example Sentence
  • she made a grimace at the prospect
(verb) contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state
Example Sentence
  • He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grimace

( sounds like himesh rehsamiya..who's songs are such that he always sings wid facial distortions symbolizing pain n angiush..)

divide it like grim(in a pain ful situation)+ace(Face).....so when you are in a grim or in a painful situation you try to put it across to your family through FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.

grim means unpleasant.. grimace -> grim + face... a face that shows feeling such as disgust (unpleasant)

grim + face >> unpleasant expression..

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