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(noun) an awkward stupid person Definition
(verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
Synonyms : gape gawp goggle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gawk

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I gawked at the hawk since I have never seen one before.


its simple (GA)ze (W)ith shoc(K).... it gives GAWK....

Hindi :- when u go in GAAV [Village] den gaav ka log stare foolishly at you.Who is This Shehri-babu

The girl felt awkward when the shopkeeper gawked at her.

gawk can be taken as go (ga) + work (wk); Imagine your boss saying : "go and do your work, instead of gawking at office girls."

gawk -in nepali stupid person is said gawk.Or we can look the last section of word awk which means awkard or stupid

"Gaze" with "Awe"/or "Gaze" "Awkwardly"->open-mouthed awe


(adj) marked by refinement in taste and manners
Example Sentence
  • cultivated speech
  • cultured Bostonians
  • cultured tastes
  • a genteel old lady
  • polite society
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for genteel

this word is very close to GENTLE..AND A GENTLEMAN IS ONE who is WELL BRED, elegant and GIVES A REFINED APPEARANCE .

Genteel like the washing liquid that makes the woolen clothes look elegant...

GENTLE +EEL fish - GENTLE way of eating EEL


(verb) bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious superior or image Definition
(verb) bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
Synonyms : kowtow scrape
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for genuflect

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If you had a conflict with your jaanu.. i.e 'Jaanu + conflict' > ganuflect.. at the end of the day you will be down on your knees : That's a general perception!

from Latin genu (knee) + flectere (to bend)

FLECT = BENT (in latin). GEN-U-FLECT= in front of general you bend, showing your willingness to serve.


(adj) relevant and appropriate
Example Sentence
  • he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for germane

germane...very close to word ..germany..so if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be APPROPRIATE.

Ger(main) : he asked the "main" (appropriate) question

GIRL+MEIN....kisi girl mein interest hona relevant hain

ger(ghar)mane(man)-ghar ka aadmi always "relevant" to house matters...

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ger(ghar)mane(man)-ghar ka aadmi always "relevant" to house matters...

Think Jermaine Jackson who was relevant to the Jackson Five

ghar mein you have to act appropriate and proper. dont let them know the darinda u r from inside haha

GER-MANE = "注問":關注於正被討論的問題

The germs on his mane were constantly on his mind; the germs on his mind were germane to his health.


(adj) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
Example Sentence
  • ghastly wounds
  • the grim aftermath of the bombing
  • the grim task of burying the victims
  • a grisly murder
  • gruesome evidence of human sacrifice
  • macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
  • macabre tortures conceived by madmen
(adj) gruesomely indicative of death or the dead
Synonyms : charnel sepulchral
Example Sentence
  • a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men's bones
  • ghastly shrieks
  • the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ghastly


ghastly sounds like ghost + ly; something like a ghost ........ very horrible ... and terrifying.

So shocking and horrifying that you GASP!


(adj) having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling
Synonyms : dizzy vertiginous woozy
Example Sentence
  • had a dizzy spell
  • a dizzy pinnacle
  • had a headache and felt giddy
  • a giddy precipice
  • feeling woozy from the blow on his head
  • a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff
(adj) lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
Example Sentence
  • a dizzy blonde
  • light-headed teenagers
  • silly giggles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for giddy

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sounds like kiddy. Kids are always light hearted.

GIDDY has two meanings : not serios and dizzy.Giddy is similar to Kiddy, kids arent serious and they jump and run all daylong and feel dizzy

u must have heard giddy up(at least Kramor say it)

Feeling giddy when traveling in a gaddi


(adj) with extreme care or delicacy
Example Sentence
  • they proceeded with gingerly footwork over the jagged stones
  • the issue was handled only in a gingerly way
(adv) in a gingerly manner
Example Sentence
  • gingerly I raised the edge of the blanket
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gingerly

you should not put a lot of ginger in any of the dish or tea, otherwise it will spoil the same. So you should be very careful while handling ginger.

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be VERY CAREFUL while cutting GINGER(LY), since they are small and hard.

add ginger gingerly in small amount

when we add ginger in tea we can drive at night because we become cautious

ginger+CAT...SO HAVE you heard of ginger cat...which has brownish eyes....and old people said..if you see a ginger cat on the way..you have to be careful..as gingercat..brings bad luck.

Ginger hotel of tata is always careful.

imagine in ur teenage u used to drink ginger beer secretly hence gingerly=secretly


(verb) gather, as of natural products
Synonyms : harvest reap
Example Sentence
  • harvest the grapes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glean

It sounds like clean. You clean by gathering the leavings bit by bit

concentrate on the word lean,u lean forward,rather bend forward when u want to pick up something...gather leavings

green + clean.... you clean the green products by picking them up.

glean: Gather for the LEAN and needy

Cleaning the surface for gleaning the information.


(adj) marked by lack of intellectual depth
Example Sentence
  • glib generalizations
  • a glib response to a complex question
(adj) having only superficial plausibility
Synonyms : pat slick
Example Sentence
  • glib promises
  • a slick commercial
(adj) artfully persuasive in speech
Example Sentence
  • a glib tongue
  • a smooth-tongued hypocrite
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glib

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glib sounds like Ghalib..his shayeri was slick and fluent.

someone who doesn't go to lib(glib) lacks intellectual depth

GLIB -> GLABROUS. GLABROUS means smooth. GLIB means smooth-tongued.

g:gafadi ; lib:lip;a person who is gafadi can speak well and fluent but lacks sincerity

good ad-lib

in general we say... if u SPEAK SO FAST u glub(glib) the words

Glib--> G is always live.

'glib,' like a 'bib.' Only caring about superficial things (how you look), lacking in depth.


(noun) a flash of light (especially reflected light)
Synonyms : gleam gleaming
(noun) a slight suggestion or vague understanding
Example Sentence
  • he had no inkling what was about to happen
(verb) shine brightly, like a star or a light
Synonyms : gleam
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glimmer

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opposite of dimmer

sounds like glamour = those who have glamoure , their faces shine

sounds similiar to shimmer , hence could be remembered as shine

glimmer sounds lyk glamour which shine erratically

glimmer,glimmeing,tim tim karke jalna.means erraticallt twinkin.

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