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    gruesome - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gruesome

    (adj) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
    Synonyms : ghastly , grim , grisly , macabre , sick
    Example Sentence
    • ghastly wounds
    • the grim aftermath of the bombing
    • the grim task of burying the victims
    • a grisly murder
    • gruesome evidence of human sacrifice
    • macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
    • macabre tortures conceived by madmen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gruesome

Gruesome - Sounds like cruelsome, which is self-explainable

Remember! CRUElla of "101 dalmatians" movie!

remember assamese, "gu some". Some means "to see" in assamese.

Word used in video below:
text: Gruesome stuff.
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