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    profuse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word profuse

    (adj) produced or growing in extreme abundance
    Synonyms : exuberant , lush , luxuriant , riotous
    Example Sentence
    • their riotous blooming
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to PRODUCE an abundance of energy from nuclear FUSion, you need to join two atomic nuclei.

Prof+ use PROFessors use ABUNDANT resources to teach students

when there will be excess pro(gram)this will blow the fuse...

after an road accident , profuse bleeding of victims may take place; in which a lot of bleeding takes place. From this we can remember 'profuse' as "a lot of ; extreme "....

Professor John..yes? you said you dont have a pen? yep..Please USE my pen PROF..I have a lot..yes PROF USE it, I have a lot.. take it PROF USE it.. I have abundant supply..PROFUSE it I HAVE ALOT...PROFUSE : having in abundant....

remember in dbz after (pro)fusion goku n vegita had abundant power..

pro+fuse...fuses{fuse wire }vil be xtremely available....

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