• word of the day


    succulent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word succulent

    (noun) a plant adapted to arid conditions and characterized by fleshy water-storing tissues that act as water reservoirs Definition
    (adj) full of juice
    Synonyms : lush
    Example Sentence
    • lush fruits
    • succulent roast beef
    • succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for succulent

You suck a fruit only if it is succulent.

Succulent - Split it as suc+culent(coolant). Coolant like are used to preserve juice. Also to keep things fresh.

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SUCculent things can be SUCked. So, succulent things are juicy which we can suck.

Fruit has so much juice after you were full you lent to your friend to suck.

break it as succu+lent::lent is PP of lend which means "Give temporarily; let have for a limited time" --if सक्कू बाई (succu) lent her body to u for sexual desires then then imagine her juicy lips which are full of richness....

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