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Short Definition : faultless

(adj) without fault or error
Synonyms : faultless immaculate
Example Sentence
  • faultless logic
  • speaks impeccable French
  • timing and technique were immaculate
  • an immaculate record
(adj) not capable of sin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impeccable

im+pecca(pakka.it was there in our science book in class 2)...pakka house is always faultless as compared to kutchcha house.

Picking on somebody means to finding faults. Hence Im Pickable means, no fault can be found

remember bird WOODPECKER.....he can drill the wood with his beak....hence create flaws ....imPECKable or flawless

pakka+able: means work will be done definitely. only possible when a faultless man do

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He packed the cable wire impeccably.

nothing to pick out

impossible thing must be done without fault.

it is IMpossible to PICK a flaw

pecca means fault so impeccable is faultless and peccadillo is minor fault


Short Definition : without money

(adj) not having enough money to pay for necessities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impecunious

pecu (read as pesu means money). impec(s)unious who doesn't have money.


It is IMPossible to C U IN US "Without Money"

Read it like: Inpe kyu nahi yash(money).

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IM(not)+PECUNIA is a root for money...hence impecunious means having little or no money.

I just remember and Imp has no money. Its and Imp.

imPEcuNIous..the letters in caps form PENI ie PENNY..so penniless

PE-paise CU-kyun NI-nahi hain with US?

it sounds like iMpeKUNIous->KUNI means murder in hindi...so we can make a story like"IMPportant KUNI is done by US coz we didnt have money"

im+pecunious: pecunious means rich, so impcunous memans without money

: im+pecunious: pecunious means rich, so impecunious means without money


Short Definition : hide; retard or obstruct the progress of; block

(verb) be a hindrance or obstacle to
Synonyms : hinder
Example Sentence
  • She is impeding the progress of our project
(verb) block passage through
Example Sentence
  • obstruct the path
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impede

impede from impedance meaning resistance

Ped (Tree in hindi)on the way.....

relate it with stampede.in a stampede there is great obstruction

im-peed(i think u no whts pee) the path was blocked coz IM peed on the floor ;)

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impede ( im means negative and pede means foot from greek roots so it means that not allowing to walk or hampering

impede,concentrate on pede in impede.in hindi a sweet call pede.when somebody is dieting to reduce weight.then pede would be hindrence for him.

impede = im (not) + pede;not go in forward.

sounds like human centipede!! in that movie the victims will be BLOCKED by the villan


Short Definition : hindrance; stumbling-block; speech defect preventing clear articulation; Ex. speech impediment

(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Definition
(noun) any structure that makes progress difficult
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impediment

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impediment itself has the word imped(e) which means to obstruct.

impediment - im + ped(legs) + ment--so you can't move your legs because of stumbling block.

पेड in ur way,....hinrance

Girls wearing pads impede you.


Short Definition : drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action

(verb) urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
Synonyms : force
(verb) cause to move forward with force
Synonyms : propel
Example Sentence
  • Steam propels this ship
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impel

rhymes with compel...so when you are compelled or in a compulsion , you are FORCED to do the work.

impel, compel, propel all have similar meanings(with minor changes)_

rhymes with INTEL.. in intel company they force or drive us to do the work....

opposite to repel.. we normally say i impelled him to do this or that..


Short Definition : nearing; approaching; about to happen

(adj) close in time; about to occur
Example Sentence
  • retribution is at hand
  • some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand
  • in imminent danger
  • his impending retirement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impending

Impending: Im+Pending- nothing can be left pending when the deadline is near.

Im - not, pending - waiting for. Impending - Not waiting for; about to happen.

im-pending... if i m not pending my work,then my promotion is "approching" towards me,rite?

IMP+ENDING:My GRE exams is "About to come" in a few days... This is an "IMPORTANT ENDING" for me.


Short Definition : not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding; impossible to understand; Ex. impenetrable mystery

(adj) not admitting of penetration or passage into or through
Example Sentence
  • an impenetrable fortress
  • impenetrable rain forests
(adj) permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter
Synonyms : dense heavy
Example Sentence
  • dense smoke
  • heavy fog
  • impenetrable gloom
(adj) impossible to understand
Example Sentence
  • impenetrable jargon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impenetrable

impenetrable > im(not)+enetr(enter)+able, not able to be entered


Short Definition : not repentant

(adj) not penitent or remorseful Definition
(adj) impervious to moral persuasion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impenitent

penny penny tent banane mein chali gayi phir bhi repent nahi karunga.

Im - not, penitent - penetence or repenting. Someone who is impenitent does not do penetence after confession.

impenitent=i+m+peni+tent...imagine your house tenent saying to you that.."I M not going to pay u a single penny for this month.."i tried to make him understand but HE WASNT SORRY/NOT REPENTANT and hence i had to file a complaint

Even you don't have a single penny(impenitent) don't ever repent.

IM(not)+REPENTANT.....not repentant hence impenitent

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a penetentiary is a prison, where prisoners penetent or repent. So impenenitent means who doesnt repent

Im(not)+Peni(willing get penanlized for wrong doing)+tent = impenitent


Short Definition : absolutely necessary; that must be done; critically important; expressing command; Ex. It is imperative that; N: something that must be done

(noun) a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior Definition
(noun) some duty that is essential and urgent Definition
(adj) requiring attention or action
Example Sentence
  • as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative
  • requests that grew more and more imperative
(adj) relating to verbs in the imperative mood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imperative

you have to attend your "important r(el)ative "...nd tht meeting is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and IMPORTANT

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if we divide it looks like impe(important)+rative(sounds like native)....so indian government has released a IMPORTANT notice to all its NATIVES.

Imperative = Imp(Important) + erative(Native). As an important native/citizen it is "Absolutely necessary & critically important" for you to vote for your nation! :)

IMP+eRATE+(f)IVE-> if the run RATE is below fIVE then we shoud immediately take ACTION by hittin some quick boundaries..etc


Short Definition : unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable

(adj) impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
Synonyms : unperceivable
Example Sentence
  • an imperceptible drop in temperature
  • an imperceptible nod
  • color is unperceivable to the touch
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imperceptible

Perceive= To Become Aware of.. IM(n0t)+Perceptible .. is to be unaware.. or unnoticed.

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