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Short Definition : v. ask or beg earnestly; beseech

(verb) call upon in supplication; entreat
Synonyms : beg pray
Example Sentence
  • I beg you to stop!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for implore

implore = i'm poor.. beg

Implore: We 'implored' the government to let us 'explore' the minerals

Implore sounds like in floor... The beggers are generally 'in floor' when they are begging


Short Definition : suggest a meaning not expressed; signify

(verb) express or state indirectly
Synonyms : connote
(verb) suggest as a logically necessary consequence; in logic Definition
(verb) have as a logical consequence
Synonyms : entail mean
Example Sentence
  • The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers
(verb) suggest that someone is guilty
Synonyms : incriminate inculpate
(verb) have as a necessary feature
Synonyms : involve
Example Sentence
  • This decision involves many changes


Short Definition : not wise; not expedient; not politic

(adj) not politic
Example Sentence
  • an impolitic approach to a sensitive issue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impolitic

"impolitic" rhymes with 'in politic(s)',people are 'not wise'


Short Definition : weightless; that cannot undergo precise evaluation; CF. pound

(noun) a factor whose effects cannot be accurately assessed
Example Sentence
  • human behavior depends on many imponderables
(adj) difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision
Example Sentence
  • such imponderable human factors as aesthetic sensibility
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imponderable

IM + PONDERABLE sounds like IM + POUNDS = w/o pounds = weightless

IM means UN....... PONDER means THINK...... pondeerable-Capable of being "thought/considered/weighed........ so imponderable means..... Difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision

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imponderable=i+m+pond+erable......."OMG!I M in a pond..and i m floating like a tube as if i am WEIGHTLESS...how cum?"....even experts CANNOT EVALUATE on this magical pond WITH PRECISION..........:)


Short Definition : significance; importance; meaning

(noun) commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
Synonyms : importation
(noun) an imported person brought from a foreign country
Synonyms : importee
Example Sentence
  • the lead role was played by an import from Sweden
  • they are descendants of indentured importees
(noun) the message that is intended or expressed or signified
Example Sentence
  • what is the meaning of this sentence
  • the significance of a red traffic light
  • the signification of Chinese characters
  • the import of his announcement was ambiguous
(noun) a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred
Example Sentence
  • the significance of his remark became clear only later
  • the expectation was spread both by word and by implication
(noun) having important effects or influence
Synonyms : consequence moment
Example Sentence
  • decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself
  • virtue is of more moment than security
  • that result is of no consequence
(verb) bring in from abroad Definition
(verb) transfer (electronic data) into a database or document Definition
(verb) indicate or signify
Synonyms : spell
Example Sentence
  • I'm afraid this spells trouble!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for import

import is short for important

goods that we import from foreign are of much more significance to us than domestic goods. thus import = important goods = of great significance


Short Definition : urging; always demanding; troublesomely urgent or persistent

(adj) expressing earnest entreaty
Example Sentence
  • an importunate job applicant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for importunate

Someone who is IM (not) PORTUNATE(fortunate) urges or demands for money to buy food.

someone who is not fortunate enough has to importunate for his survival.

when the demand is more than production of things... we import them...


Short Definition : beg persistently; make repeated requests (in an annoying way)

(verb) beg persistently and urgently
Synonyms : insist
Example Sentence
  • I importune you to help them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for importune

Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.

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Some countries have great misfortune because they have to beg for everything, such as food,electricity,etc. They have to plead to other countries for their necessities.

Imp+or+tune: Relate the word with IMPLORE. Hence importune is to implore or beg


Short Definition : assuming a false identity; masquerade; CF. impostor

(noun) pretending to be another person
Synonyms : impersonation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imposture

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i [a]m pos[ing] t[o] [be] u => i am pretending to be you

Posture means pose, imposture means false pose

Posture means pose, imposture means false pose.. its not ur pose, u r trying to copy someone else..


Short Definition : weak; ineffective; lacking in physical strength or power

(adj) lacking power or ability
Example Sentence
  • Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent
  • felt impotent rage
(adj) (of a male) unable to copulate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impotent

impotent: im (means Not) + potent (force, power, influence) : Not having power

Impotent: The person who has no power, has no 'importance'


Short Definition : make poor; deprive of natural strength or something important; Ex. impoverished soil

(verb) make poor Definition
(verb) take away
Synonyms : deprive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impoverish

impoverish -- im + poverish (poverty) which means very poor.

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