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Short Definition : drink in

(verb) take in, also metaphorically
Example Sentence
  • The sponge absorbs water well
  • She drew strength from the minister's words
(verb) take (gas, light or heat) into a solution
Synonyms : assimilate
(verb) take in liquids
Synonyms : drink
Example Sentence
  • The patient must drink several liters each day
  • The children like to drink soda
(verb) receive into the mind and retain
Example Sentence
  • Imbibe ethical principles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imbibe

im+bibe...sounds like pipe...and u need a pipe to drink in sth...

Replace b by p...you get impipe....when you take something in by pipe, you absorb,assimilate.....

sounds like bribe... if you bribe someone they are abosrbed to your side...

im+bibe bibe is like bibo (mineral water).

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In with pipe or straw.

a new bearth takes his meal from boobs(bibe).of her mother.so inbibe means to drink.


Short Definition : complicated situation (as in a play); painful or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement; confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil

(noun) an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation
Synonyms : embroilment
(noun) a very embarrassing misunderstanding
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imbroglio

Imbroglio = I+M+bro+gigolo = I am brother of a gigolo (male prostitute).. which can be a very embarrassing or difficult situation.

IM+brog(=frog)+lio(=lion). Suppose in a play, you have to choose between characters of frog and lion, you will be in a complicated situation.

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de broglie ... equation is very complicated to understand

i m bro(ke) ... thats an complicated and embarassing situation..


Imbroglio = I'm + broke + lie... A guy hears a false news and declares that he's broke. It is both embarassing as well as a misunderstanding Note: thanx to jahnavi

im+b+rog+lio => you have taken a rog (rog lio) which is a complicated situation.

The doctor got confused and asked "im brog liye ho !?!"

I +M +BRO+GALILIO...I am a brother of galilio and after knowing this, it has become a very complicated situation and I M confused

imbroglio means broil (broiler chicken)..painful and complex situation to be a broiler chicken.

in bra gilo(gila- wet) if bra gets wet, it is embarrassing....

read it as in + bro + gal. if you get a girl in between the bros, you get a confusing interpersonal situation.


Short Definition : saturate(soak thoroughly); fill; Ex. imbue someone with feelings

(verb) spread or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
  • music penetrated the entire building
  • His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks
(verb) fill, soak, or imbue totally
Synonyms : soak
Example Sentence
  • soak the bandage with disinfectant
(verb) suffuse with color
Synonyms : hue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imbue

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very close to imbibe. imbibe means to drink. imbue means drink so thoroughly that you soak everything.

imbue i m b(l)ue (color of water)= so in cartoon when some 1 soaked you in water u become blue and u say I M Blue

nImbu(lemon)-be careful , peeling this nimbu uncarefully could Imbue ur shirt.

imbue == NIMBU do not "saturate " your nimbu pani with lots of nimbu ,, it will taste bitter

i m bue(beau)tat means beautiful girl, saturate me with ur love/sex

ibue sounds like hue, hue means colour and the most important things in a photo are hue and saturation

im+bue(bue sounds like hue)hue means saturation and color. so imbue means saturation.


Short Definition : spotless; flawless; absolutely clean

(adj) completely neat and clean
Example Sentence
  • the apartment was immaculate
  • in her immaculate white uniform
  • a spick-and-span kitchen
  • their spic red-visored caps
(adj) free from stain or blemish
Synonyms : undefiled
(adj) without fault or error
Synonyms : faultless impeccable
Example Sentence
  • faultless logic
  • speaks impeccable French
  • timing and technique were immaculate
  • an immaculate record
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for immaculate

im'mac'ulate = having no 'mark' or stain

immaculate-> I+MAC+LATE->i mac(apples products) thought the arive late into market,they are so clean and spotless(thy are sexy rite?)

Immaculate - Im + Maculate - without macule (spots) Macule is a spot or area of discoloration of skin.... so immaculate is without macules.... spotless, clean,....

immACUlate: remember ACCUrate

Teacher asks a late comer student whois very flowless and spotless imma...(c)ku?late?

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mac laptops are im'mac'ulate

i am accurate

My mother is always late because she wants to make the house immaculate

i m macho ... i am flawless

im + mac ( mark ) = without any mak or spot i.e. spotless

i m calculating using calci so my ans are flawless.....


Short Definition : impending; near at hand

(adj) close in time; about to occur
Example Sentence
  • retribution is at hand
  • some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand
  • in imminent danger
  • his impending retirement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imminent

imminent sounds similar to immediate. so imminent means about to occur immediately.

im(min)ent , min is time.. relate this..

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Im MIN(ute) END(ent)..in the Minute end..meanin Las minute..!

Imminent sounds like Eminent. Eminent (VIP) guests only arrive when the time for the inauguration of the show is VERY NEAR

imminent means something which is coming to nearer or close. Now split it as i'm coming in a minute(coming close)

Imminent sounds like in-minute. So something is going to happen in a minute immidiately.

I am having a MINI sore in my ear.so I avoided it But when it became really painful I consulted an ENT at the LAST MINUTE Thus IMMINENT = MINI+ENT

say the word really fast, it will sound like "in a minute"

imminent-- any minute


Short Definition : state of being immovable

(noun) remaining in place Definition
(noun) the quality of not moving
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for immobility

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imm.mobility means not mobile means unmovable.


Short Definition : offer or kill as a sacrifice (by fire)

(verb) offer as a sacrifice by killing or by giving up to destruction
Example Sentence
  • The Aztecs immolated human victims
  • immolate the valuables at the temple
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for immolate

sounds like omelette(egg). A chicken is sacrified to satiate hunger.

immolate = omlette. You have to SACRIFICE an egg to make an omlette... :(

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sounds like IMMORAL where killing as a sacrifice is a highly misanthropic act and immoral.

The Aztecs IMMORALLY immolated human victims to MOLLIFY the gods.

im-oh!-late .. so if you are late, you will be offered as sacrifice :P

immolate = i am ate the mol i.e. the main thing.


Short Definition : resistant to; free or exempt from; N. immunity

(noun) a person who is immune to a particular infection Definition
(adj) relating to the condition of immunity
Example Sentence
  • the immune system
(adj) secure against
Example Sentence
  • immune from taxation as long as he resided in Bermuda
  • immune from criminal prosecution
(adj) relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)
Synonyms : resistant
(adj) (usually followed by `to') not affected by a given influence
Example Sentence
  • immune to persuasion


Short Definition : imprison; shut up in confinement; CF. wall

(verb) lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
Example Sentence
  • The suspects were imprisoned without trial
  • the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for immure

sounds like I M YOURS....please enclose me within the walls of your heart

Mural means wall.. so immure means enclosed in wall.that the reson we say extranural activities which refer to outside campus sports.

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mure sounds like "maar" (kill in english) . you kill someone and you get imprisoned.

IM + MURE(sounds like mujrim in hindi)and mujrims often PUT BEHIND THE BARS.

i m mara .... arre mar gaya jail jana padega

if ure impure u'll b immured

mure also sounds like chor ; if i-m-chor , then i should be put behind bars

im+mure = in + mire = mire means being locked.


IM UR father and you are grounded for one month...

think like Lord krishna's pic is on the wall and he is saying to his devotees Hiiiiii I m murli immured in this wall please get me out frm here :D

Ur immune system is like a wall for diseases.

immure=immature...a person was jailed for 2 weeks bcoz of his immaturity....:)


Short Definition : unchangeable

(adj) not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature
Synonyms : changeless
Example Sentence
  • the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for immutable

mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change

immutable is something immune to changes

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mute control in tv used to CHANGE from high volume to total silence. if ur remote becomes immutable then u cant change the volume. imutable = unchangeble

IM-MU(movable) Table....so its permanently in one place unchanged

TRANSMUTE= change BUT IMMUTABLE= changeless

unchangeable = immovable = immutable

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