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Short Definition : curse; swearword

(noun) the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
Synonyms : malediction
Example Sentence
  • he suffered the imprecations of the mob
(noun) a slanderous accusation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imprecation

IMPRECATION=IM-PRAY-cation. The prefix IM- means opposite. The opposite of PRAY is CURSE (The latin root word "precari" means pray).

im+precation(relate it to precaution.....so you must take a precaution before saying somebody a curse, or using any offensive word.

sounds a lot like IMPLICATION...one must tihnk of the implications before cursing.. :|

I M PREGNANT....u deceived me and hence Its my imprecation that ur life will be ruined

improvising prev mnemonic..., im + Precation. im and precaution. U must take precautions before cursing someone, else it may back fire.

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YOU MUST take a precaution to SWEAR in front of someone, as swear is considered a offensive word in civilized society.

A Flamabble substance without any (IM)PRECA(u)TION given is a CURSE in disguise..!!

May your daughter be IMPREGNATED by a sea slug

We must have an imprecation - our vaCATION was supposed to be IMPossible to wREck

If u negatively rate this mnemonic, u will b cursed.

the word sounds like im+ prick + cation. to prick is to hurt/decieve someone.


Short Definition : invulnerable; impossible to capture or enter by force; Ex. impregnable fort/argument; CF. take

(adj) immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
Example Sentence
  • an impregnable fortress
  • fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
  • a secure telephone connection
(adj) capable of conceiving
Synonyms : conceptive
(adj) incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted
Synonyms : inexpugnable
Example Sentence
  • an impregnable argument
  • impregnable self-confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impregnable

im-pregnable = cannot be made pregnant , In early days there used to be iron clothings around chaste maidens' waste so that they can not be made pregnant by strangers. thus these women were impregnable= invulnerable

im-'not'+pregnable sounds similar to pregnant.so if u are pregnant u cant withstand attacks and if u are IMPREGNABLE you are ABLE TO WITHSTAND ATTACK

Im+Pregnable= read like not+pregnant. When women are pregant,they become vulnerable to death. so impregnable means invulnerable

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impregnable----im(imposibble) pregnable(pregnant) so she cannot be raped..she cannot be attacked..thus invulnerable :)


Short Definition : make pregnant; fill thoroughly; saturate

(verb) fill, as with a certain quality
Synonyms : infuse instill tincture
Example Sentence
  • The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
(verb) infuse or fill completely
Synonyms : saturate
Example Sentence
  • Impregnate the cloth with alcohol
(verb) fertilize and cause to grow
Example Sentence
  • the egg was impregnated
(verb) make pregnant
Example Sentence
  • He impregnated his wife again


Short Definition : without previous preparation; off the cuff(end of a sleeve); on the spur of the moment

(noun) an extemporaneous speech or remark
Example Sentence
  • a witty impromptu must not sound premeditated
(noun) a short musical passage that seems to have been made spontaneously without advance preparation Definition
(adj) with little or no preparation or forethought
Example Sentence
  • his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
  • an extemporaneous piano recital
  • an extemporary lecture
  • an extempore skit
  • an impromptu speech
  • offhand excuses
  • trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
  • an off-the-cuff toast
  • a few unrehearsed comments
(adv) without advance preparation
Example Sentence
  • he spoke ad lib
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impromptu

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just remember prompt of in[promptu] that's it

IM PROMPT(ing) U the answer because u came to the exam WITHOUT PREVIOUS PREPARATION

im(in-without)-prompt-u i.e. without prompting, u answer which is extemporaneous or spontaneous.

when we tell some lie at home and suddenly our friend comes their, we do not need to prompt him about telling lie and handling the situation. He does not have to be told about it or has to come prepared for it. Friends can handle.

U "Prompt" "Im"mediately without preparation


Short Definition : improperness; unsuitableness

(noun) an improper demeanor
Synonyms : improperness
(noun) the condition of being improper Definition
(noun) an indecent or improper act
Synonyms : indecency
(noun) an act of undue intimacy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impropriety

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impropriety= im-proper i.e. unsuitable

the condition of being IM PROPER, Indescent


Short Definition : thriftless; not providing for the future

(adj) not provident; not providing for the future Definition
(adj) not given careful consideration
Example Sentence
  • ill-considered actions often result in disaster
  • an ill-judged attempt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for improvident

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Im (not) provident (providing). Not providing for the future; thriftless.

Once upon a time there was an old man who was such a penny pincher that he did not even want to invest in a PROVIDENT fund for the future of his family thus im-provident= the miser= thriftless.

improvident..since they are providing everything no need to save(thrift) it...thriftless

We deposit provident fund for future use. im (Not)provident (for future use)means no provident means not providing for future use.

Im(not) Prudent(Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment) thus, not prudent is careless,not given careful consideration.


Short Definition : compose on the spur of the moment

(verb) perform without preparation
Example Sentence
  • he extemporized a speech at the wedding
(verb) manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand
Synonyms : extemporize
Example Sentence
  • after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for improvise

I m Pro vise=== I am proved wise as i have done it without actually preparing it before...

Improvisation - Focus on improve ..you alwyas have to improve, at every moment, as per the need of the moment.

just 2 days b4 the comman wealth games AR rehman was told to improvise on the CWG theme song...and he did it beautifully...i.e. on the spur of the moment..without any preparation...

IMPROMPTU - WISE = Improvise

Im Pro Vise -- Concentrate on Pro (Expert) Vise (Advice) -- Any one who comes to me with a problem, I am PRO at giving adVISE instantly .. impromptu


Short Definition : lacking caution; not prudent; injudicious

(adj) not prudent or wise
Example Sentence
  • very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas
  • would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy
(adj) lacking wise self-restraint
Example Sentence
  • an imprudent remark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imprudent

im+prudent--Why to invest in Icici Prudential ? To secure and make life stable..and imprudential means careless, not cautious about life.


Short Definition : impertinence; insolence

(noun) an impudent statement
Synonyms : cheek impertinence
(noun) the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impudence

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Im Pu Dence == if you say I M POOR (Pu) to some one and he DANCEs he is very rude -- Rude, impertenant

Impudence = Impure + densely = densely impure, very rude

sounds like impedance...which means resistance..rude or arrogant


Short Definition : dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); attack as false or questionable; challenge; gainsay; CF. fight

(verb) attack as false or wrong
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impugn

pugn is root word meaning fight...(for eg ..pugnacious means quarrelsome) so impugn means sense of contradicting in order to cause a dispute

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im + PUGN ~ pugn looks like pungaa(hindi); NOW think of a person who is habitual of taking PUNGAA, he will always CONTRADICT people, and will always CHALLENGE others (impugn others).

Im (not) pugn (pun). A pun is usually funny, but impugn is the opposite; it means to dispute or contradict; challange.

We know PUGNACITY as "PUNGA CITY" pugn means "attack" ...and impugn means to attack with words or arguments...!

a im"PUG"n cannot attack..so an attack done by him is a false attack.

PEUN(drunken in marathi)..im peun means i m not drunken...you are fighting with your father that you are not drunken..hence proving his allegations false

IMPUGN is the opposite of IMPUNITY.

When you impugn one's integrity, you put them IN POO.

impugn..im-not...'pug'..imagine ur dad promised to present u a pug dog on ur bday..instead he bot some other dog..den wat u wud do..u wud QUESTION ur dad and attak it to be wrong

i am a PUG and can only ataack VERBALLY by barking

Concentrate on PUGNA -- If some one says you look like a PUG (Vodafone Ad dog) -- You ll say NAh!! and contradict him/ attack him saying it is false

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