• word of the day


    imminent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word imminent

    (adj) close in time; about to occur
    Example Sentence
    • retribution is at hand
    • some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand
    • in imminent danger
    • his impending retirement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imminent

imminent sounds similar to immediate. so imminent means about to occur immediately.

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im(min)ent , min is time.. relate this..

Im MIN(ute) END(ent)..in the Minute end..meanin Las minute..!

Imminent sounds like Eminent. Eminent (VIP) guests only arrive when the time for the inauguration of the show is VERY NEAR

imminent means something which is coming to nearer or close. Now split it as i'm coming in a minute(coming close)

Imminent sounds like in-minute. So something is going to happen in a minute immidiately.

I am having a MINI sore in my ear.so I avoided it But when it became really painful I consulted an ENT at the LAST MINUTE Thus IMMINENT = MINI+ENT

say the word really fast, it will sound like "in a minute"

imminent-- any minute

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