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    distant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word distant

    (adj) separated in space or coming from or going to a distance
    Example Sentence
    • distant villages
    • the sound of distant traffic
    • a distant sound
    • a distant telephone call
    (adj) far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship
    Synonyms : remote
    Example Sentence
    • a distant cousin
    • a remote relative
    • a distant likeness
    • considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics
    (adj) remote in manner
    Synonyms : aloof , upstage
    Example Sentence
    • stood apart with aloof dignity
    • a distant smile
    • he was upstage with strangers
    (adj) separate or apart in time
    Synonyms : remote , removed
    Example Sentence
    • distant events
    • the remote past or future
    (adj) located far away spatially
    Synonyms : remote
    Example Sentence
    • distant lands
    • remote stars
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distant

If u go to a DISTANT planet it will be COLD IN manner

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Word used in video below:
text: [distant chanting] 'Howard! Howard! Howard!'
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