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Short Definition : melancholy

(noun) a feeling of thoughtful sadness Definition
(noun) a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed Definition
(noun) a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
Synonyms : black bile
(adj) characterized by or causing or expressing sadness
Synonyms : melancholic
Example Sentence
  • growing more melancholy every hour
  • her melancholic smile
  • we acquainted him with the melancholy truth
(adj) grave or even gloomy in character
Synonyms : somber sombre
Example Sentence
  • solemn and mournful music
  • a suit of somber black
  • a somber mood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for melancholy

meli(dirty)+choly(skirt,frock)--bride got her choli dirty and so got gloomy due to that.

read in hndi mela(met)+ na +koi(no one) so when nobody met there is feeling of gloomy

A farmer’s ‘Melon and Cauliflower ‘ has been destroyed by flood so he looks melancholy (sad and depressed)

melancholy similar to melancholic = alcoholic; So if you take too much alcohol then you will feel gloomy.

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melody (chocolate)brings happiness and melancholy is sadness

melancholy = mel(MAL)+ anchor + ly(adj)...when someeone receives a bad anchor on the tv show title..he/she becomes gloomy

remember football team a c melan.when they get defeated it becomes great sadness that last long time in their players.



(adj) pleasing to the ear
Example Sentence
  • the dulcet tones of the cello
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mellifluous

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the music played by a 'Flute' is mellifluous.

melli = melody + fluous = smooth flowing..

mellifluous = melli usually refers to smooth,tiny...+ flu is for flow like in fluids....

mellifluous: melli=honey,flouous:flowing. some thing flowing like a honey, sewwt,pleasant,pleasing.melliflouous~ malli flowers fragrance flowing very pleasently

Melli's voice flowed as she sang or spoke.

melloidiously flowing


(noun) a collection of live animals for study or display Definition
(noun) the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition
Synonyms : zoo zoological garden
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for menagerie

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to MANAGE JERRY u keep then in zoo. simple!

Sounds like manager, Most managers are like wild animals trying to bully people. menagerie is a place where such animals are kept.

menagerie=men+nagerie(nagar in hindi)..nagar means colony..so a colony where men lives...and men is a social animal..so a place where animal lives.

can be pronounced as menaghur = menace + ghar(house)

kavita jangli hai ...

it sound similar to "manger" which means a place where farm animals are sheltered. Think of jesus - "baby in the manger"

mina ghar = chidiya ghar= zoo


(adj) given to lying
Example Sentence
  • a mendacious child
(adj) intentionally untrue
Example Sentence
  • a mendacious statement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mendacious

mendacious = requiring mending (correction)

A mendicant (beggar) is usually a mendacious person. i.e. given to lying; habitually dishonest.

mendacious= men + audacious. men who are audacious can LIE easily.

all men are liars

Sanskrit where the word mindā means a kind of physical defect .........SO A MENDACIOUS PERSON ALWAYS MAKE FAULTS...he lies....beggars are mendacios..because they are dishonest ..and cheaters..

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Mendacious - Men are dying for women... so they c an do anything to get her including lying....

mendacious....look for the word menda..means fault; similar to Latin word mendax which means lying,and word mendicus means beggar, and perhaps we can also relate to this the mother of all langueges Sanskrit where the word mindā means a kind of p

MEN+DACIOUS(mosquito)....men are dacious(mosquito like)....this statement is false

mendacious= men+date+suck. Dating men is suck; they are a bunch of liars.


(noun) a male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms
Synonyms : friar
(noun) a pauper who lives by begging
Synonyms : beggar
(adj) practicing beggary
Example Sentence
  • mendicant friars
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mendicant

Mandi me chant karta hua bhikhari

Men+die+cant= men die because they can't work so they beg to survive

mendicant ~ Men + d I + Can t : men who say I can't, they don't like to work and sometimes start practising beggary

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sounds like "mendi-coat" a local name for some game of cards. Can you remember some other card game "bhikari" or "beggar"

mendicant= men + dicant(empty something)...men with no money..beggar

mending + can't ~those who are unable to mend easil;y start begging

MENDICANT=MAN+DECANT. When you see the MAN on the street corner, you should DECANT the money from your pocket into his cup.

MEND+I+CANT:MEND rhymes like SPEND ,so the word becomes SPEND I CANT .the beggar says SPEND I CANT

One who can't be mended i.e., a perfect person who doesn't indulge in material affairs to earn food.

mend+cant: one who cant mend his clothes begs for help

break it in punjabi as( money d katt) that is lack of money

mendi+cant...railway cant par beggar rehte hai

Mendicant = Mandi (A shopping place from hindi) + cant(Etymology - Is to sing).. (Singing in Mandi) Is a begger right ?

MENDel CAN't work because he learns in kollel so his family are beggars


(noun) a person hired to fight for another country than their own
Synonyms : soldier of fortune
(adj) marked by materialism Definition
(adj) serving for wages in a foreign army
Synonyms : free-lance freelance
Example Sentence
  • mercenary killers
(adj) profit oriented
Synonyms : mercantile moneymaking
Example Sentence
  • a commercial book
  • preached a mercantile and militant patriotism
  • a mercenary enterprise
  • a moneymaking business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mercenary

merce - mercy + na - no; no mercy.He can kill anybody for money or gain

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MERCENARY -> MERCHANT is related with money making person and mercenary is the person who do only for money

mark henry(wresler) is from kenya but fight in USA to make money

dont show any MERCY to this NARI ,as she is a prostitute, a girl MOTIVATED SOLELY BY MONEY..................;)

mercenary (merce - mercy + na - no; no mercy) = Judge should now show mercy to someone who killed his father just for money.

My scenery is soo much beautiful thrfr it is profit oriented....

MERC-enary...gotta be motivated solely by money to buy a merc!

mera motive sirf money money

mere(mer) + se(ce) + nary(female in hindi)............mere se naary par koi dhyan nahi hai.....mujhe to CENT(money) par dhyan rakhna hai

mercenary = merce(mercy) + na (not) + ry(to friend); no mercy is there so america hire force from france tofight agaist Iraq.


(adj) marked by precise accordance with details
Synonyms : punctilious
Example Sentence
  • meticulous research
  • punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette
(adj) marked by extreme care in treatment of details
Example Sentence
  • a meticulous craftsman
  • almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meticulous

it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.

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Meticulous:Met(Meet)+ICU(hospitals intensive care unit),so whenever u met any person in ICU u need to be very/extremely careful about his health,......etc

Meti means fear..every one knows "where ever fear is there ,care should be there" otherwise we fall in risks...

The METs play ridICULOUSly well when they demonstrate extreme care and precision during a baseball game.

meticulous.is a derived from Latin word meticulosus which means fearful..where metic..is derived from metus..means..fear...so any one who fears to be rejected...does all his work CAREFULLY....because he fears of making any mistake.

if u dont want to meet ICU .... u have to be careful

sounds like MEDICAL - doctors have to be very careful in surgery

meticulous sounds like gals METTI kulla us which means gals give more care to their husband

Misanthrope is opposite of philanthropist(is a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others,especially by donating money to good cause),BillGates is a philanthropist he used to donate his property by Bill&MelindaGateFoundatio

meticulous = met at icu us means your are in serious condition take care of yourself before meet at icu.

when ever you met me Icu(sounds like I see you ) lous sounds like less it means take care of treatment


(noun) the courage to carry on
Synonyms : heart nerve spunk
Example Sentence
  • he kept fighting on pure spunk
  • you haven't got the heart for baseball
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mettle

METTLE - sounds like 'MEET' + 'HELL' To MEET HELL one should have the COURAGE TO CARRY ON

Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related to a strong courageous person.

Reminds of Steel King industrialist Lakshmi Mittal: Symbolic of courage to carry on

We use Metal for waging war. Implying courage

meet(guys lets meet up,we all will be a force then)+all(Unity is strength and seems courageous)

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in the military they give you a metal for brave deeds

METTLE= MEnTaL courage and spirit....

MET(meat)+LE(in hindi le means take)....people who sell meat say MEAT LE....but they require COURAGE to carry on the business because everytime they have to kill innocent animals

it takes mettle to walk through a field of nettle


(noun) a miniature model of something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for microcosm

micro = small + cosmos = universe


(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example Sentence
  • a baleful look
  • forbidding thunderclouds
  • his tone became menacing
  • ominous rumblings of discontent
  • sinister storm clouds
  • a sinister smile
  • his threatening behavior
  • ugly black clouds
  • the situation became ugly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for minatory

Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.

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minator + y first part sounds like minotaur-the mythical beast you could associate menacing and threatening with and thus minatory = menacing

minatory ~ min (men) + atory (eater) = A maneater is considered as dangerous or threatening to human beings.

Minority Parties always threaten for QUOTA

MINEatory.....mines are always threatening because lot's of people can die because of suffocation or poisonous gases present in mines....

Meena is not teri she is meri, he gave a minatory statement

Sounds like 'Minotaur'[half bull half man creature in greek myth] so minator|y means like a 'minotaur'[evil!]

Even a MINor TeraORY breach can be threatening

Min + ate + ory sounds like hate in between, hate is an expression shown by one who is threatening or forbidding .....

Minatory = mina + at + worry; i.e mina feeling fear.

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