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Short Definition : bugbear; object of baseless terror

(noun) an imaginary monster used to frighten children Definition
(noun) a source of concern
Example Sentence
  • the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bugaboo

boo!! u use it when u wonna scare funnily..so relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor

It might help marathi readers...bugaboo sounds like bagulboowa..childhood ghost

Bug+ booth = if your kid starts bugging you you ll tell them a booth(Bugaboo) story.

bugaboo = mugamboo Remember the main villain of movie mr India( amrish puri )= mogamboo khush hua >> he did so much terror in movie

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Imagine dark night and monster shouting BUUUU GAAAAAAAAA BOOOOO HAA HAA HAA.

maga bootha--in kannada means - dude devil. wen u c an object,thats baseless, people term it as a devil,as devils dont have legs.so bootas (devils) are known as baseless terror...lol..!!!

The kala bandar(Delhi 6 movie) is a bugaboo.

BUG+A+BOO Boota means Devil in kannada. So we can remember it a bugging bootha

For bagla bagh(tiger) asbooo

adivasi logonka boogaboo

I will bugaboo at the time of bill, if you donot pay necessary amount.


Short Definition : protruding part; swelling of a surface; Ex. The apple made a bulge in his pocket; V: swell outward; protrude

(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
Example Sentence
  • the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
  • the hump of a camel
  • he stood on the rocky prominence
  • the occipital protuberance was well developed
  • the bony excrescence between its horns
(verb) swell or protrude outwards
Synonyms : pouch protrude
Example Sentence
  • His stomach bulged after the huge meal
(verb) bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge
Synonyms : bag
(verb) bulge outward
Example Sentence
  • His eyes popped
(verb) cause to bulge or swell outwards
Synonyms : bulk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bulge

bulge: it looks like ' bag ', a full bag, which is swelling.


Short Definition : size or volume (esp. when very large); main part; Ex. The bulk of the work has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having great size

(noun) the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part
Synonyms : majority
Example Sentence
  • the majority of his customers prefer it
  • the bulk of the work is finished
(noun) the property of something that is great in magnitude
Synonyms : mass volume
Example Sentence
  • it is cheaper to buy it in bulk
  • he received a mass of correspondence
  • the volume of exports
(noun) the property possessed by a large mass Definition
(verb) stick out or up
Example Sentence
  • The parcel bulked in the sack
(verb) cause to bulge or swell outwards
Synonyms : bulge


Short Definition : gold and silver in the form of bars

(noun) a mass of precious metal Definition
(noun) gold or silver in bars or ingots
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bullion

He has billions, and so he buys bullions

if u can remember buillion market,there u get the answer, right away..

He acts like a 'BULL + LION ' since he has billion dollar bills .

bullion similar to galleon(Gold coins) reference:harry potter

Only million can buy bullion

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BULLION: bull and lion skin are as expensive as gold and silver bars.


Short Definition : one who is habitually cruel to weaker people; V.

(noun) a cruel and brutal fellow Definition
(noun) a hired thug Definition
(verb) be bossy towards
Example Sentence
  • Her big brother always bullied her when she was young
(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
Synonyms : browbeat swagger
(adj) very good
Example Sentence
  • he did a bully job
  • a neat sports car
  • had a great time at the party
  • you look simply smashing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bully

.bully....made of bull(the male in cow family)+y......so if you have observed why the fight is always arrenged between bulls,why not cows,because bulls are symbol of strength and cruilty(as they fight).......and a bull 's work is to weak its opponent

jus for fun to remember two meanings of it...imagine one of ur frns is CRUEL n BRUTAL n he always INTIMIDATES u dat he wud kic on ur belly... !!he is a bully

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in the same way a person who bullys someone try to show his superiority over others,because he thinks himself more stronger than his opponent

bully--> bull is always strong. bully is a symbol of strength.


Short Definition : strong wall built for defense; earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends

(noun) an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
Synonyms : rampart wall
Example Sentence
  • they stormed the ramparts of the city
  • they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down
(noun) a fencelike structure around a deck (usually plural) Definition
(noun) a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away Definition
(verb) defend with a bulwark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bulwark

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BULL + WORK--BULLs were carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.

remember Nandi(Bull of Shiva), it protects shiv's place from demons. BULl+shiVA(WA)+RKsha

Bulwark: Bull war k time strong wall banana chahiye, taki ko usse par kar public par na aajay

bulwar sounds like bullbar used in front of cars to protect them from scratches and from small accidents

bulwark - a wall for bulk war against enemies or water.

Building(Bul) + Work(wark)

After doing bul(wrong) wark(work) laden stayed in between of bulwark

bulls work is to attack so people build a wall to stay safe from it


Short Definition : hit or knock against with force; N.

(noun) a lump on the body caused by a blow Definition
(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
Example Sentence
  • the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
  • the hump of a camel
  • he stood on the rocky prominence
  • the occipital protuberance was well developed
  • the bony excrescence between its horns
(noun) an impact (as from a collision)
Synonyms : blow
Example Sentence
  • the bump threw him off the bicycle
(verb) knock against with force or violence
Synonyms : knock
Example Sentence
  • My car bumped into the tree
(verb) come upon, as if by accident; meet with
Example Sentence
  • We find this idea in Plato
  • I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here
  • She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day
(verb) dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward
Example Sentence
  • bump and grind
(verb) assign to a lower position; reduce in rank
Example Sentence
  • She was demoted because she always speaks up
  • He was broken down to Sergeant
(verb) remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied
Synonyms : dislodge
Example Sentence
  • The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bump

it sounds like bumper,so bumper hits forcefully to the when we go fast near speed breaker

sounds similar to thump...means...to hit somebody with closed fists.


Short Definition : mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior

(noun) an embarrassing mistake Definition
(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
Example Sentence
  • I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
  • the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement
(verb) spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
Example Sentence
  • I bungled it!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bungle

bungle like jungle ..... if on a long drive you lose your way and end up in a jungle.... now that's a blunder....

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mungle-jungle...U thought of doing mungle in jungle and got caught red handed...DESTROYED ur reputation

instead of bAngle ,u write bUngle ,thats a blunder

Bungle~Bengaal..all attempts in west bengaal were mismanaged, hence led to IPL blunder.. an embarassing mistake for the team and captain..

bungle sounds like jungle which means forest. nowadys forests (jungle) are being spoiled by rapid cutting down of trees. deforestation is spoiling ruining completely.

jungle me mangal is a bungle


Short Definition : able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy; Ex. buoyancy of wood/water/American market

(adj) tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas
Synonyms : floaty
Example Sentence
  • buoyant balloons
  • buoyant balsawood boats
  • a floaty scarf
(adj) characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
Synonyms : chirpy perky
Example Sentence
  • buoyant spirits
  • his quick wit and chirpy humor
  • looking bright and well and chirpy
  • a perky little widow in her 70s
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buoyant

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buoyant = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light and lively.

buoy-ant=boy+want; boys always want to be light and lively.

remember buoyance of a n utensil.. coz of which it can float on water...


Short Definition : overregulated administrative system marked by red tape; ADJ. bureaucratic

(noun) nonelective government officials
Synonyms : bureaucratism
(noun) a government that is administered primarily by bureaus that are staffed with nonelective officials Definition
(noun) any organization in which action is obstructed by insistence on unnecessary procedures and red tape
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bureaucracy

bureau(noun........means..a source which provide information..may be an office or an organization.)+cracy(means...goverment or the rule....)........so....a goverment run by officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g

conti.... that either a government or rular does. so what do you think of our administrative system?

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