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    rampart - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rampart

    (noun) an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
    Synonyms : bulwark , wall
    Example Sentence
    • they stormed the ramparts of the city
    • they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rampart

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break this word like RAM(hindu god)+APART---Rampart was built to part Ram from Sita

RAM+PART....the part(area) which belonged to ram was always protected from ghosts etc

Rampart~Ram+Part(path) Ram(God) parted sea by a wall of earth and stones which is called RamSethu

rampart sounds like LAMPARD...and he is a great "defensive" mid fielder!

can you tell where RAM part of computer located? In the case where it is protected hence RAM part of computer is rampart

when you fart everyone run away from you so its a good defensive structure

this word can be remembered as RAMPART..a social center in london..which protect the rights of people..simillary rampart is something protective and defensive.

a RAMP build in ARTISTIC way to act as a barrier.. syn:, barricade, bastion, breastwork, bulwark, defense, embankment, fortification, parapet, protection, security, vallum, wall

genrally forts have a RAMP with pointy ART to DEFEND against intruders

this can also be remembered as r+amper(sounds like empire....empire is ruled by a emperor..so a emperor alwyas PROTECT OR DEFEND his state.

rampart sounds like bombard, so a rampart is made to sustain bombardment of stones, etc.

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text: stick rampart
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