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Short Definition : grow rapidly; grow forth; send out buds; Ex. burgeoning computer industry; CF. bludgeon

(verb) grow and flourish
Example Sentence
  • The burgeoning administration
  • The burgeoning population
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burgeon

Burge+on sounds like Bulge which means growing big


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burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)

If you eat a lot of BURGers you will BrinG ON the weight!

Can be pronounced as -- > bur – grow – on, grow on meaning grow forth, ahead

bad jaana (bur+geon) in hindi .to increase in number

burgeon..urge+on..if u hav dat urge(a strong impulse, inner drive) set to on..den defntely u vl grow and florish

A good plastic surgeon will make you thinner. A <B>bad surgeon</B> will do the opposite and make you grow bigger.

a BIRD takes flight

sounds like BURGER...when you eat only burgers, your size will INCREASE RAPIDLY........

burgeon- reminds us of the word bargari in kannada...u can somewhat relate it to it..

relate with BURGER..if v eat BURGER we will grow big..

Ice burg-on surface of ocean looks small but really big inside tghe ocean.

the sURGEON helps population GROW by reducing the amount of ppl die thru surgery.

burgeon , ge + on .. its like go on .. so it means flourish or grow rapidly

BURGE similar to BULGE meaning to expand rapidly

sounds like bulgeon... which is becoming bulge... i.e. growing in size..

The kitten grows so rapidly as if she was Be-URGEd-ON to flourish.

The doctor was so clever, he quickly burgeoned as surgeon

eat lots of (burge)rs and grow fatter, it's (on) your hand.

burgeon sounds like Gurgaon.... this is one of the fastest developing cities of India..

I burgeon when i drink BURGUNDY!

BURGEr+piGEON = if you eat too many burgers you grow like a pigeon!


Short Definition : give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly

(noun) a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns (and sometimes striptease) Definition
(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way Definition
(verb) make a parody of
Synonyms : parody spoof
Example Sentence
  • The students spoofed the teachers
(adj) relating to or characteristic of a burlesque
Example Sentence
  • burlesque theater
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burlesque

if you want to ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier league.

burlesque..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..wha do bad ppl do?? ridicule others..

burlesque~(burles)girls+(que)queue = when lots of beautiful girls go to college everyday , some handsome, dashing boys make a queue near the gate of the college to burlesque the girls.

If somebody jumps the QUEue, people hurl(~BURL) abusES on that person...Mockery and imitation are common forms of abuses....

BURLESQUE.... a burly person will always mock at others.

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Burl~girl: The girl at circus imitated the joker for fun..

BURLESQUE = BURY + RESQUE. I want either to bury or rescue myself before they insult me in this CARICATURE/PARODY

ur-your,,that means ,mentioning to the same person ,who has said,,that means imitate.and ,how to imitate, imitate with a que(used in billiards)..

Burle (charle) + rescue= imagine charle is mocking a rescuer.


Short Definition : make shiny by rubbing; polish

(noun) the property of being smooth and shiny
Synonyms : gloss glossiness polish
(verb) polish and make shiny
Synonyms : buff furbish
Example Sentence
  • buff the wooden floors
  • buff my shoes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burnish

Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine

burnish-this brings us to the word ,cald furnish,ie , polishing and rubbing to make it shine..

BURNT thing is polished TO MAKE it SHINY.

BURNish: Clay work is burned and POLISHed before selling..

BURN-ish, can be interpreted as giving burnish texture, i.e. POLISH


Short Definition : piece of sculpture showing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest; V: break up; arrest; Ex. crimebuster

(noun) a complete failure
Synonyms : fizzle flop
Example Sentence
  • the play was a dismal flop
(noun) the chest of a woman
Synonyms : female chest
(noun) a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person Definition
(noun) an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
Synonyms : binge bout tear
Example Sentence
  • they went on a bust that lasted three days
(verb) ruin completely
Synonyms : break
Example Sentence
  • He busted my radio!
(verb) search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on
Synonyms : raid
Example Sentence
  • The police raided the crack house
(verb) separate or cause to separate abruptly
Synonyms : rupture snap tear
Example Sentence
  • The rope snapped
  • tear the paper
(verb) go to pieces
Example Sentence
  • The lawn mower finally broke
  • The gears wore out
  • The old chair finally fell apart completely
(verb) break open or apart suddenly and forcefully
Synonyms : burst
Example Sentence
  • The dam burst
(adj) lacking funds
Example Sentence
  • `skint' is a British slang term
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bust

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Bust is above breast in the chest; police busted him in haste.

bust can be remembered with boost,when ever i come across bust,i love to drink boost,because boost is the secret of my energy


Short Definition : support; prop up; N. stationary structure to support wall; Ex. flying buttress

(noun) a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
Synonyms : buttressing
(verb) reinforce with a buttress
Example Sentence
  • Buttress the church
(verb) make stronger or defensible
Example Sentence
  • buttress your thesis
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buttress

remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)

If you have big but (hope you know what ‘but’ is), you will have extra support

buttress=butt rest...butt gives u support so u tk rest on ur butt generally while sleeping or sitting

butts rests on support

buttress…..sounds simillar to mistress………….when i failed my exams due to my ill health ,it was my biology mistress who understood my problem and supported me in my tough time.

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buttress ends with "tress" can be read as truss, truss are usually created in order to strengthen the stucture (Mech)

sometimes u need to put u need to put butter on your stories to support it

butt(container to store liquid)+ress(sounds like rest.) ..plz get only one butt ,as we need it as a support to our existing water supply,rest we have got big tankers for this purpose.

buttress sounds like butter which is used to cover the bread for taste......so its gives support to the bread ...then it taste's well

Buttress = but (put) + tress (stress); give stress for support at back by a pile.


Short Definition : full-bosomed; plump; jolly

(adj) (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves
Example Sentence
  • Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes
  • a curvy young woman in a tight dress
(adj) (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous
Synonyms : zaftig zoftig
Example Sentence
  • a generation ago...buxom actresses were popular
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buxom

buck"some (buy some)gals who are healthy and plumpy to play..kinds a vulgar but thts d easy way yu remember..!!

BOOB+ZOOM here Zoom is in the place of huge.

BUCKSome....generally women having lot of money are Buxom....

Buxom ->> bossoms lady with big bossoms

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Buxom->Buxob:when u sea a BUXOM woman (woman with large breasts) it makes your BOXERS OBvious to others (u r aroused)...sorry for the language;)

To appear buxom, you have to use botox.

'bossom' stressed hard in the middle ,so kind of juge

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