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Short Definition : ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

(noun) (folklore) a corpse that rises at night to drink the blood of the living
Synonyms : lamia
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vampire

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Sharam nahi aati,mnemonic dhoondte hue!!!Doob Maro.[:P]

Empire (kingdom) sounds like Vampire (a blood sucking parasite)...a vampire that has a large empire.


Short Definition : forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement; CF. rearguard

(noun) the leading units moving at the head of an army
Synonyms : van
(noun) any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
Synonyms : avant-garde new wave van
(noun) the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
Synonyms : cutting edge forefront
Example Sentence
  • the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England
  • the idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vanguard

Maruti A Maruti "VAN" needs to be guarded from the front as it doesnot have a bonnet.

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a guard is coming in a van in front of all the cars

For DOTA players, Vanguard is the foremost item to be made for heroes like Viper and all.

vanguard~ one guard which is generally fight before actual war in medieval time~ vanguard also fight before many of other

take only the word guard. we only guard those things which are in front or important

When a minister or dignitary person goes out, his VAN is GUARDED by ADVANCE FORCES.

Vanguard and foreground sound somewhat similar...vanguard is the foremost part of an army...foreground is something that is nearest to the observer...so both terms refer to something closeby


Short Definition : position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point); CF. vantagepoint

(noun) place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective) Definition
(noun) the quality of having a superior or more favorable position
Synonyms : advantage
Example Sentence
  • the experience gave him the advantage over me
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vantage

In the movie "Vantage Point" the hero has an ad-vantage over the villain.


From the movie VANTAGE POINT ... a place from where evrything can be seen...

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van+advantage-van is a great advantage if its raining


Short Definition : lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless; Ex. vapid lecture

(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang
Example Sentence
  • a bland diet
  • insipid hospital food
  • flavorless supermarket tomatoes
  • vapid beer
  • vapid tea
(adj) lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
Example Sentence
  • a vapid conversation
  • a vapid smile
  • a bunch of vapid schoolgirls
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vapid

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vapid sounds similar to rapid(~ very rapid)... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat rapidly..you may not get the taste of the food.

Vapid is not Rapid and hence dull.....

antonym of rapid--vapid

VAPID....VAPour......vapour are vapid in nature as they does nt have any significance...... vap..VAPPA..WINE...which is insipid in taste,.....

Vapid sounds like 'Vaaipaadu' in tamil which means Numerical Tables. 5 tables, 6 tables etc. Which are btw boring .

rapids are not vapid, rapids are bumpy not flat.

Va-pid :vammo pidasa kattukupoyindiga pappu,Inkatha taste emuntundi.2.alaa pidasa kattukupoyinattuga koorchunnttunnav boring ga


Short Definition : turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

(verb) kill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting
Synonyms : zap
Example Sentence
  • in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens
(verb) turn into gas
Synonyms : aerify gasify vaporise
Example Sentence
  • The substance gasified
(verb) lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue
Synonyms : evaporate vaporise
Example Sentence
  • evaporate milk
(verb) decrease rapidly and disappear
Synonyms : fly vanish
Example Sentence
  • the money vanished in las Vegas
  • all my stock assets have vaporized
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vaporize

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Materialise is the opposite of vaporize. Vaporize is to diappear whereas materialise is to come into existence.


Short Definition : change the appearance of (by marking with different colors)

(verb) change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors Definition
(verb) make something more diverse and varied
Synonyms : motley vary
Example Sentence
  • Vary the menu
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for variegate

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variegate: add variety to an object by making it in many colours. variegate==variety

If we drop the letter 'g' and take the word as varied+ate...they ATE from a VARIED range of foodstuff.

variety at the gate:i.e changing appearance


Short Definition : (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored

(adj) having a variety of colors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for variegated

varie(various)-gated(gates)... the gates are of various colors..

variety+ate=variegated.our meal consists variety[chappatis,vegetables etc]...alll are of different colour

VARY+ATED...when we eat different type of food,our shit is variegated


Short Definition : paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using this substance; Ex. nail varnish; V.

(noun) a coating that provides a hard, lustrous, transparent finish to a surface Definition
(verb) cover with varnish
Synonyms : seal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for varnish

we paint to va(r)nish impurity

Tarnish is the opposite of Varnish. Varnish gives lustre to something (mainly woodwork) and tarnish (dull) is the lack of lustre.

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garnish means to decorate; varnish means to decorate by POLISHING

u warnish something thats tarnished


Short Definition : in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent

(noun) a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vassal

Sounds like vasool. One who has to give a vasool is a vassal.

sounds like fasal(hindi anaz).. so a person in feudal system who can cultivate under him and reprent them to king

Vassal and vessel are similar in sound. A vassal (slave) carries the vessels (utensils) to the kitchen.

The King gifted vessels to his vassals

Simply relate it to vasool which is taken from ordinary public.


Short Definition : change in direction; swerve

(verb) turn sharply; change direction abruptly
Example Sentence
  • The car cut to the left at the intersection
  • The motorbike veered to the right
(verb) shift to a clockwise direction
Example Sentence
  • the wind veered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veer

Veer and steer are rhyming words. Veer means to change direction and steer means to direct the course of, guide.

veer yodha ne HAR DIRECTION CHANGE kar kar ke apne enemy ko maara

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After taking BEER all directions change!!!

veer means hill which is frightening hence when u saw it u change the direction


VEER hindi movie...when you think of the movie, you think of Salman whose behaviour, course,opinion always change

VEER is similar to BEER ... after drinking beer you swerve and change direction rapidly

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