• word of the day


    venturesome - Dictionary definition and meaning for word venturesome

    (adj) disposed to venture or take risks
    Synonyms : audacious , daring , venturous
    Example Sentence
    • audacious visions of the total conquest of space
    • an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas
    • the most daring of contemporary fiction writers
    • a venturesome investor
    • a venturous spirit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venturesome

if u want to do an adventurous act of climbing hills , then u should be brave , bold enough. venturesome = adventure + some bravery.

venturesome sounds like adventure + some which means taking risks and be bold

Venture +some... you VENTURE out on expeditions only if you want to add SOME courageous incidents to your life.

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drive venture in some 120 speed to feel the adventure and risk

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