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    jargon - Dictionary definition and meaning for word jargon

    (noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
    Synonyms : argot , cant , lingo , patois , slang , vernacular
    Example Sentence
    • they don't speak our lingo
    (noun) a colorless (or pale yellow or smoky) variety of zircon
    Synonyms : jargoon
    (noun) specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for jargon

in gaun (village) ppl use typical or different laguage from metro cities.

jargon : i will memorize it by cosidering ARGON element. the property of this nobel element is VERY DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND.

Jagron( night out)- in jagron people use religious Jargon.

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If you've watched the movie Zathura, sequel of Jumanji; there were alien creatures speaking in their language called 'ZORGONS' Jargon rhymes with Zorgon

In the Jargon Village in Andaman people speak only JARGON language

jar(char in hindi) + gon(gaaon in hindi) when people of 4 gaon form a language thats jargon

We storage or keep the special languages in a JAR or a FLAGON on the shelf.

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