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Short Definition : pride; haughtiness; ADJ. arrogant: unpleasantly self-important (with a strong confidence in one's own importance and a lack of respect for other people)

(noun) overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arrogance

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arrogance ~ error + ignorance; when you do some error yourself and ignore it ..but you generally scold your juniors if they made any mistake, you are arrogant.


Short Definition : gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater

(noun) a stream or brook
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arroyo

it is like a ----------> a row (of water)

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'Arroyo' sounds like a famous toy - 'Yo Yo'; which has a 'Gully' - like shape to coil the rope around.

ARROYO: are roya..(hey hes crying),so basically when u cry theres a small lane of water flowing out

ab mat ro (please don't weep now), poori gali bhar di tuney to..

i will memorise it as AREY ROY SIR ka ghar kon se GULLY mey hai.

it sounds like arre+ oye= my mom used to shout arre .. oye.. when we used to play in channel formed by rain water.

Arroyo z like...Ar-Road-yo...Roadz hav many gully s..

Best way is to relate this to the cricket fielding position - gully.. Say Ganguly always stands at gully or arroyo

Its simple....A + River.

ar+roya... roya is cry in hndi... there is a famous song of justin timberlake called "cry me a river".. when you cry a river, that river forms a gully... hence the name


Short Definition : storage place for military equipment

(noun) all the weapons and equipment that a country has
Synonyms : armory armoury
(noun) a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms
Synonyms : armory armoury
(noun) a place where arms are manufactured
Synonyms : armory armoury
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arsenal

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SENA(HINDI) ke use mai aane waala saaman

you know ARSENAL.... the famous football club..... the players shoot goals like a bullet from a gun ... like ammunition storage

arsenal ~ arms;


Short Definition : blood-vessel; CF. vein

(noun) a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body Definition
(noun) a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for artery

an artist created an art of blood vessel


Short Definition : exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning; CF. artifice

(adj) not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness
Synonyms : disingenuous
Example Sentence
  • an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time
  • a disingenuous excuse
(adj) marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft
Example Sentence
  • the artful dodger
  • an artful choice of metaphors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for artful

spell it " art of fool(ing)" i.e in a cunning way

think of "arts and crafts" to get to crafty, clever, wily, etc.


Short Definition : effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly; having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. articulate speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce clearly; unite by joints

(verb) provide with a joint
Synonyms : joint
Example Sentence
  • the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood
(verb) put into words or an expression
Example Sentence
  • He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees
(verb) speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
Example Sentence
  • She pronounces French words in a funny way
  • I cannot say `zip wire'
  • Can the child sound out this complicated word?
(verb) unite by forming a joint or joints
Example Sentence
  • the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones
(verb) express or state clearly Definition
(adj) expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language
Example Sentence
  • articulate speech
  • an articulate orator
  • articulate beings
(adj) consisting of segments held together by joints
Synonyms : articulated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for articulate

arti kyun late...? now she really has to explain clearly or she is GONE !~

ariculate sounds like 'article + ate'. An article in a magazine or newspaper must be 'clear and fluent in what they say'

articulate speech is 'artistic'...it attracts attention of ppl..

articulate ~ art + calculate; if you are good in art of speaking as well as good in calculations (maths), you will be able to express yourself in a better way.

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art+late....although art takes time(late).......an art always conveys what the artist wanted to speak clearly

aarti(pooja) kyon late??coz the pundit wasnt articulate..


Short Definition : deception; trickery

(noun) a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
Synonyms : ruse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for artifice

ARTIFICE: sounds like artificial fish which is nothing but a trick.

artfice is like artificial..if artificial things are not real .it is a trick it look like real one but it is a trick

Artist like Hussain take huge Fees of their art and deceive the people

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art(ART)+ fice (SOUNDS LIKE FISH); fisherman know art of catching fish, they use some clever techniques like giving them bait, and thus catch them, so offering bait to fishes, a trick commonly used by fisherman.

art of fixing.

ART+OF+ICE...how is ice....it's there in front of us for sometime and gets converted to water....hence it's a kind of DECEPTION....

read it like arti.fees artists like hussain and others charge high fees for crap art...its nothing but deception n trickery baby ;)

AARTI FEES:girl called aarti is being asked for fees, for nothing, so clearly shes being decieved or tricked

artfice (artificial fishes in tanks)is like artificial..if artificial things are not real .it is a trick it look like real one but it is a trick..


Short Definition : a manually skilled worker

(noun) a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for artisan

Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled worker or craftsman.

artisan-partition...partition in our room can be made by only manually skilled worker (carpenter)

artisan sounds like artist..who is a manually skilled worker..

sounds like mason who is manually skilled worker.


Short Definition : without guile; open and honest

(adj) characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious
Synonyms : ingenuous
Example Sentence
  • an ingenuous admission of responsibility
(adj) simple and natural; without cunning or deceit
Example Sentence
  • an artless manner
  • artless elegance
(adj) showing lack of art
Example Sentence
  • an artless translation
(adj) (of persons) lacking art or knowledge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for artless

without the art of deception

art + less, without having any art(skill)

artful is cunning artless is opposite of artful not cunning OR HONEST

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art+less means not having many arts to understand very simple and natural.

Heart+ness=heartness, full of heart.

decieving, tricking,fooling, all require ome kinda art..so antonym becums ATLESS

art+less = there is less art meaning so simple and natural in that art to understand

artless = Not heartless = a + heartless = artless(open and h)


Short Definition : controlling influence; position of controlling influence; CF. in the ascendant

(noun) the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
Example Sentence
  • her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ascendancy

Ascend means to rise... as u rise, u always gain power...& den u dance :p

ascendancy... wife has ascendancy over her husband...she make him dance to her tune !

modification of above one . Husband having ascendancy over wife that is controlling her and makin dance her at his tune

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1>2>3>4>5>6>7.. The numbers are arranged in ascending order with 2 ASCENDANCY OVER 1 and hence controlling 1;

a scent which has a controlling influence, a-scend-ancy

ascendancy : i hv been ascended to higher position bcoz i can influence n control my juniors effectively.

ascend ~ rising upward; when you rise to a senior position, you generally control your juniors;

rhymes with Presidency :P

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