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    talisman - Dictionary definition and meaning for word talisman

    (noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease
    Synonyms : amulet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for talisman

Talisman sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.

It sounds similar to tulsi(a Holy Plant).whenever we go for certain exam it is given hoping that luck would be with us .bcoz it is pure and holy and this plant holds extreme importance to indians

tal(l)+is+man; if a man is tall he is lucky as girls get attracted towards him.

Remember Gandhiji talisman when unhappy ,u have think of poor person.

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there is a word in telugu called "talittu" which will be hanged in the necks of small childern which prtects them from some harm..........

"tali" a jewel which usually hangs in the neck of married woman as a sign of holy ness and it is also loke a kind of jewel

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