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Short Definition : convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure to the sun

(noun) a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
Synonyms : burn sunburn suntan
(noun) a light brown the color of topaz
Synonyms : topaz
(noun) ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle
Synonyms : tangent
(verb) treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather Definition
(verb) get a tan, from wind or sun
Synonyms : bronze
(adj) of a light yellowish-brown color
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tan

A Tan is a Sun Burn which you get when you expose yourself to the sun.

tanneries are places where animal skin is changed to leather...as in KANPUR

tanner (tan+er) - a person who tans a skin till the skin becomes jet black/brown ! Generally we see leather of jet black/brown color (in shoes, purse etc.) ... you can get da hint !


Short Definition : only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; CF. tangent

(adj) of superficial relevance if any
Synonyms : digressive
Example Sentence
  • a digressive allusion to the day of the week
  • a tangential remark
(adj) of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent
Example Sentence
  • tangential forces
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tangential

Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral.

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Tangential - Take it as Tangent which is Divergent, meaning, scattered or dispersed.

: a TANGENT touches a circle at exactly 1 pt, so meaning is SLIGHTLY CONNECTED, after touching circle it moves AWAY FROM NORMAL(PERPENDICULER i.e., radius), so AWAY FORM NORMAL OR CORRECT PATH

tangent also deviates from centre point of circle

recluse sounds like reckless. because of reckless character withdrawn from society


Short Definition : able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; Ex. tangible proof

(adj) perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch
Synonyms : touchable
Example Sentence
  • skin with a tangible roughness
(adj) capable of being treated as fact
Synonyms : real
Example Sentence
  • tangible evidence
  • his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor
(adj) (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
Example Sentence
  • tangible property like real estate
  • tangible assets such as machinery
(adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
Synonyms : palpable
Example Sentence
  • a barely palpable dust
  • felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
  • the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
  • a palpable lie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tangible

related to tangent, touching

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Tangible or say Physical - something that can be sensed or felt by touch.

tangible ~ touchable Thing which can be touch and sense. ex tangible result

TANned Skin, Looks Good, wanna be aBLE to touch..


Short Definition : person who turns animal hides into leather

(noun) a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970
Synonyms : sixpence
(noun) a craftsman who tans skins and hides
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tanner

A Tanner knows the Manner in which to convert a hide (animal skin) into leather.

TAN+LEATHER:Person who makes Tan into leather

For science student its so easy: Tanner use tannins to precipitates the protein so leather removed easily from the aminals


Short Definition : tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure

(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Example Sentence
  • The children teased the new teacher
  • Don't ride me so hard over my failure
  • His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantalize

Tanta-> Taunt Tont Taunting someone... It means harassing... easy to remem.Tantalize=taunt+entice

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tanta rhymes with Santa, imagine a rich kid tantalizing a poor kid, Santa gave me a car, Santa gave me new clothes, what did he give you?

u tease somebody like tan-tane-tan-ten.....tantalize

TAUNTalize...to harass persistently by taunting

Tantalize or Entice - You entice or tempt somebody with something.

tent + lie = a girl calls you in a tent, but she was lying. so u c she tantalized you

tantrik keeps the good results in view and keeps extracting money -he's harassing- tantalizing

tease, tease.. tease !!! tantalize . harassment teasing ..tanta in telgu.. Teasing is tantalizing .. so please dont harass those gals

TENANT+PENALIZE=Teasing a Tenant continuously in 2 ways 1.by penalizing him 2.decreasing and increasing the rent(offering and taking away)

Tantalize(chanchale or chakchake in nepali)and be harrassed we have to face criticism for being chanchale


Short Definition : equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; CF. amount

(adj) being essentially equal to something
Synonyms : equivalent
Example Sentence
  • it was as good as gold
  • a wish that was equivalent to a command
  • his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantamount

ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'.

Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means, equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.

Paramount means superior. Tantamount means equal.

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tantamount is like tan tan amount i.e. just equal to the price.

tantamount: t+(ant)+t=amount ... so the deed is 'equivalent' or 'equal to'(=) something...

Tantamount -seems like tent amount .For buying the tent you have to pay the amount that equals the tent amount


Short Definition : fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; Ex. The child went into tantrums.

(noun) a display of bad temper
Synonyms : conniption fit scene
Example Sentence
  • he had a fit
  • she threw a tantrum
  • he made a scene
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantrum

sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil souls entering someone's body

ant in Rum ----> make u angry, ill tempered !

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TAINT+RUM....taint means spot.....after seeing taint of rum on my friend's shirt,his mother lost her temper

tantrum= t + an(=angry) + t + rum(=run) .... if someone gets angry, they run into a fit of bad temper.or ( rum pine ke baad tent mein tantrum hua..)


Short Definition : very thin candle; gradual decrease in the width of a long object; V. make or become gradually narrower toward one end

(noun) a convex shape that narrows toward a point Definition
(noun) the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone) Definition
(noun) a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame
Synonyms : wick
(noun) stick of wax with a wick in the middle
Synonyms : candle wax light
(verb) diminish gradually
Example Sentence
  • Interested tapered off
(verb) give a point to
Synonyms : point sharpen
Example Sentence
  • The candles are tapered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taper

Remember your workshop course - you would've done tapering. Otherwise, think of a hose pipe connecting to a tap. Its width decreases gradually.

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we ll apply TAPE or oil coating 2cricket bat 2increase its stoke n sharpen its edges..

use TAPE to make the CANDLE stand erect from falling down

Usually the candles are 'Tapering'

Taper and Slender have similar sounds. If you taper something to a point, it becomes slender at that point (it gets slimmer than from where it had started).

taper: think of nozzle of a pipe.....it tapers from one end to another...smaller at end and larger diameter at beginnining,....

Relate it to Tape. when u use tape to stick something you could notice gradual decrease in the width of the tape.


Short Definition : venomous spider

(noun) large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement) Definition
(noun) large hairy tropical spider with fangs that can inflict painful but not highly venomous bites
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarantula

tarantula is like Dracula

There was an English movie called Tarantula about wild spiders. In general, Tarantula, Godzilla, Gorilla all end with "la" - and mean some gigantic creature.

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Tarantula (a venomous spider) and Tarantella (an Italian whirling dance)have the same sounds but the words have conflicting emotions. While one makes you whirl in enjoyment, the other makes you writhe (get uncomfortable) in pain.

taRANtula:RAN(run...run...tarantula is beside u)


Short Definition : slow; sluggish; not on time; late; Ex. tardy arrival

(adj) after the expected or usual time; delayed
Synonyms : belated late
Example Sentence
  • a belated birthday card
  • I'm late for the plane
  • the train is late
  • tardy children are sent to the principal
  • always tardy in making dental appointments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tardy

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tardy..sounds like tired..so if a person is tired..he is very slow at his work and arrives late than the expected time.

The base word for TARDY is RETARD, in which retard is to slow up, delay, inhibit, hinder, impede.,...

Tardy and Dilly-Dally are rhyming words and they are used for someone who is slow and is always late at getting somewhere or doing something.

TARdy - In India a TAR road takes too much time

On tar(black material used in road making) u can only go slow

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