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Short Definition : commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; ADJ. tumultuous: noisy and disorderly

(noun) a state of commotion and noise and confusion Definition
(noun) violent agitation
Synonyms : turmoil
(noun) the act of making a noisy disturbance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tumult

tu+mu = tu tu main main

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the word can be broken into TWO+MULK mulk is a group..we often see that there is a commotion,riot b/w two mulks

sounds like turmoil - disturbance

TUMULT or TUMULTUOUS and TEMPESTUOUS have the same sound and meaning i.e great confusion or disorder.

tumult , tumour a disease which is about to bring end to your life thus which creates confusion in your mind about wellbeing your parents in the future

Sounds like tumble. One can imagine that in a tumble there would be a tumult.


Short Definition : rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America

(noun) a vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tundra

TUNDRA is a region like the SAVANNA, Pampas, Prairies etc.

tundra - a region where there is lot of 'thund' meaning cold in hindi


Short Definition : (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick

(adj) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
Synonyms : cloudy mirky muddy murky
Example Sentence
  • a cloudy liquid
  • muddy coffee
  • murky waters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turbid

T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy.. and disturbed sediment.

When you walk into a lake and the water is disTURBeD, the water becomes TURBID

TURBID=TURBINE. The TURBINES on a boat can churn up the water and make it TURBID and murky.

TURBID sounds as in "WATERBED"...When WATERBED is disturbed..the water automatically becomes muddy ;)

might have heard the word turbidity in chemistry..

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You experience TURBulance when you are on in a plane going through CLOUDY areas

turbid== turbulence in the bed. disturbance in the bed of sea or water container creates muddy liquid by disturbing the sediments

tainted water bed

TURBID and CLOUDED are rhyming words defining the same meaning i.e something unclear or muddy.

turbid: The water in turbine is very muddy



Short Definition : state of violent agitation; ADJ. turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed

(noun) unstable flow of a liquid or gas
Synonyms : turbulency
(noun) instability in the atmosphere Definition
(noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)
Example Sentence
  • the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turbulence


TURBULENCE and DISTURBANCE are similar sounding words having the same meaning - great commotion.

when someone trouble(TURBU) you, you gets DISTURBED sounds like ambulance, its siren causes DISTURBANCE and causes DISORDER on road as vehicles gives passage to ambulance


Short Definition : deep dish for serving soup

(noun) large deep serving dish with a cover; for serving soups and stews
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tureen

It can be broken as Tureen = Tarri + In TARRI is famous hindi slang for spicy curry. IN means isnide. So where we put TARRI. Which is nothing but bowl.

A TUREEN (a deep covered dish) is a BASIN (dish) from which soup is served.

TUREEN:TUREE+EN:MEANS CURRY IN.Curry is always served in a dish

epicure (coneissure of food) is close to tureen (vessel to serve food)


Short Definition : swollen; distended (as from liquid)

(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style
Example Sentence
  • a man given to large talk
  • tumid political prose
(adj) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas
Example Sentence
  • hungry children with bloated stomachs
  • he had a grossly distended stomach
  • eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids
  • swollen hands
  • tumescent tissue
  • puffy tumid flesh
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turgid

People always tell tragedies by overblowing them

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TURGID= (TURBID and TURGID river). If there is extreme turbidity in the river, then the river must a turgid river(swollen),because it washes away the mud from the bank.

Tu(you) r(are) gid (gas+solid=gid) If you are all gas and solid about yourself, the you are POMPOUS

Turgid can be thought of opposite of RIGID..i.e.. can be SWOLLEN or DISTENDED

can be read as To+Get+rid of MUD = muddy

'tumid" "turgid" sounds like tumor...which means over blown

Iceberg(Turg) + in(i) + dialogue(d):- means using bombastic words in speech

the sea water is turgid.

it's boring as turd

turgid - giddy with gas or tummy

turgid - adj form of turgor which means vigor and energy - and when used too much it becomes turgid opposite to flaccid

Associate the G in turgid to Gross (swollen)

Sound similar to turn+gas= I'm bloated and I need to turn gas

TUR(swim)+ID - on ED's day I dont want to swim in water because it is very TURGID

Turgid and Tumid are synonyms which also rhyme.


Short Definition : extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into turmoil

(noun) a violent disturbance
Synonyms : convulsion upheaval
Example Sentence
  • the convulsions of the stock market
(noun) violent agitation
Synonyms : tumult
(noun) disturbance usually in protest
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turmoil

turmoil: turn + oil...when the government raises the price of oil..it creates turmoil among the public.

turn me into oil ...it means state of confusion

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turmoil: the term "oil" has always been a matter of great confusion for me to pronounce correctly.

turmoil-relate it to the incident in the East tumor where there has been disturbance due to the political protest

An EMBROIL can cause a lot of TURMOIL.

oil is in gulf countries!!! and a "big agitation, unrest" is going on there!!!

turmoil seems like boil.. remember how it looks like if something is boilibg.. high agitation


Short Definition : traitor

(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turncoat

if you turn your coat then you show your back... and one who back stabs you is a traitor..

u have a coat with inside having indian colours and outside having pakistan colours. a traitor will possess such a coat

A TURNCOAT is someone who FLUCTUATES - A person who quickly changes sides in a dispute etc.

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Read it as Changing the Coat or Uniform : A traitor changes the military uniform and wears the enemy uniform ( metaphorically)


Short Definition : depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude

(noun) a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
Synonyms : depravity
Example Sentence
  • the various turpitudes of modern society
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turpitude

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TAPORI ATTITUDE.....I hpe nw its easy

turpitude = turbid attitude so a depraved act.

TURPITUDE and RECTITUDE are rhyming words with opposite meanings. Turpitude refers to wickedness while Rectitude refers to correctness of behaviour, upright and honest.

turpitude...concentrate on "turp", now replace 't' with 's'..it becomes surp..which means snake in hindi..what can you expect from a snake..turpitude, or depraved act

The first word that comes with my association with TURPITUDE is TORPEDO..torpedo is similar as it is destructive too

focus on the last part of the word turpITUDE...(SOUNDS SIMILAR TO ATTITUDE).....SO SOMEONE HAVING THE MEAN ATTITUDE.

notice the word PIT. a turpitude or turd + PIT + dude, or a turd dude will definately go to hell(pit of fire) if he is immoral

When you do "TUR" (tor) and "PIT" (peet), u are being corrupt, or degenerate, or depraved - morally not correct !

When you say something TURPITUDINOUS your mother washes your mouth out with TURPentine soap

To punish the little boy for his turpitude, his mother put TERPENTINE on his TORPEDO.

turks wre thrown in the pit by morgan black's invaders. in the pit they had to live in depravity to servive


Short Definition : guardianship; training; function of a tutor; instruction

(noun) teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)
Synonyms : tuition tutorship
(noun) attention and management implying responsibility for safety
Synonyms : care charge guardianship
Example Sentence
  • he is in the care of a bodyguard
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tutelage

TUTELAGE, concentrate on the first part of the word TUTE meaning a kind of TUTOR, who KEEPS A WATCH ON YOU, a GUARDIAN.

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TUTELAGE is KNOWLEDGE attained from learning.

Concentrate on tutelAGE..wat does AGED people do...they guardian us..

tutelage... tutel + age... tuttlane wali age is childhood.. and in the age of childhood we always have guardian...

a guardian TUTORS you until you come of AGE... so tutelage is guardianship

khud tution lene ki age mein (tutelage) dusro ko GUARDIANSHIP aur TRAINING provide kar rahe ho?besharam......;)

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