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Short Definition : not fully worked out or developed; provisional; experimental; uncertain; hesitant; not definite or positive; Ex. tentative agreement/reply

(adj) under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Example Sentence
  • probationary employees
  • a provisional government
  • just a tentative schedule
(adj) unsettled in mind or opinion
Synonyms : doubtful
Example Sentence
  • drew a few tentative conclusions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tentative

Living in a tent temporarily. If you are living in a tent, you are unsettled.

living in (tent) temporarily.if u are living in tent u are unsettled

Tentative is Relative to uncertainty, hesitancy.

If you live in a TENT than you are without confidence or provisional about your location.


Short Definition : thin; slim; rare

(adj) having thin consistency
Example Sentence
  • a tenuous fluid
(adj) very thin in gauge or diameter
Example Sentence
  • a tenuous thread
(adj) lacking substance or significance
Synonyms : flimsy fragile slight thin
Example Sentence
  • slight evidence
  • a tenuous argument
  • a thin plot
  • a fragile claim to fame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenuous

this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN...

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TENUOUS can be split as TEN+US,so TEN of us goin to USa together,the chances are very SLIM and it'll be a RARITY

Tenuous comes from Attenuate. Attenuate means to make thin.

tenous...this word it extracted from Latin tenuis means...thin, slight...

split it "Ten+of+us". It is a rare possiblity that ten of us will accomodate in car

this word is delibrately mispronounced some times as tenyeas....tenyears....so your ten years daughter is very thin.........and slim.....

tenuous can be related to tension..in tension a person is weak....

Read TENUOUS as 'TEN of U vs twO of US', so when ur only two against ten, u become "WEAK AND INSUBSTANTIAL"( Insubstantial : lacking strength and solidity ).

tenuous sounds like "Thin" and fragile

Tenuous and Bulbous are rhyming words with different meanings. Tenuous is something slim or thin while Bulbous is something fat and round .

me playin TENNIS is a tenuous idea

TEN+US....the plane we hired to go to gre could manage only 10 people because the plane was TENUOUS

though ten of us are thin ,its very rare to fit in the car

TEN of US can only cook a TENUOUS dish... for too many cooks spoil the dish..

tenuous = tenis. tenis players(female) are thin and generally lack substance - they are more hype.

ten u or us:so doubtful,uncertain; tender: easily broken so must be thin

tenuous-sounds like strenuous. under strain we become fragile and thin

Tenuous sound like tender, and tender meat is soft/flimsy

think about Tin can which is thin


Short Definition : holding of an office or real estate; time during which such an office is held

(noun) the term during which some position is held Definition
(noun) the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands
Synonyms : land tenure
(verb) give life-time employment to
Example Sentence
  • She was tenured after she published her book
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenure

sounds like ten years..so you are holding an office for the last ten years.

Tenure and Ensure. The property owner Ensures against a fraudulent tenant by setting a lease period or a tenure for renting out his property.

U need MANURE for u'r Farm in u'r Real Estate which u have been holding from several time

from previous mnemonic....tenure=ten+your..it's yours from ten years and holding it...


Short Definition : lukewarm; slightly warm; half-hearted; not eager; Ex. tepid reaction to the new film; Ex. tepid supporter

(adj) moderately warm
Synonyms : lukewarm
Example Sentence
  • he hates lukewarm coffee
  • tepid bath water
(adj) feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm
Example Sentence
  • a halfhearted effort
  • gave only lukewarm support to the candidate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tepid

tepid sounds like torpid which is sluggish ie, inactive

te(tea) and pid(dip):ypu can dip ur hand into tea only when it is lukewarm

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tepid..sounds like rapid....when u have half hearted approach for sth u do things rapidly..means u want to just finish ur work u have no interst in doing it...

~tea+Pee'd:: you can have hint from either TEA or PEE, in either case it's luke warm

Tepid can be thought of as "Tap" which gives lukewarm water..

tepid=tap+it....introducing the new "TAP IT gyser"...tap it once and u shall get LUKE WARM water...tap it twice and u shall get hot water.......:D

Tepid refers to something Mild, lukewarm or not too hot.

tepid = tea + pid; i.e. pid is having low control power which has little interest.


Short Definition : part that forms the end; railroad or bus station; ADJ. forming an end; ending in death; fatal; Ex. terminal cancer

(noun) station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
Synonyms : depot terminus
(noun) a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
Synonyms : pole
(noun) either extremity of something that has length
Synonyms : end
Example Sentence
  • the end of the pier
  • she knotted the end of the thread
  • they rode to the end of the line
  • the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix
(noun) electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display Definition
(adj) of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route
Example Sentence
  • freight pickup is a terminal service
  • terminal charges
(adj) relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time
Example Sentence
  • terminal examinations
  • terminal payments
(adj) being or situated at an end
Example Sentence
  • the endmost pillar
  • terminal buds on a branch
  • a terminal station
  • the terminal syllable
(adj) occurring at or forming an end or termination
Synonyms : concluding final last
Example Sentence
  • his concluding words came as a surprise
  • the final chapter
  • the last days of the dinosaurs
  • terminal leave
(adj) causing or ending in or approaching death
Example Sentence
  • a terminal patient
  • terminal cancer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminal

Terminal and Final are rhyming words which mean, the end or an end to something.


Short Definition : end; V. terminate

(noun) a coming to an end of a contract period
Synonyms : expiration expiry
Example Sentence
  • the expiry of his driver's license
(noun) a place where something ends or is complete Definition
(noun) something that results
Example Sentence
  • he listened for the results on the radio
(noun) the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme)
Synonyms : ending
Example Sentence
  • I don't like words that have -ism as an ending
(noun) the act of ending something
Synonyms : conclusion ending
Example Sentence
  • the termination of the agreement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for termination

Termination and Eradication are rhyming words with the same meaning, which is, to remove something totally.


Short Definition : terms used in a science or art; study of nomenclature

(noun) a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
Synonyms : language nomenclature
Example Sentence
  • legal terminology
  • biological nomenclature
  • the language of sociology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminology

Terminology and Etymology both refer to words. Terminology refers to the technical terms of a subject whereas Etymology refers to an account of a word's origin and description.


Short Definition : last stop of railroad; end

(noun) a place where something ends or is complete Definition
(noun) the ultimate goal for which something is done
Synonyms : destination
(noun) (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
Synonyms : term terminal figure
(noun) either end of a railroad or bus route Definition
(noun) station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
Synonyms : depot terminal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminus

Terminus=terminal+bus. So, terminus is Bus Terminal where bus stops and loads & unloads passengers.

Terminus and Bus which are rhyming words are interrelated, because each and every bus has to end at a terminus (bus stop).


Short Definition : on or relating to the earth

(adj) of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air Definition
(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants
Synonyms : planetary
Example Sentence
  • planetary rumblings and eructations
  • the planetary tilt
  • this terrestrial ball
(adj) operating or living or growing on land Definition
(adj) concerned with the world or worldly matters
Synonyms : mundane
Example Sentence
  • mundane affairs
  • he developed an immense terrestrial practicality
(adj) of this earth
Synonyms : sublunar sublunary
Example Sentence
  • transcendental motives for sublunary actions
  • fleeting sublunary pleasures
  • the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terrestrial

Terrestrial which is pertaining to the earth is the opposite of Celestial or Astral which refer to the stars and the constellation.

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When we go on the terrace of a building we can see the full surrounding which is nothing but earth.

Darwin Can't Solve the problem :: 'Human and Monkey are similar but why human are terrestrial and why Monkeys are arborial'


Short Definition : concise; abrupt; pithy

(adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short
Synonyms : crisp curt laconic
Example Sentence
  • a crisp retort
  • a response so curt as to be almost rude
  • the laconic reply; `yes'
  • short and terse and easy to understand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terse

terse...sounds like TERESA..Here all her achievements,efforts everything has been consolidated, confined and put into a single word "MOTHER"..So TERSE means brief,concise

TERSE rhymes with VERSE.jus a verse is always CONCISE and PITHY

write mother teresa as terse....so u r riting concise and brief!

TEARse....when you tear your cloth it becomes brief,concise...

Terse is when you Converse in a curt or concise manner.

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<B>Time</B> spent in a <B>hearse</B> is brief by comparison.

read it as T-erase.... we erase unnecessary lines to make it short and concise

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