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Short Definition : protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities

(adj) providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding
Synonyms : custodial tutelar
Example Sentence
  • daycare that is educational and not just custodial
  • a guardian angel
  • tutelary gods
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tutelary

"Tute Le Rahi" mam jab tutorials leti hain to v r in her custody... but she is very sweet like an angel.

TUTELARY to be in CUSTODY of a guardian angel or god, a protector.

tutelary sounds similar to salary... so if we give good salary to our guard he will protect us (protective)

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it seems like tutor. who watches u whether you are reading or not..


tute la ry :tute hue tukde la ry...il join dos.mera kaam hai to protect


Short Definition : wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon

(noun) a very wealthy or powerful businessman
Example Sentence
  • an oil baron
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tycoon

we generally say "he is a business tycoon"...u knw the rest...!!!

A TYCOON is a POWERFUL, wealthy business magnate. A person who ranks amongst the world's richest.


Short Definition : tropical hurricane or cyclone

(noun) a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for typhoon

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in hindi it is "tuphaan" sounds similar with typhoon ...meaning is same

A TYPHOON in the MONSOON is a harsh tropical storm.

no telephoon in typhoon


Short Definition : oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; V. tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress

(noun) a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.) Definition
(noun) dominance through threat of punishment and violence
Synonyms : absolutism despotism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyranny

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TY + RANI ~ just to learn the word. After fucking his RANI, raja says TY(thank you) Rani and then fucks his janta

TYRANNY is the VILLANY of a wicked person. A Tyrant as is his villainous nature supresses the weak.

Tyranny- A government by a Tyrant..keep it simple silly:)

The King commands "TIE (ty) THE RANI (ranny)". This shows the dominanance of the king over his wife ( the queen ).. (which is an offence)

thailand ke rani bohath cruel hai

the irani

TY(The) Chambal ki RANI is authoritarian

tyranny ---ty ranny


Short Definition : beginner; novice

(noun) someone new to a field or activity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyro

tyro...sounds like try karo....a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.

TYRO and MAESTRO which are rhyming words have opposite meanings. Tyro refers to a learner while a Maestro is a master.

typo, a newbie always make alotta mistakes (typo)

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TYRO -change the R with P..a tryo(novice) will usually make a typo(mistake typing)

Novice Gymgoers will soon get tyred of their old routines.

TYRO -> TIGHT + ROPE...beginner TIGHTROPE walkers will die on the circus tightrope without more practice.

when i STARTED LEARNIG french i used to go to class sitting on a tyre...friends called me TYRO,later i bought a car.

a tyro tyrant

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