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Short Definition : dress with vulgar finery

(verb) decorate tastelessly Definition
(verb) dress up garishly and tastelessly
Synonyms : dizen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bedizen

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bad design dress!

bed+zen--bed(bad)+zen--few bad girls who came out of that ZEN car were dressed up garishly.

Bed izen: ( Bad citizen)- Bad citizen has dress with vulgar finery!!

bad-in-zen: so there is BAD girl with vulgar dressed in Zen car

Sounds like BEDaZzlE. Remember the bedazzler you could buy on TV that lets you BEDIZEN you clothes with rhinestones.

this is ur ZEN car not ur BED so when ui r going outside in ur zen car do not dress like as if u r not in ur bed


The BEDroom isn't (IZEN) decorated very nicely - it looks like a brothel!

if you go out in your ZEN car in your BED attire you look VULGAR tht's BEDIZEN

bad citizen

when a girl wants to take some girl in bed then she will DRESS VULGARLY.. or when u get up from bed then u r IMPROPERLY DRESSED..

sounds like DENIZEN which is the new cloth brand and old people fund it vulgar



Short Definition : wet thoroughly; ADJ. bedraggled: draggled

(verb) make wet and dirty, as from rain
Synonyms : draggle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bedraggle

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the bed and the rag was made wet thoroughly by the child.

if u drag ur partner in the bed she will get wet throughly

Be+Draggle--if you are dragged through mud and water.it made you wet and dirty

BED, RAG. Imagine your seniors RAGGING you by completely wetting your BED and asking you to sleep on it.


Short Definition : direct quick route

(noun) the most direct route
Example Sentence
  • he made a beeline for the bathroom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beeline

moving in a particular line(direction) like a bee

divide this word like bee+line-- bee line -the most direct line or path on which the bee adopts to reach the destination soon.

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bees follow a particualr path through the flowers

beeline (being in line will lead to a direct path quickly than to come in between and get scoldings)


Short Definition : confuse thoroughly

(verb) be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Example Sentence
  • These questions confuse even the experts
  • This question completely threw me
  • This question befuddled even the teacher
(verb) make stupid with alcohol
Synonyms : fuddle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for befuddle

befuddle ~ fuddle ~ riddle which confuses you

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befuddle sounds like being in the flood of river, at that time one gets confused where to go.

remember Fuddle as MUDDLE...so there is a poem called MUDDLE HEAD by ogden nash..Muddle head means confused person or a stupid person...thats it..!!

suppose u have a great love for BEEF and just at the sight of it u start singing "UDDLE UDDLE ooooo"(old hindi song) ur friend will get confused throughly .in other words ur friend will be befuddled

sounds like baffle - means confuse


Short Definition : father; become the father of; produce; give rise to

(verb) make children
Example Sentence
  • Abraham begot Isaac
  • Men often father children but don't recognize them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beget

a simple proverb that "violence begets violence" means produce or give rise

Beget sounds like bil gate.HE "give rise to"microsoft.

sounds like budget --Budget is the father of all the money related problems.

beget- sounds like BEG AT ,We usually beg money from our father.

to get children

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Be + Get >> BE this and you will GET this back....

BEGET : WEnd get pocketmoney from our FATHER....


Short Definition : envy; give or allow unwillingly; grudge; Ex. We shouldn't begrudge him his success.

(verb) be envious of; set one's heart on
Synonyms : envy
(verb) wish ill or allow unwillingly
Synonyms : resent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for begrudge

begrudge can be broken into beg + rude... so some one who behave rudely with beggars ... the beggar 'wish ill ' for that person

be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody u always wish ill for him

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begru+dge--begru sounds like beggars. beggars usually wish ill to others as their own situation is bad.

be+grudge --recall Grudge the famous horror movie, in which the ghost ( of a lady) killed by her husband which later killed many others because of envy and grudge.

If you "be"come a "guru", others will be jealous of you and push you down from the e"dge" of a cliff.

basically taken from begrudgen,...means to complain..so you complain about others because you dont like them.

begru+dge--begru sounds like begher , a begher (without house) person will always be envy of people who exiled him from his house.

REMEBER THE MOVIE GRUDGE where actor jim carrey portrays to be envy of santa...


Short Definition : deceive; mislead or delude; cheat; pass time pleasantly; charm or attract; Ex. beguiling smile

(verb) influence by slyness
Synonyms : hoodwink juggle
(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Example Sentence
  • She captured all the men's hearts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beguile

A takeoff from the mneumonic for guile, which is Guys guile Girls for sex; BEGUILE is girls attract and lour in guys for their money and nice cars.

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Beguile = begal boys in duck tail cartoons were very sly...used to cheat...influence by slyness means foxiness

BE+GUILE....guile means cunning...be guile means to cheat or deceive....

Guile sounds like Giles.. England's spin bowler Ashley Giles always mis leaded the batsman with his wrong-ones.

it sounds like beg+mile means u r misleaded/cheated

beguile : be + guile : guile sounds as Coolie who always try to cheat by asking more money

: be+guile--- guile means to attract by deception

beguile----beg=begger used to attract people..


Short Definition : huge creature; something of monstrous size or power

(noun) someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful Definition
(noun) a person of exceptional importance and reputation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for behemoth

behemoth = Mammoth

if we can remember the word "mamoth" a large huge creature.

behemoth...it can be remembered wid behim(f mahabharat) who was very big n a powerful person...hence behemoth relates 2 a big n poerrful thing or company....

those who played FINAL FANTASY.BEHEMOTH is a big monster in dat game.

behemoth sounds like "bereham maut" (Hindi word) [death]. Relate it to death caused by huge monster.

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Big + Mouth - monster like ....having great power ..!!

Behemoth = Baht+ Mahtv...Aperson of High impotance or reputation.


Short Definition : obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude

(adj) under a moral obligation to someone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beholden

beholden --be+hold--> HOLDING somebody's feet to THANK him.

BEHOLDEN=(BE)st thing in someone's HOLD. so u r in a moral obligation to give him what he wants and get ur precious thing back. always try to make a story out of a word. best of luck

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Behold is stated like someone has hold on you as you are having debts.

someone HOLDed your hand all through yr difficult times.. so u are now indebted and obligated to him.

Famous line "Beauty lies in the eye of BEHOLDER",who is thankful, indebted.


Short Definition : harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally; beat severely; attack physically

(verb) to work at or to absurd length
Synonyms : belabour
Example Sentence
  • belabor the obvious
(verb) attack verbally with harsh criticism
Synonyms : belabour
Example Sentence
  • She was belabored by her fellow students
(verb) beat soundly
Synonyms : belabour
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belabor

Imagine boss saying "you be labour" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking

divide this word like be(means to exist)+labor--laborer (person who does the labour)so if someone is working as a labourer at some place, they are generally thrashed verbally by their seniors and higher officers.

Heard the big shouting sound of woman in "labour pain"?she is belaboring.

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Have you heard EMINEM busting elvis presley in his raps. so that's it BELABOR--(B)usting (EL)vis ABhORantly.the meaning is to verbally assail smeone

belabor== be a labor/labour(worker) which are physically n mentally harrsed.

The meaning simply resembles the word "BLABBER"

replace the 'b' with 'r' and u have 'relabor' which can be remembered as follows:"I've already LABORED enough to make my points, I don't wanna RELABOR and repeat them all over again

Relate it with labourers or poor workers at the construction sites.They generally thrash their bosses verbally at the site.

kyun itna bakwaas kar ke mera dimaag bel rahi hai aur mujhe bor kar rahi hai chup kar nahi to main tujhe bahut belabor (verbal assault,assail) karunga

"BELA BORe" .. so wen u bore someone.. u r belabored!

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