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Short Definition : associate with; keep company; N: husband or wife (or a ruler)

(noun) the husband or wife of a reigning monarch Definition
(noun) a family of similar musical instrument playing together
Synonyms : choir
(verb) keep company with; hang out with
Example Sentence
  • He associates with strange people
  • She affiliates with her colleagues
(verb) go together
Example Sentence
  • The colors don't harmonize
  • Their ideas concorded
(verb) keep company
Synonyms : run
Example Sentence
  • the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consort

in a musical consert (sounds like consert), many instruments play together

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consort=con+saut(another wife) in hindi saut means a 'step wife' .. so if we consider both ways it becomes husband or wife

if couple SORTs their problems, they go together and accompany each other(else they break off)

consort has a similar pronunciation as CONCERT. both mean a group of people..

Consort also means a wife, husband, or companion.....COME+SORT....when two people of opposite sex or even same sex COME together and SORT out the problems in between them, they become a wife, husband, or companion of each other.

consort - to be with the same sort, or to play with the same sort of instruments

Will u do me the honor of being my CONSORT for the CONCERT tonight?

con + sort >> the con's from a gang sort out the plan of robbery and now they are ASSISTING EACH OTHER for the robbery..


Short Definition : treacherous plot; secret plan against the law (by two or more people)

(noun) a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
Synonyms : confederacy
(noun) a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
Synonyms : cabal
(noun) a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose
Synonyms : confederacy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conspiracy

con(together)+piracy(means harmful).So together involving in harm


In spanish con means with. Piracy means harmful. with people to beharmful.


Short Definition : take part in a conspiracy; (of events) work together; combine; Ex. Events conspired to produce great difficulties.

(verb) engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
Example Sentence
  • They conspired to overthrow the government
(verb) act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose
Synonyms : collude
Example Sentence
  • The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conspire

Inspire : motivate to take part in good things. Conspire : motivate to take part in a conspiracy.

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cons+piracy..... piracy is an illegal act done working together..

con(with)+ spire(spy).. you do something bad with a spy..


Short Definition : great shock; dismay

(noun) fear resulting from the awareness of danger
Synonyms : alarm dismay
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consternation

conster(sounds like monster) + nation......and a monster creates fear in every one ....due to which we donot go out so as to avoid danger.

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divide it like con(conflicts)+ster(stir)+nation.. conflicts in gujrat stirred the whole nation..&people feared a lot from going out of their homes.

if ther is constant terror in nation u have to b alarmed at all times and it is a matter of great dismay

const+ter+nation—constant terror in nation will cause anxiety and distress

Everyone experiences CONSTERNATION when in the presence of a CONFLAGRATION(intense, uncontrolled fire).

CONSTERNATION -> CAN'T, STERN...When a big man acts STERN(harsh), you CAN't help but feel fearful.

sounds lik masturbation..every1 say not to masturbate so it will cultivate a fear within us:p

CONSTERNATION ~ (cons) continuous + ter (terror) + nation; continuous terrorist attacks on a nation can cause CONSTERNATION

When our conscious is stirred we feel fearful.

sound like constipation which causes anxiety and dismay

consternation: cons~constantly stern~expressive of severe displeasure tion~process...so you are showing consternation because of great shock / dismay


Short Definition : voters represented by an elected official; district so represented; group of supporters (or constituents)

(noun) the body of voters who elect a representative for their area
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for constituency

constituent means supporter...when we say the region is in his/her constituency, we mean that she has supporters there.

a person who constitute, supports.. constituent=supporter...... constituency=group of supporters


Short Definition : supporter; voter; member of a constituency; component

(noun) an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
Synonyms : component element
Example Sentence
  • spare components for cars
  • a component or constituent element of a system
(noun) a member of a constituency; a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes
Example Sentence
  • needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected
(noun) something determined in relation to something that includes it
Example Sentence
  • he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
  • I read a portion of the manuscript
  • the smaller component is hard to reach
  • the animal constituent of plankton
(noun) (grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction Definition
(noun) an abstract part of something
Example Sentence
  • jealousy was a component of his character
  • two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony
  • the grammatical elements of a sentence
  • a key factor in her success
  • humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
(adj) constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup)


Short Definition : constituting; system of laws; composition of something; physical makeup or structure of a person; Ex. men with strong constitutions

(noun) law determining the fundamental political principles of a government Definition
(noun) the act of forming or establishing something
Example Sentence
  • the constitution of a PTA group last year
  • it was the establishment of his reputation
  • he still remembers the organization of the club
(noun) the constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states Definition
(noun) the way in which someone or something is composed Definition
(noun) a United States 44-gun frigate that was one of the first three naval ships built by the United States; it won brilliant victories over British frigates during the War of 1812 and is without doubt the most famous ship in the history of the United States Navy; it has been rebuilt and is anchored in the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston
Synonyms : old ironsides
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for constitution

CONSTITUENT;CONSTITUENCY;CONSTITUTION; all are related to voting,voter,voting system..etc;


Short Definition : restraint; compulsion; repression of feelings; reticence; V. constrain: hold back; restrain; compel; oblige; confine forcibly; imprison

(noun) the state of being physically constrained
Synonyms : restraint
Example Sentence
  • dogs should be kept under restraint
(noun) a device that retards something's motion
Synonyms : restraint
Example Sentence
  • the car did not have proper restraints fitted
(noun) the act of constraining; the threat or use of force to control the thoughts or behavior of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for constraint

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in constrain - strain. You will get strained if you are forced to do something over and over again.

When you are in constraint, you are CONStantly STRAINed by one factor or the other.

while travelling through indian TRAINs, you have forced to control the feelings when you see someone spitting pan here and there


Short Definition : explain; interpret; Ex. construe her silence as meaning that she agreed; CF. misconstrue

(verb) make sense of; assign a meaning to
Synonyms : interpret see
Example Sentence
  • What message do you see in this letter?
  • How do you interpret his behavior?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for construe

e.g. if i construe your message correctly...

you need to CONcentrate to decode TRUe messages.

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KAUN+TRUE- let me know WHO is truely speaking.- judge said

construe = (cons)ider it is (true)...so we interpret something by ourselves

Concentrate true to decide her feelings.

Construe the abstruse concept.

cons.+true....concentrate on all of your friends action, because you need to give A TRUE EXPLANATION.........TO the monitor.

'const'rue->if a constant appears while doing maths IT IS UNDERSTOOD that it doesnt change the value


Short Definition : complete; V.

(verb) fulfill sexually
Example Sentence
  • consummate a marriage
(verb) make perfect; bring to perfection Definition
(adj) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
Example Sentence
  • a consummate artist
  • consummate skill
  • a masterful speaker
  • masterful technique
  • a masterly performance of the sonata
  • a virtuoso performance
(adj) perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities
Synonyms : complete
Example Sentence
  • a complete gentleman
  • consummate happiness
  • a consummate performance
(adj) without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
Example Sentence
  • an arrant fool
  • a complete coward
  • a consummate fool
  • a double-dyed villain
  • gross negligence
  • a perfect idiot
  • pure folly
  • what a sodding mess
  • stark staring mad
  • a thoroughgoing villain
  • utter nonsense
  • the unadulterated truth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consummate

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if you want to consume your mate(wife), you have to be complete 'a complete man- raymonds :P'

con+summit(....the highest point of something)....and now imagine a person who has reached the highest point of perfection,is truly a complete man.

Only consume things which are complete.

Summate means total, totality....something which is complete or perfect


CON = with + SUMMIT is the top of the mountain = with the top of the mountain = CON SUMMIT.

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