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Short Definition : infection (by contact); ADJ. contagious; CF. infectious: that can be passed by infection in the air

(noun) any disease easily transmitted by contact
Synonyms : contagious disease
(noun) an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
Synonyms : infection transmission
(noun) the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people
Synonyms : infection
Example Sentence
  • a contagion of mirth
  • the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contagion

contag(sounds like contagious...)so when you come in contact with a diseased person..you spread infection.....

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contagion - CONTAminated + GIve(prani/person)....spread infection

contag(sounds like Contact) so when u come in contact wd contagion disease it spreads.

When you come in a contact of disease, it can be spread in the region

kaun(CON) tha(TA) ji(gion) jo apko beemari laga gaya


Short Definition : pollute

(verb) make impure
Synonyms : foul pollute
Example Sentence
  • The industrial wastes polluted the lake
(verb) make radioactive by adding radioactive material
Example Sentence
  • Don't drink the water--it's contaminated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contaminate

con damn inate


Short Definition : scorn; disdain; ADJ. contemptuous; CF. contemptible

(noun) lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
Synonyms : despite disdain scorn
Example Sentence
  • he was held in contempt
  • the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary
(noun) a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous
Synonyms : disrespect
(noun) open disrespect for a person or thing
Synonyms : scorn
(noun) a willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contempt

CONTEMPT <> con (with) + TEMPER

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temp: dislike things which are temporary

remind from phrase of Hindi movie"contempt of court "

con(kon)+ temp(temporary): "kon temporary kaam kiya", he said in contempt tone

camp wala tent.I dislike the camp wala tent.


Short Definition : struggle; compete; assert earnestly; state strongly

(verb) maintain or assert
Synonyms : postulate
Example Sentence
  • He contended that Communism had no future
(verb) have an argument about something
Synonyms : argue debate fence
(verb) to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation
Synonyms : contest repugn
Example Sentence
  • They contested the outcome of the race
(verb) come to terms with
Example Sentence
  • We got by on just a gallon of gas
  • They made do on half a loaf of bread every day
(verb) compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others
Synonyms : compete vie
(verb) be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight
Synonyms : fight struggle
Example Sentence
  • the tribesmen fought each other
  • Siblings are always fighting
  • Militant groups are contending for control of the country
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contend

contend...sounds very similar to content....when the content of your essay is not good, you have less chances of COMPETEING WITH the other's essay.

U have less content to support ur point means u r highly unlikely to CONTEND(COMPETE)

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To increase the content of the argument - that is to support it

contend...sounds very similar to content or contest....when the content of ur DEBATE is not good, u will STRUGGLE to COMPETE, and u wont be able to STATE STRONGLY your points.

contend from contender who is a competitor so contend is to compete and struggle to achieve something

contend>> contender>> contestant>> they say they support each other but in reality they r competing each other!



Short Definition : assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition

(noun) a point asserted as part of an argument Definition
(noun) a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
Example Sentence
  • they were involved in a violent argument
(noun) the act of competing as for profit or a prize
Synonyms : competition rivalry
Example Sentence
  • the teams were in fierce contention for first place
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contention

contention = contend is to compete, but contention has tension also, so a person cannot win a sport if he is full of tension.

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(IN HINDI) contention sounds like>> kaun tension le yaar, inke claim (or thesis) ko fact maan lo.


Contention sounds like competition. You compete to win a prize!!

Con+ tension= asserting, claiming causes tension.

content+ion.content means it contains some thesis

conman gives u tension

contention = content with tension i.e. your content is full of irrelevant things.

as the root say contendre->are contenders for the prize i.e. in contention with

contention is close to contender who competes with other for profit

Contention = con (who) + tention(tension); who is the person under stress talking nonsense.


Short Definition : quarrelsome; controversial; likely to cause arguments

(adj) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
Example Sentence
  • a style described as abrasive and contentious
  • a disputatious lawyer
  • a litigious and acrimonious spirit
(adj) involving or likely to cause controversy
Example Sentence
  • a central and contentious element of the book
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contentious

Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels)

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Remember as non-contented. One who is not contented is always quarrelsome.

contentious=content+tious(relate with malicious)..i.e. malicious content which pertains to argumentive or contravercial content..its so easy...right..?:)

Sounds like (Contagious)-The person/people/group who is causing controversy/ quarrelsome is contagious to our society

If everyone around you is content and you are not, you might start thinking of something to make them less happy.

Content+ious(ewww!U.S) If the "content" in an article is aimed at making the "U.S" look "eww" or bad, then that article will be controversial.

CONTENT + VICOUS(deliberately harmful) - Hence controvertial

CONTENTIOUS: CON(who)+TEN people+ THE (where)+VO(there)- he is such a Querulous person, he was asking for all 10 hoodlums who where involved in fighting.

con+tent+us:con is quarreling with us for the tent

If a <B>contender</B> is <B>serious</B> then they are always ready to fight.

Contentious can be broken in content+chi(Hindi meaning shit).So if you call someone's project content as chi he will be argumentative and ready to fight with you because he disagrees with you.

Sounds like (Contagious)-The person/people/group who is causing controversy/ quarrelsome is contagious to our society

Crying in front of everybody can cause conspiracy!

With tensions

the one who doesnt have any CONTENT (matter) with him tries to QUERREL and win the arguments

Think "contender"--> One who is a competitor. A very competitive contender might become quarrelsome and argumentative.

A person who contains more money , name and fame will be in controversy, dispute and has the tendency to argue.

Content with bad intentions

"Derived from CONTEND" Ye jantey huay ke khud ghalti per ho CONTEND kartey jao ge to CONTENTIOUS ban jao ge :)


Short Definition : dispute; argue about the rightness of; compete for; try to win; Ex. contest the election results; Ex. contest a seat in Parliament; N.

(noun) an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants
Synonyms : competition
(noun) a struggle between rivals Definition
(verb) to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation
Synonyms : contend repugn
Example Sentence
  • They contested the outcome of the race
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contest

Verb-contest is dispute... in a contest if judge don't give proper results, it leads to dispute.


Short Definition : writings preceding and following the passage quoted; circumstance in which an event occurs

(noun) discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation Definition
(noun) the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
Synonyms : circumstance setting
Example Sentence
  • the historical context
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for context

CONtinuous + TEXT


Short Definition : adjacent to; touching upon

(adj) very close or connected in space or time
Synonyms : immediate
Example Sentence
  • contiguous events
  • immediate contact
  • the immediate vicinity
  • the immediate past
(adj) connecting without a break; within a common boundary
Synonyms : conterminous
Example Sentence
  • the 48 conterminous states
  • the contiguous 48 states
(adj) having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching
Example Sentence
  • Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut
  • the side of Germany conterminous with France
  • Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho
  • neighboring cities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contiguous

Each state in the United States is touching/adjacent to another; they are all continous, which sounds similar to contiguous

rhymes with continuous.. to be continuous you gotta be contiguous

sounds like CONTAGIOUS..contagious disease is a disease caused when you are CONNECTED with people and CONTIGUOUS also means connected !!!!!!!!

CONTIGUOUS= countrys together

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"in close proximity"-Something has to be CONTIGUOUS to be CONTAGIOUS!!


Short Definition : self-restraint; sexual chastity; sexual abstinence; voluntary control over bladder and bowel functions; ADJ. continent

(noun) the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters
Synonyms : continency
(noun) voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for continence

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sounds like "abstinence" which is to stay away or to restrain.

assume that someone is in the continent of Antarctica where they are self-restraint

continence - ability to contain oneself - hold together - like continents

continence is to show control on oneself

a Nun knows no Cunt!

con(KAUN)tin(TINA k sath )ence(DANCE karke sex nahi karega).samje

continence=continually+ abstinence...

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