• word of the day


    cabal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cabal

    (noun) a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
    Synonyms : camarilla , faction , junto
    (noun) a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
    Synonyms : conspiracy
    (verb) engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
    Synonyms : complot , conjure , conspire , machinate
    Example Sentence
    • They conspired to overthrow the government
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cabal

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cabal (Kabul), remember this place....Bin Laden and his men secretly united in kabul(cabal) to promote their interest, i.e. 9/11 attack...

Cabal--- kabila in Hindi u know (must have seen in bollywood movies) ....imagine them when u read cabal you will automatically recall the meaning i.e secret group of persons secretly united to promote their interests.

cabal sounds like cannibal to me. so the cannibals join unite to promote their interest i.e. kill and eat people.

STORY : Imagine a group of bald people planing to attack a barbar shop for bal(hairs)

cabal.it seems like cabar(kabristan--burrial ground)meeting secretly at this place..means some conspiracy is going on!!

cabal : cap + all means "put a cap" means to cheat in indian language and all - means group - so it means to come together to cheat

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