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Short Definition : draftee; person forced into military service; V.

(noun) someone who is drafted into military service
Synonyms : draftee inductee
(verb) enroll into service compulsorily
Example Sentence
  • The men were conscripted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conscript

CONSCRIPT = forced to CONSent and sign a SCRIPT (contract) to join the military.

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By writing script we make some events to occur forcefully, force is mostly related to military.

konsi crypt? suppose u know a secret...to keep ure mouth shut they drag u to the army :P

CONSpiring a SCRIPT to force into military.

colonel writing script for the military, which is in draft state. Drafted to military

usey JABARDASTI MILITARY MEIN BHEJA gaya tha woh isliye timepass ke liye CON'S pe SCRIPT likhane lagg gaya..


Short Definition : dedicate; sanctify; declare as sacred; Ex. consecrate one's life to helping the poor

(verb) appoint to a clerical posts
Synonyms : ordain order ordinate
Example Sentence
  • he was ordained in the Church
(verb) give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause
Synonyms : commit dedicate devote give
Example Sentence
  • She committed herself to the work of God
  • give one's talents to a good cause
  • consecrate your life to the church
(verb) dedicate to a deity by a vow
Synonyms : vow
(verb) render holy by means of religious rites
Synonyms : bless hallow sanctify
(adj) solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose
Synonyms : consecrated dedicated
Example Sentence
  • a life consecrated to science
  • the consecrated chapel
  • a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II
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Consecrate = Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god".

con+SECRAT(SECRET)...well we always share our secret TO A PARTERNER WHO IS DEDICATED .

CON(disadvantages)+CIGARETTE...you are telling your chain-smoker friend the disadvantages of cigarette and trying to make him SACRED....

MTV pe kaunse gal ko tum song secretly dedicate karna chahoge??


Short Definition : general agreement; opinion reached by a group

(noun) agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole
Example Sentence
  • the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions
  • those rights and obligations are based on an unstated consensus
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consensus

con + sens + ous .. it can be seen as common sense.... that is common decision.....common aggrement!

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consensus...consen(consent(means ..agrement)+sus...so if sus is chosen as a leader by commen CONSENt...

CON(togerther) + SENSUS(agreement) . so it is the agreement made by group of people all together

Census is the count of all people... consensus is a general agreement b/w all people. :-)


Short Definition : self-important; significant; consequent; following as a result; Ex. consequential air; CF. subsequent

(adj) having important issues or results
Synonyms : eventful
Example Sentence
  • the year's only really consequential legislation
  • an eventful decision
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consequential

Whatever task we do it is IMPORTANT to realize its CONSEQUENces

Consider this.."If you dont pay money, the consequences will be serious"

con+sequen+tial..focus on sequence......our all important exams dates and results are mostly conducted in sequence.....only...like we are informed about exam date..than...exam....than...result...everything in sequence...we dont see exam conducting be

we dont see exam conducting before and annoucement is after wards...happening of all important things in sequence.


Short Definition : send to a person or place for sale; deliver officially; entrust; put into the care of another; set apart (for a special purpose); N. consignment; CF. consignor, consignee

(verb) commit forever; commit irrevocably Definition
(verb) give over to another for care or safekeeping
Synonyms : charge
Example Sentence
  • consign your baggage
(verb) send to an address
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Consign -- con + sign -- imagine that you have to sign a document and send it to a person in your company for an official purpose

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Relate consign(v) from consignment(N). The consignment has be to consigned carefully at this address.

Think of 'assign' which means to give a task (usually in the offices)

when we get a courier post man will say comon sign on this


Short Definition : absence of contradictions; uniformity; degree of thickness or firmness; Ex. consistency of thick cream; CF. viscous

(noun) the property of holding together and retaining its shape
Example Sentence
  • wool has more body than rayon
  • when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake
(noun) a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts
Synonyms : consistence
(noun) logical coherence and accordance with the facts
Example Sentence
  • a rambling argument that lacked any consistency
(noun) (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consistency

Some germs form sist which is very firm. So degree of firmness can be remembered.

'consistency' ='constancy' which means the quality of being the same and not changing:)


Short Definition : lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort; allay the sorrow of; N. consolation

(noun) a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
Synonyms : console table
(noun) a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system (especially a computer system) Definition
(noun) an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture)
Example Sentence
  • the bust of Napoleon stood on a console
(noun) housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
Synonyms : cabinet
(verb) give moral or emotional strength to
Synonyms : comfort solace soothe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for console

con sa sol lagaye apke shoe me ki app comfort feel karenge

he is a solo, no girl friend. i need to console him.


Short Definition : unification; process of becoming firmer or stronger; V. consolidate: merge; strengthen

(noun) combining into a solid mass Definition
(noun) the act of combining into an integral whole
Synonyms : integration
Example Sentence
  • a consolidation of two corporations
  • after their consolidation the two bills were passed unanimously
  • the defendants asked for a consolidation of the actions against them
(noun) something that has consolidated into a compact mass
Example Sentence
  • he dropped the consolidation into the acid bath
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consolidation

c on solid ation = on solid addition.

con-= together solid= becomes solid -tion= process


Short Definition : harmony; agreement

(noun) the repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns) especially at the ends of words
Synonyms : consonant rhyme
(noun) the property of sounding harmonious
Synonyms : harmoniousness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consonance

consonance - Relate with RESONANCE

repitition of consonants makes a meledy which sounds harmonious and hence consonance means harmonious,compatible


Short Definition : harmonious; in agreement; N.

(noun) a speech sound that is not a vowel Definition
(noun) a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken consonant Definition
(adj) involving or characterized by harmony Definition
(adj) in keeping
Example Sentence
  • salaries agreeable with current trends
  • plans conformable with your wishes
  • expressed views concordant with his background
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consonant

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SONANT reminds me of <b>sonnet</b> poem where words remain in great harmony

all consonants (alphabets) live in harmony,push the vowels away

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