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Short Definition : hold firmly within arms

(noun) a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together Definition
(noun) the act of grasping
Example Sentence
  • he released his clasp on my arm
  • he has a strong grip for an old man
  • she kept a firm hold on the railing
(verb) hold firmly and tightly Definition
(verb) fasten with or as if with a brooch
Synonyms : brooch
(verb) fasten with a buckle or buckles
Synonyms : buckle
(verb) grasp firmly
Example Sentence
  • The child clasped my hands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clasp

CLASP sounds like GRASP .. which means the same ..


clasp feels like "LAPS" , the end 4 letters, so after laps of running race he was hold firmly within arms by d coach,parents.


Short Definition : fear of being locked in

(noun) a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for claustrophobia

claust-this seems like closed...u are closed in a room only if the room is locked, phobia means feear..

CLAUS is the root for CLOSE and PHOBIA means FEAR ...see more roots here,itll help you:http://www.virtualsalt.com/roots.htm

Claust - Closed...Phobia - Fear...so a fear of being suffocated in an enclosed space.


Short Definition : collarbone

(noun) bone linking the scapula and sternum
Synonyms : collarbone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clavicle

call+ vick.......so wen u call vick....where is ur phone placed....its near collarbone

clavicle is the bone which supports our vocal chord. Relate vicle with vocal.


Short Definition : split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to; N. cleavage; ADJ. cloven

(verb) separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
Synonyms : rive split
Example Sentence
  • cleave the bone
(verb) make by cutting into
Example Sentence
  • The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock
(verb) come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation
Synonyms : adhere cling cohere stick
Example Sentence
  • The dress clings to her body
  • The label stuck to the box
  • The sushi rice grains cohere
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cleave

just relate it to cleavage..

cleave-Cant LEAVE...hold together.

the cleavage holds the melon pack firmly

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it is a funnt word...it means both STICK TO and SPLIT...!!!

cleaveland state university is divided based on the branches it has, so cleave means split


Short Definition : N: split

(noun) a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin) Definition
(noun) a long narrow opening Definition
(adj) having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib
Synonyms : dissected
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cleft

c + left == she + left , i.e she left means there is a split in their relationship....

C+ left(leave)= cleave means cut or a split.

in counter strike if we are left out of the clan we are split from the members of the clan and join a new clan

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Split seen in a cliff


Short Definition : disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather; ADJ. clement

(noun) good weather with comfortable temperatures
Synonyms : mildness
(noun) leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice
Synonyms : mercifulness mercy
Example Sentence
  • he threw himself on the mercy of the court
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clemency

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cle+me+mercy give me some mercy...u got mercy from the person from whom u expect punishment///

CLE(clay)MENCY(man means heart in hindi)so the person's heart is soft like clay

Cle+men+ cy= clean man mercy, a man who is very clean in his thoughts is very mild and merciful.

Clemency and Mercy rhyme....

CLEMENT means mild(of weather)...sounds like CEMENT...why do we use cement???...to protect our house from wind,rain,summer and to make the weather inside the house MILD.....

sounds like cleasing milk.. which is MILD..

clemency = c+ leman + cy(want); We want labour so showing mercy to attract them.


Short Definition : body of customers

(noun) customers collectively
Synonyms : business patronage
Example Sentence
  • they have an upper class clientele
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clientele

Various banks call a wide range of customers to give sell their offers ex: credit cards, so remember it as Many CLIENTS (customers) are TELEPHONED..so CLIENTELE = huge no of customers.

CLIENTELE - a number of clients or customers.

client- this means customers tele- tele shoping,,genrally sells products that are useful for health(body) of the customers.


Short Definition : relating to the highest point; N. climax; CF. climatic

(adj) consisting of or causing a climax
Example Sentence
  • a climactic development
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for climactic

climactic = climax... final point.

tic- resembles tip..highest point..

Sounds like CLIMAX: So for a movie to be a hit , its CLIMAX should be VERY EXCITING n should be the MOST IMPORTANT

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CLI-MAC-TIC; consider apple MAC PC's; only rich guys or persons at high position buy them

climactic=climax tip


Short Definition : climate

(noun) the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time
Synonyms : climate
Example Sentence
  • the dank climate of southern Wales
  • plants from a cold clime travel best in winter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clime

a short form for CLIMATE


Short Definition : cut off with shears; fasten; N: something clipped off (as a short extract from film); clasp or fastener

(noun) a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun Definition
(noun) an instance or single occasion for some event
Synonyms : time
Example Sentence
  • this time he succeeded
  • he called four times
  • he could do ten at a clip
(noun) any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together Definition
(noun) an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress Definition
(noun) the act of clipping or snipping
Synonyms : clipping snip
(noun) a sharp slanting blow
Example Sentence
  • he gave me a clip on the ear
(verb) sever or remove by pinching or snipping
Synonyms : nip nip off snip snip off
Example Sentence
  • nip off the flowers
(verb) run at a moderately swift pace
Synonyms : jog trot
(verb) attach with a clip
Example Sentence
  • clip the papers together
(verb) cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of
Example Sentence
  • dress the plants in the garden
(verb) terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent
Synonyms : curtail cut short
Example Sentence
  • My speech was cut short
  • Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries
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