This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.
Short Definition : persuade by flattery
caox(axe) is used to flatter girls
coax cable used in tv
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coax rhymes with coach who may have to sometimes persuade the players by flattery.
Give cokes(coax) to make your friends happy.
rememebr "cajole" its same meaning...persuade some one by ur skills
caox(axe) is used to flatter girls
coax cable used in tv
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coax rhymes with coach who may have to sometimes persuade the players by flattery.
Give cokes(coax) to make your friends happy.
rememebr "cajole" its same meaning...persuade some one by ur skills
caox(axe) is used to flatter girls
coax cable used in tv
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coax rhymes with coach who may have to sometimes persuade the players by flattery.
Short Definition : concluding section of a musical or literary composition
in the villages,people drink color soda after they have a heavy lunch for easy digestion.
discovery commercial song : boom de yada, boom de yada.... yada ~ coda....and boom de yada is closing/final passage of song
coda = conclusion + da
ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television.
At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras.
coda...imagine Devedas is drinking rum mixed with soda and listining paaro's song which she is about to end.
At the end of a musical or book, rank it by giving it a CODE.
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c-closing o-of d-dias a-archestra
in the villages,people drink color soda after they have a heavy lunch for easy digestion.
discovery commercial song : boom de yada, boom de yada.... yada ~ coda....and boom de yada is closing/final passage of song
coda = conclusion + da
ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television.
At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras.
coda...imagine Devedas is drinking rum mixed with soda and listining paaro's song which she is about to end.
At the end of a musical or book, rank it by giving it a CODE.
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c-closing o-of d-dias a-archestra
in the villages,people drink color soda after they have a heavy lunch for easy digestion.
discovery commercial song : boom de yada, boom de yada.... yada ~ coda....and boom de yada is closing/final passage of song
coda = conclusion + da
Short Definition : treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. coddled eggs
like cuddle
coodle sounds like toodlers(kids) who r treated gently without taste of disicpline
c+oddle(adollu)...we see adavallu with indulgence,we pamper them...
Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids.
coddle ~ Noodle noodle are cooked in boiled water.
coddle sounds like CODDALU(Daughter in law in TELUGU) so generally a bridegrooms parents show a lot of care for their daughter in law just after marriage
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like cuddle
coodle sounds like toodlers(kids) who r treated gently without taste of disicpline
c+oddle(adollu)...we see adavallu with indulgence,we pamper them...
Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids.
coddle ~ Noodle noodle are cooked in boiled water.
coddle sounds like CODDALU(Daughter in law in TELUGU) so generally a bridegrooms parents show a lot of care for their daughter in law just after marriage
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like cuddle
coodle sounds like toodlers(kids) who r treated gently without taste of disicpline
c+oddle(adollu)...we see adavallu with indulgence,we pamper them...
Short Definition : supplement to the body of a will; later addition to a will
codicil== a code in a will, code which is basically some organized instruction so codicil implies an instruction which is added to a will.
codi+cil....llr to KODI+KILL....thus kodi is writing a suplement to a will before its being killed
codisil - that which de-seals or re-seals a codified will, which generally seals a KOTI rupayya
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CODICIL (Sounds like KOTHI + SEAL) Imagine a person getting an aalishaan KOTHI through a will. But unfortunately, due to some legal reasons, government has decided to SEAL THE KOTHI and ALTER the will against his favor.
codec + will -> a codec is used to improve or update an existing software.. thus a codec for a will is nothing but a codicil!!
codicil== a code in a will, code which is basically some organized instruction so codicil implies an instruction which is added to a will.
codi+cil....llr to KODI+KILL....thus kodi is writing a suplement to a will before its being killed
codisil - that which de-seals or re-seals a codified will, which generally seals a KOTI rupayya
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CODICIL (Sounds like KOTHI + SEAL) Imagine a person getting an aalishaan KOTHI through a will. But unfortunately, due to some legal reasons, government has decided to SEAL THE KOTHI and ALTER the will against his favor.
codec + will -> a codec is used to improve or update an existing software.. thus a codec for a will is nothing but a codicil!!
codicil== a code in a will, code which is basically some organized instruction so codicil implies an instruction which is added to a will.
codi+cil....llr to KODI+KILL....thus kodi is writing a suplement to a will before its being killed
codisil - that which de-seals or re-seals a codified will, which generally seals a KOTI rupayya
Short Definition : arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; N. code: system of words used instead of ordinary writing; collection of laws, rules, established social customs
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codes have to be in order. So codifyinfg the codes makes some sense.
Codify the C codes into C++, i.e. arrange them into more organized ones
codify >>> transfer or make in a form of proper code, so that it may be breakable or may be to form a pact or set of rules..
a program ll work only when the codes are arranged in correct order
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codes have to be in order. So codifyinfg the codes makes some sense.
Codify the C codes into C++, i.e. arrange them into more organized ones
codify >>> transfer or make in a form of proper code, so that it may be breakable or may be to form a pact or set of rules..
a program ll work only when the codes are arranged in correct order
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codes have to be in order. So codifyinfg the codes makes some sense.
Codify the C codes into C++, i.e. arrange them into more organized ones
codify >>> transfer or make in a form of proper code, so that it may be breakable or may be to form a pact or set of rules..
Short Definition : use of force to get someone to object; compelling; V. coerce
coax+aversion:rhymes with aversion; Her coax withered away my aversion for it .
coercion=coerc(cohesive)+ion....ion is strongly forece is required to deteach it....
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corer-cion=koria use atomic test to force to get someone to buy
U must hav read COERCIVE forces in physics...
resembles forcy on. => force on?
co(go)er(there)cion(son)when compelled it creates aversion for u
coax+aversion:rhymes with aversion; Her coax withered away my aversion for it .
coercion=coerc(cohesive)+ion....ion is strongly forece is required to deteach it....
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corer-cion=koria use atomic test to force to get someone to buy
U must hav read COERCIVE forces in physics...
resembles forcy on. => force on?
co(go)er(there)cion(son)when compelled it creates aversion for u
coax+aversion:rhymes with aversion; Her coax withered away my aversion for it .
coercion=coerc(cohesive)+ion....ion is strongly forece is required to deteach it....
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corer-cion=koria use atomic test to force to get someone to buy
Short Definition : living at the same time as; existing during the same period of time; contemporary; of the same age
co-eval .. In the same age as Eve from the genesis of Man- And I'm the lucky adam who gets to fornicate
coeval-> co+eval means co-same eval-arrival so coeval means same arrival or of same age/time
it sounds like medieval..which was a time period long ago. so therefore during the same time...:)
sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME
co-eval; eval means age. coeval means same age
COEVAL=CO+EVOLUTION so two things evolved at the same time
co(together)+eval(evolution) born together
CO+EVAL(evaluation = exam) someone who takes up exams with you, is of same age as you
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coeval-co eval(oval) having the same centre--means same age
Coeval (Sounds like Co + Eve + All).. So if we all have to cooperate "EVE", we all have to sit together in TIME MACHINE and go back to EDEN GARDEN to become contemporary to EVE.
co-eval .. In the same age as Eve from the genesis of Man- And I'm the lucky adam who gets to fornicate
coeval-> co+eval means co-same eval-arrival so coeval means same arrival or of same age/time
it sounds like medieval..which was a time period long ago. so therefore during the same time...:)
sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME
co-eval; eval means age. coeval means same age
COEVAL=CO+EVOLUTION so two things evolved at the same time
co(together)+eval(evolution) born together
CO+EVAL(evaluation = exam) someone who takes up exams with you, is of same age as you
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coeval-co eval(oval) having the same centre--means same age
Coeval (Sounds like Co + Eve + All).. So if we all have to cooperate "EVE", we all have to sit together in TIME MACHINE and go back to EDEN GARDEN to become contemporary to EVE.
co-eval .. In the same age as Eve from the genesis of Man- And I'm the lucky adam who gets to fornicate
coeval-> co+eval means co-same eval-arrival so coeval means same arrival or of same age/time
it sounds like medieval..which was a time period long ago. so therefore during the same time...:)
Short Definition : tooth projecting from a wheel
sounds like dog. Remember a dog's teeth.
cog~ colgate.....colgate relates to teeth....
cog sounds like clog in ones teeth
Short Definition : convincing
cognos means to be aware of. so when we are aware of a subject then we can easily persuade people on that subject
My parents will give consent if my argument is cogent.
it has 'cause' in it
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cogent - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others.
co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions.
CO & GENT, two men (gents) joining together (co) in a team to persuade you, will be more 'powerfully persuasive' than just one gent.
Cogent - Gent - Gentleman - Gentleman always uses fine-toned words to convince others. Gentleman's convincing manners convinces anybody.
Co-operative bank agents are generally pursuasive.
COGENT=CO.+AGENT.. I find my Company's Agents more convincing than others
Cogent like cognizant or appealing to the mind with reason.
CO(company) of gentleman are always convincing.....they don't need to use force to convince people....
<B>Cognitive Enchantment</B>
co(converse)+gent(gently)...wen u r conversed gently u r well argued
Sounds like coherent...
if u r in a grp and if u want ur idea to b implemented,den u need to b coagent i.e., b able to convince ur COAGENT
cogent can be thought of as co(vert)+ agent. who is a covert agent? Sam fisher is. he grabs you in a choke hold and persuades you to do things.
cognos means to be aware of. so when we are aware of a subject then we can easily persuade people on that subject
My parents will give consent if my argument is cogent.
it has 'cause' in it
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cogent - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others.
co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions.
CO & GENT, two men (gents) joining together (co) in a team to persuade you, will be more 'powerfully persuasive' than just one gent.
Cogent - Gent - Gentleman - Gentleman always uses fine-toned words to convince others. Gentleman's convincing manners convinces anybody.
Co-operative bank agents are generally pursuasive.
COGENT=CO.+AGENT.. I find my Company's Agents more convincing than others
Cogent like cognizant or appealing to the mind with reason.
CO(company) of gentleman are always convincing.....they don't need to use force to convince people....
<B>Cognitive Enchantment</B>
co(converse)+gent(gently)...wen u r conversed gently u r well argued
Sounds like coherent...
if u r in a grp and if u want ur idea to b implemented,den u need to b coagent i.e., b able to convince ur COAGENT
cogent can be thought of as co(vert)+ agent. who is a covert agent? Sam fisher is. he grabs you in a choke hold and persuades you to do things.
cognos means to be aware of. so when we are aware of a subject then we can easily persuade people on that subject
My parents will give consent if my argument is cogent.
it has 'cause' in it
Short Definition : think over; ponder
cogitate sounds like--kaunsi date choose karu..u hv to think over it
gitate- if u can see the spelling of this, u will find git,,which u can resemble it with wit, and eating(ate) ur wit ,is similar to thinking over and over again,ie ponder over..
Agitate the mind = cogitates.
Cogitate = Khoji-tate: One who uses reason and brain to find some thing (or some inference).
Cogitate also means meditate....Cogitate=Meditate and they rhyme
cogitate ~ agitate : one should to get agitated and angry over any issue unless he/she has cogitated over it throughly.
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Actually people are lazy to use their brain. So they hesitate to cogitate?
excogitate:invent; so Cogitate is think over to invent new things.
cogitate sounds like--kaunsi date choose karu..u hv to think over it
gitate- if u can see the spelling of this, u will find git,,which u can resemble it with wit, and eating(ate) ur wit ,is similar to thinking over and over again,ie ponder over..
Agitate the mind = cogitates.
Cogitate = Khoji-tate: One who uses reason and brain to find some thing (or some inference).
Cogitate also means meditate....Cogitate=Meditate and they rhyme
cogitate ~ agitate : one should to get agitated and angry over any issue unless he/she has cogitated over it throughly.
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Actually people are lazy to use their brain. So they hesitate to cogitate?
excogitate:invent; so Cogitate is think over to invent new things.
cogitate sounds like--kaunsi date choose karu..u hv to think over it
gitate- if u can see the spelling of this, u will find git,,which u can resemble it with wit, and eating(ate) ur wit ,is similar to thinking over and over again,ie ponder over..
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