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Short Definition : persuade by flattery

(noun) a transmission line for high-frequency signals Definition
(verb) influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
Example Sentence
  • He palavered her into going along
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coax

Give cokes(coax) to make your friends happy.

rememebr "cajole" its same meaning...persuade some one by ur skills

caox(axe) is used to flatter girls


Short Definition : concluding section of a musical or literary composition

(noun) the closing section of a musical composition
Synonyms : finale
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coda

ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television.

At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras.

coda...imagine Devedas is drinking rum mixed with soda and listining paaro's song which she is about to end.


Short Definition : treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. coddled eggs

(verb) treat with excessive indulgence
Example Sentence
  • grandparents often pamper the children
  • Let's not mollycoddle our students!
(verb) cook in nearly boiling water
Example Sentence
  • coddle eggs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coddle

Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids.

coddle ~ Noodle noodle are cooked in boiled water.

coddle sounds like CODDALU(Daughter in law in TELUGU) so generally a bridegrooms parents show a lot of care for their daughter in law just after marriage


Short Definition : supplement to the body of a will; later addition to a will

(noun) a supplement to a will; a testamentary instrument intended to alter an already executed will
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for codicil

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CODICIL (Sounds like KOTHI + SEAL) Imagine a person getting an aalishaan KOTHI through a will. But unfortunately, due to some legal reasons, government has decided to SEAL THE KOTHI and ALTER the will against his favor.

codec + will -> a codec is used to improve or update an existing software.. thus a codec for a will is nothing but a codicil!!

codicil== a code in a will, code which is basically some organized instruction so codicil implies an instruction which is added to a will.


Short Definition : arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; N. code: system of words used instead of ordinary writing; collection of laws, rules, established social customs

(verb) organize into a code or system, such as a body of law
Example Sentence
  • Hammurabi codified the laws
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for codify

a program ll work only when the codes are arranged in correct order

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codes have to be in order. So codifyinfg the codes makes some sense.

Codify the C codes into C++, i.e. arrange them into more organized ones


Short Definition : use of force to get someone to object; compelling; V. coerce

(noun) the act of compelling by force of authority Definition
(noun) using force to cause something to occur
Synonyms : compulsion
Example Sentence
  • though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game
  • they didn't have to use coercion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coercion

U must hav read COERCIVE forces in physics...

resembles forcy on. => force on?

co(go)er(there)cion(son)when compelled it creates aversion for u


Short Definition : living at the same time as; existing during the same period of time; contemporary; of the same age

(noun) a person of nearly the same age as another
Synonyms : contemporary
(adj) of the same period
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coeval

sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME

co-eval; eval means age. coeval means same age

COEVAL=CO+EVOLUTION so two things evolved at the same time


Short Definition : tooth projecting from a wheel

(noun) a subordinate who performs an important but routine function
Example Sentence
  • he was a small cog in a large machine
(noun) tooth on the rim of gear wheel
Synonyms : sprocket
(verb) roll steel ingots Definition
(verb) join pieces of wood with cogs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cog

sounds like dog. Remember a dog's teeth.

cog~ colgate.....colgate relates to teeth....

cog sounds like clog in ones teeth


Short Definition : convincing

(adj) powerfully persuasive
Synonyms : telling weighty
Example Sentence
  • a cogent argument
  • a telling presentation
  • a weighty argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cogent

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cogent - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others.

co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions.

CO & GENT, two men (gents) joining together (co) in a team to persuade you, will be more 'powerfully persuasive' than just one gent.


Short Definition : think over; ponder

(verb) consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind Definition
(verb) use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Synonyms : cerebrate think
Example Sentence
  • I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cogitate

Agitate the mind = cogitates.

Cogitate = Khoji-tate: One who uses reason and brain to find some thing (or some inference).

Cogitate also means meditate....Cogitate=Meditate and they rhyme

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