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Short Definition : generous; graciously generous; showing bounty

(adj) given or giving freely
Example Sentence
  • was a big tipper
  • the bounteous goodness of God
  • bountiful compliments
  • a freehanded host
  • a handsome allowance
  • Saturday's child is loving and giving
  • a liberal backer of the arts
  • a munificent gift
  • her fond and openhanded grandfather
(adj) producing in abundance
Synonyms : plentiful
Example Sentence
  • the bountiful earth
  • a plentiful year
  • fruitful soil
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bountiful

The bounty concept of NFS is used here and making MORE bounty leads to a win in stage..so bounty can b understood as abundant.

bountiful sounds like boundlessly full=abundant

Bunty is full of generosity

bountiful=bournvita+full....jo aunty full glass bournvita pilaay, she is bountiful

if you played NFS most wanted..we make bounty by destrying..so the country is supplying abundant oppurtunities generously to make high bounty

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bountiful ~ bellyful i.e. abundand

a bounty hunter is someone who finds something for bounty or prize so bounty full will be the one giving prizes i.e. generous


Short Definition : middle class; selfishly materialistic; too interested in material possessions

(noun) a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise
Synonyms : businessperson
(noun) a member of the middle class
Synonyms : burgher
(adj) (according to Marxist thought) being of the property-owning class and exploitive of the working class Definition
(adj) conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class
Example Sentence
  • a bourgeois mentality
(adj) belonging to the middle class
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bourgeois

“high class” family chicks are “gorgeous”, but “middle class” ones are a little bore... They are nothing but “bourgeois”

b+urge = means u are having an urge to buy things means u r materialistic

din bar jina - only middle class live on a day to day budget

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bourgeois |boor urge of islam| (bo)or (urge) (o)f (is)lam

bore+geosis..middle class people lives a boring life.


Short Definition : match; short period of great activity; Ex. wrestling bout; bout of drinking/flu

(noun) (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
Synonyms : round turn
(noun) a period of illness
Example Sentence
  • a bout of fever
  • a bout of depression
(noun) a contest or fight (especially between boxers or wrestlers) Definition
(noun) an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
Synonyms : binge bust tear
Example Sentence
  • they went on a bust that lasted three days
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bout

India Bowled Out Pakistan in 20-20 MATCH

BOUT: Boys OUT,that's what we hear when we misbehave in class, and when we are out, we sure do have fun for a short time, from all those boring lectures.

bout-out is a word that have to be seen. wen a wicket goes, wen the batsmen is given out.then there is a short period of great activity happening in the match.

b + out = if you are out of ur house then u have great shot lived activity..

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bout read it as ball out of the stadium for a six after that people have short period of great activity

 Bowled out : after a bowled out in a MATCH there is SHORT BREAK


Short Definition : cowlike; placid and dull; slow-thinking; calm

(noun) any of various members of the genus Bos Definition
(adj) of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
Synonyms : bovid
(adj) dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox
Example Sentence
  • showed a bovine apathy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bovine

basically this word is taken from BOV..means cow..and cow generally remains calm, placid..and dull

bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds like boy nine..so a nine year boy is generally very innocent and placcid so cowlike....and they are generally very slowthinking...

bovine sounds like divine. In India, Cow is considered to be divine, and related to God.

For farmville players... remember we had that alien cow bovine 09... so bovine is cowlike and a cow is placid and dull

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bo=buffalo vine=divine thus,bovine=divine buffalo=cow=dull,placid

BOWvine....an ox always bows to his farmer....

BOVINE: BOO+VINE; a bad(boo)wine is a drink, which hardly has any effects on a drunkard, so its dull,light,placid;

Bovine = Bovi + ne; ne always means clumsy awkward cow like dull person.

bovine: bov in this word sounds like bull. Hence, bovine = bull : cow

holy cow..u showed me bove...y dis kolaveri!!! lol


Short Definition : expurgate; CF. Thomas Bowdler

(verb) edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
Example Sentence
  • bowdlerize a novel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bowdlerize

Word Root - Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), English editor who censored and published Shakespeare's writings for family reading.

note 'bow' sound in it.. relate it to your dog. Imagine, you are recording a tape. your dog barked twice or thrice in between.. you will edit and omit it because its indelicate

BORDERLIZE by BULLDOZERIZE (removie indelicate or extra parts)

bowdlerize it's ending sounds like re-size.make it shorten

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you modified your bowling style and bowled or omit the batsman out of the game.

bowdlerize = bawdy + 'del'erize i.e delete and edit all the bawdy (obscene) parts

Sounds like 'Bulldozer' which is used to remove unwanted parts.


Short Definition : somewhat saline

(adj) distasteful and unpleasant; spoiled by mixture
Example Sentence
  • a thin brackish gruel
(adj) slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water)
Synonyms : briny
Example Sentence
  • a brackish lagoon
  • the briny deep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brackish

Bra + Kiss;suppose u r kissing under the bra which were wet with sweat..so they taste salty...:) :P :P

brack(take it as a name)+ fish lives in salty water....

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Brackish = 'Whalck'(vomiting sound) + ish .. u vomit when u have something distasteful of unpleasant or something that is too salty.


Short Definition : boast

(noun) an instance of boastful talk
Example Sentence
  • his brag is worse than his fight
  • whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade
(verb) show off Definition
(adj) exceptionally good
Synonyms : boss
Example Sentence
  • a boss hand at carpentry
  • his brag cornfield
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brag

If you want the bra removed, you have to boast and flirt the girl.

some try to drag the attention by BRAGging, talking too much of themselves.


Short Definition : boasting

(noun) vain and empty boasting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braggadocio

the word "brag" means boasting.. so from that it can be easily remembered

ragg + a + doc >> in medical college ragging, while raging a junior doc, seniors make them do some things and boast about the way they did that during their ragging..

GUyz if u have seen the Movie 2 Fast & Furious In tht a villian called Braga he used to Boast a lot....!!

braggadocio = brag(drag) + agg (aggresive)+ doc(docile)...a person who drags every topic of discussion aggressively is actually boasting at the backyard(docile)


Short Definition : boaster; bragger

(noun) a very boastful and talkative person Definition
(adj) exhibiting self-importance
Example Sentence
  • big talk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braggart

braggart sounds like dragg art.. the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!!

braggart sounds like brad hogg who always 'boasts' about himself

city of braga boasts of its arts (braga+art)

bragging is his art...so he is a braggart i.e. boaster...!!!

ragg + art >>> in ragging seniors make us do some artistic comedy and if fail to do properly, then they boast themselves, saying that they did this and that during their ragging n all boastings...


Short Definition : plait; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands together; N: braided segment (as of hair)

(noun) a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
Synonyms : plait tress twist
(noun) trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains
Synonyms : braiding gold braid
(verb) make by braiding or interlacing
Synonyms : lace plait
Example Sentence
  • lace a tablecloth
(verb) decorate with braids or ribbons
Example Sentence
  • braid a collar
(verb) form or weave into a braid or braids
Synonyms : pleach
Example Sentence
  • braid hair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braid

sounds like bride ,so one who trims and decorates

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aid is needed for our hair if there is a raid by the ticks.

braid is like bride who wears french plait for her wedding by splicing her hair

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