• word of the day


    castrate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word castrate

    (noun) a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction
    Synonyms : eunuch
    Example Sentence
    • eunuchs guarded the harem
    (verb) deprive of strength or vigor
    Synonyms : emasculate
    Example Sentence
    • The Senate emasculated the law
    (verb) edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
    Example Sentence
    • bowdlerize a novel
    (verb) remove the testicles of a male animal Definition
    (verb) remove the ovaries of
    Synonyms : alter , neuter , spay
    Example Sentence
    • Is your cat spayed?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for castrate

Pay CASH whose genetic organs cannot become STRAIGHT.(CAS+STRATE=CASH+STRAIGHT)

u can try and rhyme castrate with prostate...which is part of male sex organ

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

CAST+RATE=People who have their cast+rate low ,their sex organ is removed.

more rape case rate remove the male organ as punishment

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