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Short Definition : division into two opposite parts; split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones)

(noun) being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses
Synonyms : duality
Example Sentence
  • the dichotomy between eastern and western culture
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dichotomy

can be think as di + cut _ ... so dichotomy is cutting into two parts

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DICHO-'two'+TOMY-'cut' so CUT INTO TWO


mayb relating to dicot seeds which split into 2 parts or dicot meanin 2 halfs might help

DI(two)+CHO(corners) - split in two corners..

dikho- ‘in two, apart’ + -tomia

sounds like Botany-branching into two (of trees etc.)

koot naiti ... practice of spliting people


Short Definition : authoritative and weighty statement (made by a judge in court); saying; maxim; CF. obiter dictum: incidental, nonbinding remark (something said in passing)

(noun) an authoritative declaration
Synonyms : pronouncement say-so
(noun) an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding
Synonyms : obiter dictum
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dictum

the statements said by dictator's are so called DICTUM

dictator means authoritarian; dictum means an authoritative statement.

if u r prepareing for GRE u have gone through A wordlist.where a word is APOTHEM which means pithy and wise saying relate it to the dictum


Short Definition : (of speech or writing) intended to teach a moral lesson; teaching; instructional; N. didacticism

(adj) instructive (especially excessively)
Synonyms : didactical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for didactic

didi always acts in a way she is teaching something...''didi-act'ic

diactic=did+act You do an act to teach something,as in a moral thus didactic=teach

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did + tactic or someone teach tactic

Did + Attic. I bought an instructional phamphlet that shows me how I can construct and did an attic. Please help make this make sense gramatically

Dida (Grandmother) Teaches us many thing in childhood specially moral lesson

Dictators act in a way that their teaching something

didactic interpret it as did as do + actic as acting. do acting teacher is always teaching how to do acting.it may help.

Didactic: when we pronounce it sounds as "die+acting".An actor teaching another actor, how to act as died person.

balls up your ass

The General gave a didactic to instruct in tactics

a classroom spelling dictation


Short Definition : metal block used for shaping metal or plastic; device for stamping or impressing; mold; CF. dice

(noun) a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling to generate random numbers
Synonyms : dice
(noun) a device used for shaping metal Definition
(noun) a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods Definition
(verb) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
Example Sentence
  • She died from cancer
  • The children perished in the fire
  • The patient went peacefully
  • The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102
(verb) suffer or face the pain of death
Example Sentence
  • Martyrs may die every day for their faith
(verb) be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame
Example Sentence
  • I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered
  • We almost died laughing during the show
(verb) stop operating or functioning
Example Sentence
  • The engine finally went
  • The car died on the road
  • The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
  • The coffee maker broke
  • The engine failed on the way to town
  • her eyesight went after the accident
(verb) feel indifferent towards
Example Sentence
  • She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery
(verb) languish as with love or desire
Example Sentence
  • She dying for a cigarette
  • I was dying to leave
(verb) cut or shape with a die
Synonyms : die out
Example Sentence
  • Die out leather for belts
(verb) to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player Definition
(verb) lose sparkle or bouquet
Synonyms : become flat pall
Example Sentence
  • wine and beer can pall
(verb) disappear or come to an end
Example Sentence
  • Their anger died
  • My secret will die with me!
(verb) suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense)
Example Sentence
  • Whosoever..believes in me shall never die


Short Definition : shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity; ADJ. diffident

(noun) lack of self-confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diffidence

it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident

diffi means deficiency and relate ffidence with confidence so lack of confidence

This word sounds similar to Confidence but is opposite in meaning. So, Diffidence means lacking self-confidence.

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diffidence -d + if + i + dance - I will feel shy

I have much diffidence when it comes to solving differential equations.

it is difficult to dance if u feel shy

root “Fido” means trust diffido means distrust hence one having distrust on themselves;

Different than confidence.. i.e. low in confidence


Short Definition : wordy; verbose; rambling; spread out (like a gas); V: spread out in all directions; disperse; N. diffusion; CF. suffuse

(verb) move outward
Example Sentence
  • The soldiers fanned out
(verb) spread or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
  • music penetrated the entire building
  • His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks
(verb) cause to become widely known
Example Sentence
  • spread information
  • circulate a rumor
  • broadcast the news
(adj) spread out; not concentrated in one place
Example Sentence
  • a large diffuse organization
(adj) (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected
Synonyms : diffused soft
(adj) lacking conciseness
Example Sentence
  • a diffuse historical novel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diffuse

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Wen there is a bomb in the building we SPREAD this news WIDELY and call the bomb (DIFFUSE)ing squad

diffusion of air means scattering of air in a place.. a bomb is defused not diffused...


Short Definition : person of high rank or position

(noun) an important or influential (and often overbearing) person
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dignitary

(dignitary-dignity)Person sitting in a high postion will have dignity.

DIG + military.. in both ppl regarded at high rank!


Short Definition : wandering away from the subject; V. digress

(noun) a message that departs from the main subject Definition
(noun) a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)
Example Sentence
  • a diversion from the main highway
  • a digression into irrelevant details
  • a deflection from his goal
(noun) wandering from the main path of a journey
Synonyms : excursion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for digression

because of depression ...we move or wander away from the path or subject of remorse.

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dig+reason: if u go deep inside the reason, then what will happen that u will moved from the main subject. a small examle: like u gone to a mango garden to eat mango(main reason) but after going there when u say so many mangoes, u start calculating e

READ AS dig-the-rest-on-n-on. YOU JUST KEEP ON DIGGIN THE REST THINGS xcept THE main topic(subject)

Opp of Progression (like ap , gp , hp) . In a Progression we move forward without deviating from the main theme

dig+rest: instead of digging you are resting,you are deviating from main subject

remember it as DIG RESt.. i.e dig rest of the things other than what is main topic


Short Definition : falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined because of neglect; Ex. dilapidated old car/castle; N. dilapidation

(adj) in deplorable condition
Example Sentence
  • a street of bedraggled tenements
  • a broken-down fence
  • a ramshackle old pier
  • a tumble-down shack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilapidated

I drank a DILuted API(appy) juice which was outDATED(expired).... my stomach got RUINED as a result of my own NEGLECT.

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dilapidate=daily+update if u wont update ur antivirus daily ur sys will be ruined due to negligence

wen dil is dated and neglected, it falls into peices and in bad condition.it is completely ruined.

interpret this as di+lap+dated..lap is part of complete race.to complete therace you have to complete all laps(pieces of race track).it may help.

di's(didi) LAPI(LAPTOP) got outdated and ruined bcoz of her neglect

Interpret this as di+lap+dated. lap is part of complete race. When you fallen down in middle basically you are dead for the race and hence di+lap+dated .

dil+ api+date--- diluted appy(api) on date… so stomach in POOR CONDITION



Short Definition : expand; dilate on/upon: speak or write at length on (a subject)

(verb) become wider
Synonyms : distend
Example Sentence
  • His pupils were dilated
(verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
Example Sentence
  • She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilate

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If you DIE LATE(die in a very old age) u expand(in weight sense or in age sense)

When i ate from Dil se (more than enough) my stomach expanded.

wen your dil is eaten(ate) by someone,ie broken by someone.u tend to write big or lenghthy letters and speak lenghthy dialouges wen u remember her...lol..

dilate- inflate -->so expand

DI (the) speakers KEPT ON SPEAKING, causing the function to go on untill LATE in the evening.

Dilate: Di(two)+Late:Just Imagine ur wife is pergnent and she is LATE in delivery bcoz she is going to deliver 2Twins(Di)by operning her pussy/vulva very larger/expand,because of two(Di) twins

Sound like delay so when you delay to repay your loan it would become larger in amount.

do late for program.. program time expands

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