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Short Definition : keep waiting; prevent from leaving or going; N. detention

(verb) deprive of freedom; take into confinement
Synonyms : confine
(verb) stop or halt
Synonyms : delay stay
Example Sentence
  • Please stay the bloodshed!
(verb) cause to be slowed down or delayed
Synonyms : delay hold up
Example Sentence
  • Traffic was delayed by the bad weather
  • she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detain

the train

remember 'detained'relating to exams. when detained, education is delayed.

de(not)+train.. hold train not to depart..


Short Definition : having a fixed order of procedure; precisely defined; invariable; fixed; conclusive; final

(adj) precisely determined or limited or defined; especially fixed by rule or by a specific and constant cause
Example Sentence
  • a determinate distance
  • a determinate number
  • determinate variations in animals
(adj) not continuing to grow indefinitely at the apex
Example Sentence
  • determinate growth
(adj) supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement
Synonyms : definitive
Example Sentence
  • a definitive verdict
  • a determinate answer to the problem


Short Definition : resolve; firmness of purpose; measurement or calculation; decision

(noun) the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
Synonyms : finding
Example Sentence
  • the determination of molecular structures
(noun) the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
Synonyms : purpose
Example Sentence
  • his determination showed in his every movement
  • he is a man of purpose
(noun) a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
Synonyms : conclusion decision
Example Sentence
  • a decision unfavorable to the opposition
  • his conclusion took the evidence into account
  • satisfied with the panel's determination
(noun) deciding or controlling something's outcome or nature
Example Sentence
  • the determination of grammatical inflections
(noun) the act of making up your mind about something
Synonyms : conclusion decision
Example Sentence
  • the burden of decision was his
  • he drew his conclusions quickly


Short Definition : something that discourages or deters

(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Definition
(adj) tending to deter
Example Sentence
  • the deterrent effects of high prices
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deterrent

DETER + RENT. A high rent IS ALWAYS A discouraging factor FOR TENANTS.


[hindi] dete bola rent, nahi diya.. bechara discourage ho gaya, sala rent lene mein itne hindrances..

you can also imagine deterrent as detergent + ant ; if you put detergent in front of ant it will obstruct and hinder its path

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sounds close to deteriorate

Deterrent = detergent. Detergent always hinders or discourages the dust/viruses on the clothes or other materials.

Think of deterrents as the wrong answers on the mutliple choice of the GRE. These "deterrents" discourage you from choosing the right answer.

sounds like shattered!!! "Our hopes were shattered(deterred)!"

Abe O!!! De Tera Rent... :D


Short Definition : explosion

(noun) a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction
Synonyms : blowup explosion
(noun) the act of detonating an explosive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detonation

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DE TONe that the entire NATION hears is an EXPLOSION

detonation==imagine detonating a bomb...otherwise it explodes........

ded (1+0.5) ton ka bomb dala nation par.. hiroshima nagasaki


Short Definition : slandering; aspersion; detracting; CF. detractor

(noun) a petty disparagement
Synonyms : petty criticism
(noun) the act of discrediting or detracting from someone's reputation (especially by slander)
Example Sentence
  • let it be no detraction from his merits to say he is plainspoken
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detraction

consider it as an opposite of attraction. The one who doesn't attract, we slander that.

De+tract+tion: How do you SubTRACT or reduce someone's reputaTION? by slandering.

detraction= detract + action Detract is to take away We wish to take away a bad action,some wrong we have commited.say,slandering. Thus detraction=slander

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when we see some1 on a tractor we belittle them

sounds like attraction. when sme1 attracts u love him, when sme1 detracts u pass slanderous remarks.

detract is opposite of attract - we slander or attack one we're detracted from.

detraction = detri + action = detrimental action, harmful or injurious action to ones image

de + attraction karna i.e. attration tha use kam karna.. kichad uchhalana

degrade attraction beauty To reduce the value, importance, or quality of something


Short Definition : harmful; damaging; N. detriment

(adj) (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
Example Sentence
  • damaging to career and reputation
  • the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detrimental

look at the part MENTAL...a MENTAL person can cause serious harm or injury when violent.

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de-TRY-MENTAL...DON'T TRY anything with MENTAL fellow, he may be DANGEROUS and HARMFUL...

detrimental word is like experimental. wen u are doin the Experiment, then it is obviously harmful to everyone.

De+tri+mental.. person with tri(three) mental(mental states).. a case of split personality.. can be harmful.. (remember ajay devgan in sme movie!?)

the(de)+three(tri)+mental-> three mental damaging and harmful


Short Definition : turn away from (a principle, norm); move away from an accepted standard; swerve; depart; diverge; N. deviation; Ex. deviation of the path of light by a prism

(noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior Definition
(verb) turn aside; turn away from
Synonyms : divert
(verb) be at variance with; be out of line with
Synonyms : depart diverge vary
(verb) cause to turn away from a previous or expected course
Example Sentence
  • The river was deviated to prevent flooding
(adj) markedly different from an accepted norm
Synonyms : aberrant deviant
Example Sentence
  • aberrant behavior
  • deviant ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deviate

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DEVI(hindi goddess) ATE all the offerings made to her. It usually does not happen. It was out of standard.

De(off) + via (way, through)


Short Definition : roundabout; erratic; deviating from the straight course; not straightforward; not completely honest; Ex. devious route

(adj) indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading
Synonyms : oblique
Example Sentence
  • used devious means to achieve success
  • gave oblique answers to direct questions
  • oblique political maneuvers
(adj) characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive
Synonyms : shifty
Example Sentence
  • a devious character
  • shifty eyes
(adj) deviating from a straight course
Synonyms : circuitous roundabout
Example Sentence
  • a scenic but devious route
  • a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
  • a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for devious


DEVIOUS -- like DEVIATE....When you DEVIATE from the straight path, you go wandering ROUND and ABOUT.

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Devious has devi as in devil in it and devils are devious, shifty,mean.

DEVIOUS also mean CUNNING.....a person who deviate our mind and then does tricks is a devious person i.e cunning,rambling..

devious(devi+o+U.S) Devi on U.S. made round about flight to india

dev+i+o+u+s (your thanking god) dev i owe you something for making me tricky, oblique, shifty, etc all the synonyms of devious..lol


Short Definition : think up; invent; plan; bequeath; N: bequest

(noun) a will disposing of real property Definition
(noun) (law) a gift of real property by will Definition
(verb) come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
Example Sentence
  • excogitate a way to measure the speed of light
(verb) arrange by systematic planning and united effort
Example Sentence
  • machinate a plot
  • organize a strike
  • devise a plan to take over the director's office
(verb) give by will, especially real property
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for devise

Only WISE people can invent things.

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a device(devise) can only me invented with a proper think up plan.

devise a device

take a tech book if u REVISE it u become perfect and then if u DEVISE it u feel like inventing new things (Just imagine)

devise-the word look like device which were invented before so devise means to invent or formulate the new idea

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