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    distend - Dictionary definition and meaning for word distend

    (verb) become wider
    Synonyms : dilate
    Example Sentence
    • His pupils were dilated
    (verb) cause to expand as it by internal pressure
    Example Sentence
    • The gas distended the animal's body
    (verb) swell from or as if from internal pressure
    Example Sentence
    • The distended bellies of the starving cows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distend

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try to relate it with dis means distance and extend means to expand.

This(DIS) Tent(TEND) can expand easily

dis(apart) + tend(stretch) So distend means to stretch apart or expand.

stend- take it as stem. stem generally expands or swell out ,wen there is a clot of water ..

Imagine DISTance from an END ->Extend;Wider;swell out

TENDancy to DISassociate=DISTEND

Distend-or this tond(belly) has expanded

close to distance...reserved people stay at a distance (secondary meaning of distant is reserved or aloof)

Tendentiousness (tend) towards distant (dis); Therefore reach the distant.

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