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Short Definition : delaying; tending to delay

(adj) wasting time
Synonyms : laggard pokey poky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilatory

Extract 'late' from the word dilatory and you get.... delay which is generally due to waste of time.

Think of the phrase, "dilly dally," which means wasting time.

Dilatory:"Daily Late",He is Daily Late to the office so his work is delayed,not completed,delayed.....

dilatory = "Late ho rahi hai" ie we are WASTING TIME

dil+a+tory; DIL Ayya TORi(some hot chick) par but dude you are wasting your time, as shes super HOT!!!

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eye dilation for an eye checkup causes delay (waste of time)

we have often heard of pupil dilation>> when we come out suddenly from dark into sun light, we make our eyes small so as to let inn less light, this is due to the SLOW or DELAYED dilation of pupil to let in less light..


Short Definition : situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options; problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives

(noun) state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
Synonyms : quandary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilemma

DIL le gayi woh AMMA(mother) ab main kya karun ....problem khadi ho gayi hai ...how wil i breath

dil ni mann rha....kya karun....ye ya wo


Short Definition : aimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously); amateur; dabbler; CF. delight

(noun) an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
Synonyms : dabbler sciolist
(adj) showing frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish
Example Sentence
  • his dilettantish efforts at painting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilettante

DIL(my heart) ETTANTE ATU..watever my heart says ill jus follow bilndly

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'Dil' (Heart)+ 'e' (hey) + ttante sounds like (anti). So when you are doing any work against your heart, you don't take it seriously.

i called ramu tent wala and ramu tied dhilla(loose) tent because he was dilettante.

DIE + LET (t) + ANT + (e) = An amateur who lets the ant die because of lack of expertise

dilettant sounds like DEBUTANT (an unskilled person)

If you move the 'di' to the end of the word, you can get 'let ants die', which someone who kept an ant farm for superficial reasons would do

divide it like dilett+ante(aunt)...dilett(sounds like DELIGHT)......so your AUNT who does painting just becoz she gets DELIGHTED BY DOING THIS..BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVe any interest in it to persue it further as her career.

dilettante - let + ant let me follow the ant ( imagine ants moving one behind the other even i will do the same ) so i am aimless follower

DILETTANTE: Interesting word sounds like it came from the combination of -DIS LITTLE ANT- which of course for a human being is derogatory and can only be used for an amateur, a novice or a dabbler.

A person whose interest can dilute very easily

sounds like militant >>> there are many militants who are blindly following their predecessors in the name of jihad, without any personal fights against ppl..

dilettante; you have to take it from dile,becoz he drops it to dile so he is not careful.

Dante is no Dilettante , He is a great poet


Short Definition : steadiness of effort; persistent hard work

(noun) conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving the degree of care required in a given situation Definition
(noun) persevering determination to perform a task
Example Sentence
  • his diligence won him quick promotions
  • frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues
(noun) a diligent effort
Synonyms : application
Example Sentence
  • it is a job requiring serious application
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diligence

DIL + GENTS Gents ka Dil sirfsirf 1 cheez mein lagta hai i.e. girls and they do a lot of hardwork to impress a girl

DIL + intelIGENCE will always result in you working hard

take i as you are in s other city and going to delhi is a vry hard wroking job=dilligence=delhi+jana=hardwork to be done,as delhi is not local

Dilli ke gen (logo) me hard working ability hoti hain

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If you show Diligence they ll delegate the work to you;


Short Definition : make (a liquid) less concentrated; reduce in strength; Ex. dilute the influence of the president

(verb) lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
Synonyms : cut reduce thin thin out
Example Sentence
  • cut bourbon
(verb) corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones
Example Sentence
  • adulterate liquor
(adj) reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity
Synonyms : diluted
Example Sentence
  • diluted alcohol
  • a dilute solution
  • dilute acetic acid


Short Definition : lessening; reduction in size; V. diminish

(noun) change toward something smaller or lower
Synonyms : decline
(noun) the statement of a theme in notes of lesser duration (usually half the length of the original) Definition
(noun) the act of decreasing or reducing something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diminution

Rhymes with Diminish OR Diminish + -ion.... i.e. diminish or reduce in size.

di-minut-ion)minute means smaller in side.

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diminution sounds like remuneration ...now a days there is decrease in the remuneration for heroins

di+minut(sounds like minute=> smaller)


Short Definition : continued loud noise; V: make a din; instill by wearying repetition

(noun) a loud harsh or strident noise Definition
(noun) the act of making a noisy disturbance Definition
(verb) make a resonant sound, like artillery
Synonyms : boom
Example Sentence
  • His deep voice boomed through the hall
(verb) instill (into a person) by constant repetition
Example Sentence
  • he dinned the lessons into his students
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for din

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DIN (morning) mein you will hear the loud noises of the traffic etc, but at night its very quiet.

rhymes wit den... in the den yu will hear the roar of the lion.... its a loud noise

din dina din din tah..!!! ( hindi band music.. )full of noise

Din -- dinning table; imagine the food is delayed, so you making noise with the plate and spoon at dinning table

"It is hard to hear anything over the DINg dong of the church bell"

Ladkiyan continuously pura din irritating baatein karti rehti hain

'Ding Dong'

din and bustle

Well usually I like to Dine alone coz there is a lot of noise at the dining table.


Short Definition : small boat (often ship's boat)

(noun) a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled
Synonyms : dory rowboat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dinghy

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Sounds like DHENGEY means go away(Plz don't curse me..i just tried)

din - continuously noisy. Din-ghy - Not noisy, as it’s a small boat - no engine and shit.

he is STINGY...so he always goes in a small boat...never a big one...!!!

Dingy sounds like "Ting'nee" meaning small girl.. imagine/relate her in a Boat..

Very close to dingy. The small ship´s boat was dingy and old.

sounds like DONGHI .....which means small boat in hindi.

Sounds like dengue...when u get dengue it would be best to sit in a BOAT and run away


Short Definition : (of things and place) dirty and dull; Ex. dingy street/curtain

(adj) thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
Example Sentence
  • a miner's begrimed face
  • dingy linen
  • grimy hands
  • grubby little fingers
  • a grungy kitchen
(adj) (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear
Synonyms : dirty muddied muddy
Example Sentence
  • dirty
  • a dirty (or dingy) white
  • the muddied grey of the sea
  • muddy colors
  • dirty-green walls
  • dirty-blonde hair
(adj) causing dejection
Example Sentence
  • a blue day
  • the dark days of the war
  • a week of rainy depressing weather
  • a disconsolate winter landscape
  • the first dismal dispiriting days of November
  • a dark gloomy day
  • grim rainy weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dingy

dingy reminds us about pakistan ex caption ingy(inzamam ul haq)who always remains dull and cheerless on field

I think of something dingy as having dents due to being dirty or discolored.

Dean(din) ji(gy) ka room dingy hai

You get inDIGNant if someone pries after you trying to show to public your "DINGy linen"


Short Definition : means; effort; Ex. by dint of hard work

(noun) interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by means of'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dint

In C programming if u write 'd int' instead of 'int d' which is a small error, u'll hav 2 make much EFFORTs 2 find d error.

dint means effort. By a dint of hard work, the car mechanic was able to fix the DENT in the car.

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it takes a great effort to set the Dinner(din) table (T)

interpret dint as D(the)+Hint.to give a hint you are taking too much of effort, it may help you.

i can drink 4 pints of beer with ease.5th pint needs some effort

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