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Short Definition : neat; skillful

(adj) skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
Synonyms : dexterous dextrous
Example Sentence
  • a deft waiter
  • deft fingers massaged her face
  • dexterous of hand and inventive of mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deft

Handicapped people (like the deaf) are sometimes skillful in other activities.

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deft- sounds like theft , if a theft is to take place, then it should be neat and skillfull,else police will trace it.

Ravi shastri say for Sachin's backside's delicate touch as 'deft touch by Sachin'

Johnny DEPP is the epitome of DEFT acting. Remember Johnny DEFT.

DEFT rhymes with LEFT...lefty people are most of the times skilful,dexterous, or adroit

sounds like 'Depth'. Dexterous [skillful] people usually have depth to their activities.

def+art=neat, skillful

sounds like "theft" ...so to THEFT a thing you need to be skillful!..


Short Definition : dead; no longer in use or existence

(adj) no longer in force or use; inactive
Example Sentence
  • a defunct law
  • a defunct organization
(adj) having ceased to exist or live
Example Sentence
  • the will of a defunct aunt
  • a defunct Indian tribe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defunct

de (means without) + funct(function)..so something without a functioning is considered DEAD.

DEFUNCT: DE-FUNCT; funky is something which is current trend...defunct is something no longer used, or dead

de functional part dead, no longer in use or existence


Short Definition : become worse in quality; deteriorate; ADJ: having become worse; Ex. a degenerate species; N: depraved or corrupt person

(noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
Synonyms : deviant deviate pervert
(verb) grow worse
Synonyms : deteriorate devolve drop
Example Sentence
  • Her condition deteriorated
  • Conditions in the slums degenerated
  • The discussion devolved into a shouting match
(adj) unrestrained by convention or morality
Example Sentence
  • Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
  • deplorably dissipated and degraded
  • riotous living
  • fast women
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for degenerate

degenerate -> de+generate -> don't generate more products because the quality has decreased and people are not buying it anymore.

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if a machine is used in generating to product.. after some years it will degenerate !....

DE(DECREASE)+GENERATE...decrease in generating capacity......DETERIORATE THE image of a being a leading manufactur company.

Its about sexual behaviour...If you DE(don't) Generate kids after marriage, you wife will get angry and you will degenerate


Short Definition : humiliation; debasement; degeneration; V. degrade: debase; disgrace; degenerate; reduce (something) in worth; demote (someone); reduce in rank

(noun) changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
Synonyms : debasement
(noun) a low or downcast state
Synonyms : abasement abjection
Example Sentence
  • each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for degradation

de(means less)+grad...so when you get less GRADS in your exam..you see humiliation from all sides.


Short Definition : remove water from; dry out

(verb) preserve by removing all water and liquids from
Synonyms : desiccate
Example Sentence
  • carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
(verb) remove water from
Synonyms : desiccate
Example Sentence
  • All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me
(verb) lose water or moisture
Example Sentence
  • In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly


Short Definition : turn into a god; make a god of; idolize; Ex. Kings were deified; CF. deity

(verb) consider as a god or godlike
Example Sentence
  • These young men deify financial success
(verb) exalt to the position of a God
Example Sentence
  • the people deified their King
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deify

deit(=f)y ... reminds you of God..

Deify sounds like hifi, hifi ppl are treated as god in the restaurants.

deify - day-fy, day-fly - just like the angels treat like a god.

die+fy.. those who dont die are god..

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die+defy= whose who defy deadth=god..

dei fly like a god in the sky


Deify means feel as deity. People in India deify Sachin Tendulkar.


Short Definition : condescend; stoop

(verb) do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
Synonyms : condescend descend
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deign

Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Degin, which shows low dignity.

DEIGN rhymes with dine.so if u dont dine properly,i.e.if u lack table manners ,u r LOWERING YOURSELF

deign sounds like dean. Deans are people with very high posts in the organization and they can't condescend themselves as it's below their dignity.

deign rhymes with reign...when a king reigns he holds supreme power and he never stoops to his enemy.

Look like design –You dress designs which was ramped in lackmi fashion week left DEIGN (consider to below ones dignity, humiliate, self-denial, ABASED) impression on the views comments

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deign sounds like dean...so if the dean wants to talk to us,the students he has to get down from his position i.e.stoop frm his position and talk.

Deign sounds like REIGN as a king would REIGN. When the king DEIGNS to endure his subject, he RAINS on the subject's parade: Picture the king RAINING on his subject.

The highly conceited king didn't DEIGN to REIGN over the small land as he used to be the emperor of a much larger country

he stop deign to serve the food to be beneath his dignity.

Hindi word DEIGN meaning low, poor person

Deign sounds like dignity; ppl who advertise there dignity they condemn others;

Deity are always DeignWant (din meas patit) to everyone


Short Definition : erase; strike out

(verb) remove or make invisible
Synonyms : cancel
Example Sentence
  • Please delete my name from your list
(verb) wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information
Synonyms : erase
Example Sentence
  • Who erased the files form my hard disk?
(verb) cut or eliminate
Synonyms : blue-pencil edit
Example Sentence
  • she edited the juiciest scenes


Short Definition : harmful

(adj) harmful to living things
Synonyms : hurtful injurious
Example Sentence
  • deleterious chemical additives
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deleterious

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relate it to DELETE...so you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC.

Can be related to delete...Harmful substances must be deleted to prevent danger.

most of the VIRUS DELETE files and hence they are HARMFUL i.e DELETERIOUS

If A deletes B then for B, A is harmful (Just imagine)


delete terrible to us- as in harmful

its sound like "serious"-if any person is serious it is HARMFUL to others..

seriously delete it because this virus is very harmful

anything deleterious is so evil it originally intends to delete you completely off the surface of the earth, but it is not so successful and only brings harm to you


Short Definition : consider; ponder; ADJ: done on purpose; slow

(verb) think about carefully; weigh
Example Sentence
  • They considered the possibility of a strike
  • Turn the proposal over in your mind
(verb) discuss the pros and cons of an issue
Synonyms : debate
(adj) carefully thought out in advance
Synonyms : calculated measured
Example Sentence
  • a calculated insult
  • with measured irony
(adj) unhurried and with care and dignity
Synonyms : careful measured
Example Sentence
  • walking at the same measured pace
  • with all deliberate speed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deliberate

daily + berate => if you get berated(scolded) daily, you need to think it over as to why it happens..

break it as de + liberate. can be taken as not to liberate. Industries have to 'consider' seriously over the issue of liberating toxic products into environment.

deliberate=DEL(H)I+be+RATE thus delhi mein rate itne bad gaye hain ki kuch bi kharidne se pehle sochna padta hai.. thus deliberate is to think over

deliberate- u do things deleberatly,when u think u know it,ie wen u consider it to be known,after doing it,its the common thing,that our mind ponders upon the outcome.

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people only think about their daily bread

stop decreasing labor rate, done consciously and intentionally: "a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict".

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