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Short Definition : (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place; regular visitor

(noun) a person who inhabits a particular place Definition
(noun) a plant or animal naturalized in a region
Example Sentence
  • denizens of field and forest
  • denizens of the deep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denizen

this word rhymes with the word citizen (which can be related to the above meaning)

den is lion's resting place. the lion uses its car(zen) to reach its home everyday.

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resiDENt + citIZEN = DENIZEN

lion has made zen car as den ..so it is inhabitant and occupant of zen..


Short Definition : religious group; unit in a system; name or designation; CF. denominator: common trait or characteristic

(noun) a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith Definition
(noun) a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money
Example Sentence
  • he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations
(noun) identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denomination

de+nomination---naming of something

1/50->1 large group of religious united 50 under a common faith


Short Definition : meaning; distinguishing by name; V. denote: indicate; refer to directly; mean; CF. connotation

(noun) the act of indicating or pointing out by name
Synonyms : indication
(noun) the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to
Synonyms : extension reference
Example Sentence
  • the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denotation

denotation means, 'meaning' and connotation means 'implied meaning or secondary meaning'. Its easier to remember both together.


Short Definition : final outcome; final development of the plot of a play or other literary work; the end of a story when everything is explained

(noun) the outcome of a complex sequence of events Definition
(noun) the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denouement

de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT

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The deal was announced after it was done.

Announcement at the starting of a program or play and denouement at the ending of a program or play

The DENOUEMENT -> DONE + MOUNT. You know when a cowboy film is DONE because the cowboy MOUNTS his horse and rides off into the sunset.

Denouement is pronounced DAY-NEW-MAW...The resolution of any day, leads to the beginning of a NEW DAY.

denouement - Break it as DONE-NOW-MEANT and rearrange: The play is MEANT to be DONE NOW

In a quick change of events he gave an endowment of 50millin dollars to the program!

the final out of auto biography of Gandhi monument made many people follow ahimsa.

all den owed mentioning all nonravelings of the plot are work of literature should be out to come

the Day the results are announced, the announcement day of results or final outcome after long series of movie or exams or sports or whatever

denouement of the document


Short Definition : condemn; criticize; N. denunciation

(verb) speak out against
Example Sentence
  • He denounced the Nazis
(verb) to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
Example Sentence
  • He denounced the government action
  • She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock
(verb) announce the termination of, as of treaties Definition
(verb) give away information about somebody
Example Sentence
  • He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denounce

Denounce - Similar to announce. Announce is for all kind of information but denounce is to criticize...

the public denounced the King and hence he renounced his throne!!

renounce means give up,so everybody denounced him because he renounced

remember bounce..a bouncer (ball) is criticized by the batsman..

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Sounds like renounce means to reject by criticizing

announce is good speech and denounce is bad speech.... like accelerate and decelerate

Deal was announced before it was done. So Manager condemned and criticized him heavily


Short Definition : portray

(verb) show in, or as in, a picture
Synonyms : picture render show
Example Sentence
  • This scene depicts country life
  • the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
(verb) give a description of
Synonyms : describe draw
Example Sentence
  • He drew an elaborate plan of attack
(verb) make a portrait of
Synonyms : limn portray
Example Sentence
  • Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for depict

depict= de(the)+pic t(picture).So relate it to portrait.



Short Definition : reduce; exhaust

(verb) use up (resources or materials)
Example Sentence
  • this car consumes a lot of gas
  • We exhausted our savings
  • They run through 20 bottles of wine a week
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deplete

If you de(remove) + from plate.. you will reduce its contents.

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Remember depletion means reduction or exhaustion

root word is DEPLETION...


Short Definition : regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior; ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval; Ex. deplorable living condition

(verb) express strong disapproval of
Example Sentence
  • We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners
(verb) regret strongly
Synonyms : bemoan bewail lament
Example Sentence
  • I deplore this hostile action
  • we lamented the loss of benefits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deplore

when i explored other countries, i deplored it. INDIA is the best!!!

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similar to explore..politicians explore different ways to express their disapproval against the ruling party..

In election polotical parties diplomatically deplore the opposition parties

read it as when you REGRET you make DEP(deep) LOud rORE.

DIPpa LO REddy...DIPpa LO REddy ani Reddys are regretting,coz dey dont hav reservations

When person is not capable to explore then he will be deplore means depress (express sorrow and regret)

when i come to noe noe that the ORE (iron ore) is going to DEP(deplete)i stongly regret

Depressed by the Lord->suppose a servant has been depressed because of the severe criticism he had received from his Lord

I deplore deep (or profound) lore (or folktale)

disagree for explore bermuda triangle, regret, express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad

Deplore & Implore have same routs : to cry aloud. "Prisoners implored to improve their deplorable conditions"


Short Definition : spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line; distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically

(verb) place troops or weapons in battle formation Definition
(verb) to distribute systematically or strategically
Example Sentence
  • The U.S. deploys its weapons in the Middle East
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deploy

de+ploy = de + play .. in a play, people are spread out. or: de+ploy = de+plot : a plot is made by the armed troops and they spread out in positions to implement it.

Deploy comes from deployment means preparation before battle


Short Definition : send out of the country; behave; N. deportation, deportment

(verb) behave in a certain manner
Example Sentence
  • She carried herself well
  • he bore himself with dignity
  • They conducted themselves well during these difficult times
(verb) hand over to the authorities of another country
Synonyms : deliver extradite
Example Sentence
  • They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there
(verb) expel from a country
Synonyms : exile expatriate
Example Sentence
  • The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deport

de(away, remove)+port..think indian government planning to remove forieners from culkata port and sending them back to thier country.

when u come to the AIRPORT then you should DEPORT

deport = depart moving from one place to another from india to us

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damage the port illegally so send back to your own country

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