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Short Definition : behavior; bearing

(noun) (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demeanor

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demeanor === The manner ?

focus on the word..de + MEAN + or..so think of someone who IS VERY MEAN IN HIS BEHAVIOUR.

daemon >> a person is a daemon or not is decided by the BEHAVIOR a person has...

He put the mean(fish in tamil)on her, bad behaviour.


Short Definition : insane

(adj) affected with madness or insanity
Example Sentence
  • a man who had gone mad
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demented

de + MENT + ed..focus on the bold letters ment(MENTAL).....SO A MENTAL PERSON IS AN INSANE PERSON.

remember the DEMENTORS? in harry potter?? they are pretty INSANE...

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d(demaag .. brain) + mental( mai cement )

de+mented...sounds like de+minted when ever i dont get mint i go insane

he became the(de) mental(mented) guy


Short Definition : fault; bad quality

(noun) a mark against a person for misconduct or failure; usually given in school or armed forces
Example Sentence
  • ten demerits and he loses his privileges
(noun) the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection
Synonyms : fault
Example Sentence
  • they discussed the merits and demerits of her novel
  • he knew his own faults much better than she did
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demerit

DE(WITHOUT) + MERIT(MEANS GOOD)..SO SOMETHING which you donot consider of good quality.


Short Definition : death

(noun) the time when something ends
Synonyms : death dying
Example Sentence
  • it was the death of all his plans
  • a dying of old hopes
(verb) transfer by a lease or by a will
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demise

de-mise, de-mice to terminate all those mice. Give them death.

break it as: DAM & ICE when all the water of DAM froze to ICE, it led to the fishes' demise[DAM ICE]

demise looks like dismiss that is death of a person

Don’t keep promise doesn’t mean demise?

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demise.mise sounds like mouse.when a mouse moced into the(DE) cat area he will suffer DEATH.

death of mise


Short Definition : related to population balance; N. demography: statistical study of human population

(noun) a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.) Definition
(adj) of or relating to demography
Example Sentence
  • demographic surveys
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demographic

Demos-People; Gk-graphikos- writing, drawing.

demos- people and graphien-script or wirting It means some writing or statistics about the people.

Demo(Information) + graphics >>> Information about something in graphical form eg: graphs, etc

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the(de)human(mo) graphy


Short Definition : destruction; V. demolish

(noun) an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
Synonyms : destruction wipeout
(noun) the act of demolishing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demolition

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Compare with Politician..they are destroying our country


Short Definition : of or pertaining to the people

(noun) a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script
Synonyms : demotic script
Example Sentence
  • Demotic script was eventually replaced by Greek
(noun) the modern Greek vernacular
Synonyms : romaic
(adj) of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial use Definition
(adj) of or for the common people
Example Sentence
  • demotic entertainments
  • demotic speech
  • a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demotic

demo means relating to people like in a democracy.

in greek "DEMOS" means people....

Demotic = Democratic always means People related things.

sounds like "the motive" which people should have

democratic by the people or of the people.


Short Definition : object (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection (showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. demur at the idea of working on Sunday

(noun) (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
Synonyms : demurral demurrer
(verb) take exception to
Synonyms : except
Example Sentence
  • he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday
(verb) enter a demurrer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demur

sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!

demur --> relate with hindi word "de mar" means "beat" and you beat someone if you object him/her.

de- means "down", while mur means wall(mural), ie., to push against the wall, which could be a sign of "objection".

Your demeanor is your behavior towards others but if you try too hard people might 'question' your intentions and sincerity

The chances of me going out with you are very DIMMER as my parent will object it!

Criminal to Lawyer: DE + MUR = OBJECTION DEga toh MURega

The DEfying MURmur in the audience rose quickly into a audible demur against his suggestion.

JA MUR (go to hell)

remember Michael Douglas demurred to Demi Moore's advancements for Sex in d movie DISCLOSURE!!!


de man ur wouldbe, she hesitate raise an objection

girls will dream her wouldbe,hesitate raise an objection if we are not the one.

JA MUR (go to hell)

demu.pronounce it like abe+ murkh(insane) ye aisa nahi hai..means you are taking objection.

demur-the words can be arranged to get murder and as we know a murderer always refuses and hesitates at first to tell that he has committed the crime

dey murr in urdu/hindi, means dey (give to them) murr (turn away from or show your back to) to say you dissapprove


Short Definition : (of a woman or child) grave; quiet and serious; coy; pretending to be demure

(adj) affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
Synonyms : coy overmodest
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demure

demur is the one who objects; demure is who doest not object, who is reserved and shy

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Demure(adjective) is for a shy or modest person Demur (verb) is to voice opposition..[which in a sense is not something a shy person will do] Adding 'e' makes question raising person shy and modest.

since you have objected demi moore's proposal she is demure

First thing that comes in mind on reading this is Demi Moore. Demure stands for everything that Demi Moore is not , reserved modest and shy. So remember Demure as opposite of Demi Moore

demure sounds like deMUTE, and everyone knows that when something is on mute, words are difficult to come out! =D

DE + MU + RE = thoda sharam kar aur duusron ke kaamon me MUh mat DE RE

You demur at demure woman

demure -> de + m(u)(a)re from "mare" (dead) you can relate it to grave.

demure rhymes with sure if one is sure of theirself they are opposite of demure

demure = de(the) + mu (manchester united) + r(are) + e (energetic not arrogant).

demure-> gents(dem) when ur wife want to be Reserved, modest, and shy.

girls murmur to hubby because they are reserved & shy

The real Demi moores of our real life society are actually demure, but demi moore of hollywood is just the very opposite quite the converse


Short Definition : blacken; defame

(verb) cause to seem less serious; play down
Example Sentence
  • Don't belittle his influence
(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example Sentence
  • The journalists have defamed me!
  • The article in the paper sullied my reputation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denigrate

focus on the 'nigrate' part of this word and relate it to 'nigger' (which means people who have black skin) no racism plz...

DENIGRATE=DENY+GREAT.so if yu deny someone is great ,it means you BELITTLE him


When Pakistan was divided from INDIA many people DENIGRATED (attack the good name and reputation ) Mahatma Gandhi who dedicated his life for (Swathantra Bharat ) our freedom and our future

denigrate -> take out the ni de(ni)grate. now its degrade. tht s to defame or disparage sumone..

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deni-grate sounds like deni-great..takes off the reputation of great people

denigrate>> DENY+GRATEful= persons who defame someone DENY to be GRATEful to him/her.

degrade and make him defame

The NI in the centre also stands for night or black. Denigrate means to convert a white guy into a nigger by "deny"ing him "great"-ness

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