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Short Definition : state with less truth than seems warranted by the facts; Ex. He understated the seriousness of the crime; N. understatement; OP. overstate

(verb) represent as less significant or important
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for understate

under(below(less)) + state(significant)= less significant or

Understate and seperate... Some of the points in the meeting had been UNDERSTATED, as though, they did not belong, and were SEPERATE (different) from the main issue.


Short Definition : funeral director; one whose business is to arrange burials

(noun) one whose business is the management of funerals
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for undertaker

the undertaker is the one who takes you buried under the ground.

Undertaker... The Undertaker and Pallbearer (one who carries the coffin) together created history in the WWF (World Wrestling Federation, now WWE) fight arena.

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Short Definition : dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching; Ex. He unearthed some secrets about her; OP. conceal

(verb) bring to light
Example Sentence
  • The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President
(verb) recover through digging
Synonyms : excavate
Example Sentence
  • Schliemann excavated Troy
  • excavate gold
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unearth

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un(not)+earth the minerals which are not present in surface of earth is find BY DIGGING

unearth- under earth - for learning what is under earth researcher dig up

Unearth... The Archeologists UNEARTHED articles WORTH a million from the excavation site.


Short Definition : not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly

(adj) concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul
Synonyms : spiritual
Example Sentence
  • a spiritual approach to life
  • spiritual fulfillment
  • spiritual values
  • unearthly love
(adj) suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
Synonyms : eldritch uncanny weird
Example Sentence
  • an eldritch screech
  • the three weird sisters
  • stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
  • an unearthly light
  • he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unearthly

unearthly - un+earthly, something that is not on earth is supernatural...

Unearthly has opposing meanings. It can refer to divinity, as well as to the ghostly.


Short Definition : plain; clear; obvious

(adj) admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion
Synonyms : unambiguous univocal
Example Sentence
  • unequivocal evidence
  • took an unequivocal position
  • an unequivocal success
  • an unequivocal promise
  • an unequivocal (or univocal) statement
(adj) clearly defined or formulated
Synonyms : definitive
Example Sentence
  • the plain and unequivocal language of the laws
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unequivocal

equivocate- using ambiguous lang i.e. unclear unambiguous is not unclear which s clear

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un equip vocal waves heard plain, clear and obvious

Unequivocal (clear) is the same as Explicable (something that can be explained).

The singer's VOCALS were unequal to any other. The message in her lyrics was spread clearly without a doubt

Undoubtedly Equivocal -- Having one clear voice, conclusion etc.


Short Definition : infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes

(adv) without making errors
Example Sentence
  • he unerringly fixed things for us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unerringly

If it is what I think it is, the word stems from error so unerringly - un-error without error, without mistakes.

SYNONYMS:.....unerringly=trustworthy impeccable infallible reliable certain perfect exact

unerringly - un hearing means he will not make mistake.

Unerring (making no mistakes), Stumbling (making mistakes, mainly while speaking).

unfiegn: un (not)+ feign is like "pain", feign means pretend, if you feign infornt of someone who admires you it give them a great pain, try to be genuine to them


Short Definition : entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism

(adj) completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach
Synonyms : unimpeachable
Example Sentence
  • two unexceptionable witnesses
  • a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unexceptionable

expections in sofware engg/IT terms is one that has bugs. So unexceptionable is no exceptions i.e bug free code and hence completely agreeable to the client,office

exception is when something is not included in other things, unexceptionable is something that can not be excluded

Unexceptionable (flawless), Admirable (something worth admiring, something exceptional).


Short Definition : steadfast; firm; not changing

(adj) marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
Example Sentence
  • firm convictions
  • a firm mouth
  • steadfast resolve
  • a man of unbendable perseverence
  • unwavering loyalty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfaltering

Remove 'f' from the word it becomes UNALTERING... Alter is to change so UNFALTERING is not changing or being firm.

UN(not)+FALL+ING = Unfaltering => not be able to fall down.

Unfaltering and unflinching...both mean... someone that cannot be detered (unwavering).


Short Definition : genuine; real

(adj) not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed
Synonyms : genuine true
Example Sentence
  • genuine emotion
  • her interest in people was unfeigned
  • true grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfeigned

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un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.

a true love or honest can never be felt or known by anyone.that is unfeeled by anyone

pronounced as - UNFENED--> UN(not)-fenkna--> no useless talks(fenkna) only GENUINE things..

Unfeigned and undisguised... the truth and not a deception.

un foreign - genuine real Indian product

looks like "Un-fake" which makes you real and genuine


Short Definition : immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly; CF. fledgling

(adj) (of birds) not yet having developed feathers
Synonyms : immature
Example Sentence
  • a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill
(adj) (of an arrow) not equipped with feathers
Synonyms : fledgeless unvaned
Example Sentence
  • shot an unfledged arrow
(adj) young and inexperienced
Synonyms : callow fledgling
Example Sentence
  • a fledgling enterprise
  • a fledgling skier
  • an unfledged lawyer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfledged

Fullfledged (in full bloom, mature, complete) is the opposite of unfledged (immature, young, inexperienced).

if u remember fledgeling is a bird ready to fly for the first time, hence unfledged is bird imatture to fly or having no feathers

un(not)...fledg relates to (flesh)..ged..(aged)..if ue flesh is not aged.dat means yu r not aged or yu can say..yu r still immature...

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