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Short Definition : violent; uncontrolled; Ex. unbridled rage/greed

(adj) not restrained or controlled
Example Sentence
  • unbridled rage
  • an unchecked temper
  • ungoverned rage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unbridled

unbridled - bridle is hand gear of horse...imagine if horse is unbridled... it is violent.........

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(unbridled ~ un + bride) focus on bride; a bride should be in a husband's control, if not then she is UNBRIDLED (not in control)

unbridle - u can quickly remember bridal or bride and so you think about marriage and barat (where the relatives dance) ... every body was drunk and hence the situation became voilent and uncontrollable..

UN(not)+BRIDEled(bride means girl on her marriage day)...people who don't have brides are uncontrolled....

Some say that even a uncontrollable and violent person will turn to be good once he gets married with bride

unbridled ===> like a bride. In hindu wedding, the bride at the end suddenly gets a VIOLENT fit n starts crying.

think of bride and marriage. when ur marital relation gets 'violent' then you un-bride i.e u divorce

un-bridled un-pride without manner, without control.

Unbridled and kindled. His unbridled rage was further kindled by his sister.

bridle means torestrain or curb.so, unbridled means not restrained or violent


Short Definition : strange; mysterious; Ex. uncanny knack

(adj) suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
Synonyms : eldritch unearthly weird
Example Sentence
  • an eldritch screech
  • the three weird sisters
  • stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
  • an unearthly light
  • he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din
(adj) surpassing the ordinary or normal
Synonyms : preternatural
Example Sentence
  • Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel
  • his uncanny sense of direction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uncanny

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un + cann(CAN'T).....something which you CAN'T understand and explain, is always mysterious to you.

Uncanny... un + kahi... kuch unkahi, kuch unsuni batein jo dil mein khauf paida kar de, woh UNCANNY (the supernatural) kehlatien hai.

uncanny=u r nanni(grandmom)...............u r nanni use to tell u uncanny stories of her childhood ehich were very strange and mystrerious.....:)......;)

UNder CANYon ... is a strange, mysterious.

Uncanny...un + kahi...kuch unkahi, kuch unsuni batein jo dil mein khauf paida kar de woh UNCANNY (supernatural) kehlati hain.

canyon ... is a mysterious place

What is in the can?? It's a mystery.

 Un+granny…i.e something not explainable by granny is mysterious..

It is uncanny that the ‘canny’ is not opposite of ‘uncanny’

CUNNY means something strange and mysterious


Short Definition : not done politely without due formalities

(adj) without ceremony or formality
Synonyms : unceremonial
Example Sentence
  • an unceremonious speech
(adj) without due formalities
Example Sentence
  • unceremonious dismissal from office
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unceremonious

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un+ceremony meaning without ceremony.. doing something without a ceremony ie without formality

Unceremonious (undignified) and ostentatious (a showy display to impress people)... both words have the same sound and they refer to arrogance.


Short Definition : unscrupulous; not guided by conscience; excessive; beyond reason; Ex. unconscionable demand

(adj) lacking a conscience
Synonyms : conscienceless
Example Sentence
  • a conscienceless villain
  • brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless
  • an unconscionable liar
(adj) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Example Sentence
  • exorbitant rent
  • extortionate prices
  • spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
  • usurious interest rate
  • unconscionable spending
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unconscionable

unconscionable is un + conscio + nable...and conscience means to know what is morally acceptable but unconscious means not aware of the acceptable amount and therefore the same as unconscionable.

Unconscionable is the same as immeasurable... something that is beyond compare... uncomparable.

un(not)+con(considering)+science(logic/reason). so unconscience means beyond reason or not guided by logic(science)

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2012 is the end of world is a UN CONdition SCIence report. Not right or reasonable


Short Definition : boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish

(adj) lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
Example Sentence
  • he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
  • behavior that branded him as common
  • an untutored and uncouth human being
  • an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
  • appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
  • the vulgar display of the newly rich
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uncouth

UNCOUTH - UN(not)-C(courteous)-OUTH(youth)


COUTH sounds like COURT so a court always supports ethic. So a person is said UNCOUTH if he does UNETHICAL things something like SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE THINGS

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un mouth... (speech - mouth)

sounds like UNCOUCH..a person who doesn't(un) sit on the couch is uncultured..

un-COW-th youth herding cows n buffaloes, lives in village hence outlandish, ill mannered

Uncouth...uncouth + youth... the uncouth youth, an unrefined, boorish young man.

un mouth ~ jo apna moo na band rakh sakey ~ boorish

UN(not) wearing cloth(COUTH) means lacks culture

un mouth -> opened the mouth and gave vulgar & clumsy talk.


Short Definition : the act of anointing with oil; Ex. extreme unction

(noun) excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm
Synonyms : fulsomeness smarm
(noun) smug self-serving earnestness Definition
(noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
Synonyms : balm ointment salve unguent
(noun) anointing as part of a religious ceremony or healing ritual
Synonyms : inunction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unction

sounds like function where anointing with oil is done

jab junction becomes stiff u have to unction..

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unction: (f)unction of applying oil to boobs ;)

un section(ction) -> undress cit on and apply oil to each section of body.

Unction and redemption (saving from sin).

unction rhymes with function, consider a religious function in which generally oil is used for anointment.


Short Definition : oily; bland; insincerely suave

(adj) unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
Example Sentence
  • buttery praise
  • gave him a fulsome introduction
  • an oily sycophantic press agent
  • oleaginous hypocrisy
  • smarmy self-importance
  • the unctuous Uriah Heep
  • soapy compliments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unctuous

unctuous -> functuous -> party like ... in parties girls do a lot of oily makeup and try to appear and behave sauve but in my opinion they look and behave in a bland way.



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untukodam...sticky, oily...!!!

My UNCLE is unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech TO US.

Unctous and sanctimonous are similar in sound and they mean, hypocritical, insincere.

Word Root:Unctuosus means greasy

un+ctu+ous= un sit ous -> undress made sit ous for oil massage and flatter the angry customer.

his unctuous behaviour makes me anxious


Short Definition : lying below; fundamental

(adj) in the nature of something though not readily apparent
Synonyms : implicit in inherent
Example Sentence
  • shortcomings inherent in our approach
  • an underlying meaning
(adj) located beneath or below Definition
(adj) being or involving basic facts or principles
Example Sentence
  • the fundamental laws of the universe
  • a fundamental incomatibility between them
  • these rudimentary truths
  • underlying principles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for underlying

Underlying...under + lying...something that is LYING UNDER another material as a support...can be termed as underlying.


Short Definition : weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath

(verb) destroy property or hinder normal operations
Example Sentence
  • The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war
(verb) hollow out as if making a cave or opening
Synonyms : cave
Example Sentence
  • The river was caving the banks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for undermine

UNDERMINE ....Minining under the earth would GRADUALLY WEAKEN strength of soil and rock

undermine = under + mind(e). am loosin confidence or will (mind). so when am loosing confidence i ll work UNDER MY capacity. so undermine = gradually reducing

we say to somebody "you are UNDER MY (mine) control" infact we are weakening him...!!!

undermine+inside mine..the people going inside the mines become weaker as they have to travel long inside the earth

Undermine and mine... in both words, you are refering to ... caving in or making a hollow.

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guys vivid meaning for this word has been given in http://www.yourdictionary.com/fiasco#..do refer this


Short Definition : underline; emphasize

(noun) a line drawn underneath (especially under written matter)
Synonyms : underline
(verb) give extra weight to (a communication)
Example Sentence
  • Her gesture emphasized her words
(verb) draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to
Synonyms : underline
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for underscore

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underscore means the special character '_' which we use to EMPHASIZE special words.

my teacher use to say....UNDERline the important terms in your answer(since it indicates the EMPHASIS of ur answer ) if u wanna SCORE better marks in the final xam.......:)

Low score underscores the need of more effort for more score.

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