• word of the day


    unimpeachable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unimpeachable

    (adj) beyond doubt or reproach
    Example Sentence
    • an unimpeachable source
    (adj) free of guilt; not subject to blame
    Example Sentence
    • has lived a blameless life
    • of irreproachable character
    • an unimpeachable reputation
    (adj) completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach
    Synonyms : unexceptionable
    Example Sentence
    • two unexceptionable witnesses
    • a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unimpeachable

un+im+peach+able. peach sounds like "bleach" which means to whiten or to increase glow. so impeach means to decrease glow or accuse. so unimpeach means peach which is whiten or increasing glow or not accusing. having no doubts.

: impeach means to doubt or question, unimpeachable means that cannot be doubted

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to PREACH is to BLAME some one or lecture them. so "unimPEACHable" is the antonym.

UNIM(not)+SPEAKABLE....when you cannot speak about a thing, its beyond question

IF u eat peach there will be stain on ur shirt so question raised.Thus unimpeachable means no question raised i.e blameless

Un+I+M+PEEachable, I haven't pee over there ao I am blameless

Unimpeachable and infallible sound the same and they both mean, incapable of being wrong, blameless.

UMPIREs are unimpechable

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